Chapter 198 Establishing an Adoption Home and Adopting a Cursed Son!!

“Come, this is for you.”

Euphemia suddenly ran over and handed a breakfast to Lin Ziqin.

Lin Ziqin was stunned, and then laughed: “Do you think of me as those children?” ”

These breakfasts are for the Cursed Son.

Not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients.

Euphemia said excitedly, “Isn’t it just a superfluous one, and then I’ll give it to you.” ”

“You didn’t eat breakfast either, so why don’t you eat it.”

“Good, good, good!”

Lin Ziqin pulled Euphemia to an empty seat and sat down, and then began to feed each other.

The cursed sons on the side saw that the two were eating the same food as them, and their hearts were more steadfast, and out of vigilance against strangers, they were actually worried about whether something bad would be added to the food.

However, their desire for food made it impossible for them to refuse to deliver the food in front of them, so despite their inner turmoil, they accepted the food given by the two of them.

Now seeing that the big brother and big sister are eating the same food as them, they finally put their minds at ease and eat more happily.

Breakfast ended quickly.

Immediately after, Lin Ziqin and Euphemia began to arrange rooms for these children.

“Big brother, we, can we really live in such a place?”

Looking at the gorgeous room in front of them, the little buyers were more surprised and dazed than the original.

Big Brother and Big Sister have made them happy to provide them with food.

They are now also given accommodation.

And it’s such a beautiful room, they’ve never seen such a beautiful room!

They couldn’t help but wonder if they were really entitled to live in such a beautiful place.

“That’s right! This is the room that my big sister and I have prepared for you! ”

Lin Ziqin gently caressed the head of the little girl and said softly.

These rooms have a total of four beds and can accommodate up to four people.

This is also Lin Ziqin’s emotions in order to take care of them.

If everyone lived alone, Lin Zaiqin was afraid that they would feel single.

However, although it is designed and built according to the dormitory, the configuration inside is very luxurious.

TV, computer, sofa, desk, bookcase, wardrobe, bathroom are all available!

There is also plenty of space, and the pressure will seem to be useful.

“Okay, now you line up to get the number, and if you get the number, go to your room.” ”

Euphemia took out a lottery box containing a box of white paper with the numbers she had written in advance.

Each number corresponds to the same room.

Therefore, the numbers inside are repetitive.

“Which of you will come first?”

“Me me me!”

A very young little Lori, probably only about four or five years old, held up her small hand and said in a milky voice.

“It’s Mai, so come first.”

Euphymia remembered the names of all the children here.

Little Lori, named Mai, came to Euphymia and put her little hand into the box.

After hesitating for a moment, she pulled out one of the pieces of paper.

When I opened it, there was a number full of diamonds written on the front.

“Big sister, what number is this?”

Few of the Cursed Children are educated, so most people don’t know exactly what the simple number above is.

It seems that after that, we will have to find a way to get them educated.

A plan soon appeared in Lin Ziqin’s mind.

“It’s number 7, oh, that’s the room.”

Euphemia pointed to a room behind her and said.

“Go and see your room.”


Mai Kai jumped happily and ran towards his room.

Some people took the lead, and others joined the ranks of drawing numbers.

“Master, the second batch of cursed sons has arrived.”

At this time, the small love that suddenly appeared pulled Lin Ziqin’s thoughts back.

“Well, I see.”

Then he said to Euphymia, “I’ll go out and arrange the second group of little ones, and you can continue to arrange rooms for these children.” ”

“Okay dear, I’ll leave it to you!”

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye came the evening.

The sun had gone down and the sky was gradually darkening.

After several hours of hard work, Lin Ziqin and Euphemia finally took in the cursed sons outside Tokyo.

Suddenly, the originally deserted adoption home suddenly became lively and crowded.

Lin Ziqin had no choice but to expand the adoption home another circle.

At this moment, an empty truck is driving out of the inner city of Tokyo.

That’s right, the van was the same one that passed by the adoptive home this morning.

The driver sat in the driver’s seat, and in front of the windshield of the car was two and a half canned beers.

“This morning I was definitely wrong, I guess it was a hallucination after pulling night goods for a long time.”

“Decided, after pulling this month, I will apply to the boss to run the day shift!”

Although there is a salary bonus on the night shift, it is still physically important.

He had been on the night shift for months.

Every night out and early home, the biological clock is reversed, and it is not good for the body.

And somehow, recently Juju felt that he was thinking about it smoothly, and the truck finally came to the intersection where he saw the hallucinations this morning.

At this moment it was already dark, and he had to turn on the headlights and move forward carefully.

After all, this is a ruin area, but there are no street lights.

When he turned around in his van, he found that the building was still there this morning!

And most importantly, the building is several times larger than before!

“Am I living in a dream?”

The driver reached out and squeezed his thigh.

Sizzle~! It hurts! Not an illusion!

“Yes, really?”

“But how is this possible? Yesterday there was obviously nothing here! And it wasn’t that big this morning! ”

“I’ve definitely met a ghost!”

“No way! This night shift is not running today! I’ve got to go back! ”

The driver quickly turned the van around, then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and drove away at great speed.

It was as if some terrifying being behind him was chasing him.

Lin Ziqin and Euphemia did not know that their adoption home had been misunderstood as a haunted house.

At the moment, they are watching cartoons with the little Lori.

In order to close the relationship with the little Lolitas, reduce their defense against the two of them, the two decided to interact with them more in the future.

And they also decided to live here for the most recent time and live with them.

And it turns out that the two did this to really close the relationship between the two sides in a short period of time.

But that’s all for later…

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