Chapter 196 Honeymoon in the New World!!

In an unknown cosmic space, a sudden space vortex broke the long-term tranquility here.

Along with the space vortex appeared a pitch-black and charred planet and hundreds of space battleships!

“Huh, have you finally left that place?”

Looking at the stars outside the bridge, Comelie breathed a long sigh of relief and worried that she would always be trapped in that dark space.

They had been in that dark space for at least a dozen Earth Days and suddenly disappeared for so long, I’m afraid the Empire has begun to worry about them, right?

It was necessary to contact the Empire as soon as possible.

“Navigator! Confirm where we are now! ”

The first thing to do is naturally to confirm the current location first.

Even in the vast universe, you can only find your way home if you know where you are.

However, the navigator could not give an answer that satisfied Cornelia.

“Report to Your Honor, General, I can’t confirm where my subjects are!”

“What do you mean?”

Cornelia’s good-looking willow eyebrows were a clump.

The navigator replied, “The star map shows that we have left the galaxy!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the entire ship was blocked by the time Pi fought for the next kang.

Leaving the Milky Way?

This, how is this possible?

They had obviously only been in that dark space for ten days, so how could they reappear and leave the galaxy?


Cornelia was also reluctant to believe such an outcome.

When the navigator heard the order, he had to confirm it again.

But the result is still the same.

At this moment, no matter how unwilling Cornelia was, she could only accept the facts.

Damn, what the hell is that spinning pot?

Why would they be teleported to another unknown universe?

I already knew that I would leave some Koya alive to interrogate them!

That’s right, at this time, the Cleopus people have been mute by Curinly!

Destroyed along with their home planet!

After entering that dark space, at first Cornelia they did panic.

But when it was confirmed that there was no danger, they continued to perform gray cold.

In less than half a day, the home planet of the Khoya was completely vitrified.

The scan showed that the parent star of the Koya people had no life signal and had completely turned into a death star!

“That’s right!”

Just then, Cornelia suddenly thought of something.

“Immediately send someone to the poles of the Koya home planet to find the objects that glowed before!”

She also remembered that the two poles of the home planet of the Koya suddenly erupted into two pillars of light, and then he was sucked into the space vortex!

That pillar of light must be related to the space vortex!

Maybe just figure out what that thing is, and they’ll find their way home!

Lin Ziqin originally thought that Xiao Ai would soon track down the traces of Cornelia and the others.

But he did underestimate the difficulty of tracking targets across the world.

Now more than nine months have passed, but Xiao Ai still has no substantial progress.

“Little love, still haven’t been able to track down Cornelia and their location?”

On this day, Lin Minqin couldn’t help but ask the result again.

The response remains the same.


“But rest assured, give me at most a few more months and I will be able to track down Miss Cornelia and his world accurately!”

Cross-border tracking is really a very difficult thing.

Even if Xiao Ai wanted to accurately track down Cornelia where they were, it was not a simple thing.

In particular, the longer it drags on, the more difficult it is to track.

Fortunately, she has confirmed the general direction.

She promised that as long as it took a while to confirm Cornelia’s location, Lin Ziqin sighed and said, “Then you as soon as possible, I’m afraid that Yuphilea will not be able to wait.” ”

Euphymia hadn’t said anything, but he could feel the worry and uneasiness in her heart becoming more and more obvious.

Sometimes at night she would sit alone on the balcony and jump at the sky, thinking of her sister.

Whenever he saw her expression, Lin Ziqin’s heart was faintly painful.

“Rest assured Master, I will give it my all!”

“But Master, you might consider taking Miss Euphemia for a walk, maybe it will make her feel a little better.”

Xiao Ai was also worried about his own mother.

Euphemia’s pitiful appearance was really distressing.

“Going out for a walk?”

Lin Zi Qin Mo held his chin.

What Xiao Ai said is not unreasonable, but it can be tried.

Go out for a walk and distract her.

Thinking of this Lin Ziqin, Qin immediately made a decision.

“Then take her out for a walk.”

“Little love, do you have any recommended tourist attractions?”

Xiao Ai said, “My recommendation is to go to the new world!” Have a honeymoon in the New World! ”


Lin Ziqin immediately felt that this was a good choice after hearing this.

“Going to other worlds?” There really can be. ”

New fruits mean new adventures, which is much more fun to take to various tourist destinations in the native world!

If there hadn’t been Cornelia missing, he might have opened the door to the Fourth World long ago!

“Very good, I have taken your opinion!”

“But if we leave the current world, will it affect the course of your work?”

This was Lin Ziqin’s only concern.

Little Love has been trying to help track down Cornelia to their location.

He worries that after leaving this world, Xiao Ai’s work process will be hindered.

“I know what you’re worried about, but rest assured that even going to a new world won’t get in my way.”

“After all, it’s just a change of workplace.”

“So good!”

After no worries, Lin Ziqin immediately found Euphemia and issued a travel invitation to her.

Euphemia knew that Lin Ziqin was concerned about herself, so she did not refuse of course, a bowl of water should be flattened.

Lin Ziqin also sent invitations to other wives.

It’s just that they didn’t accept it.

In order to take care of Euphemia, they could not bear to give up this opportunity to be alone with Lin Ziqin to Euphemia.

Early the next morning.

Lin Ziqin took Euphemia on a journey through the country.

This time, he didn’t take anyone with him except Euphemia, not even the two top guards Karen and Ania.

Since it is a honeymoon, there is naturally no need to bring other insignificant people…

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