Chapter 199 Serious Company in the Red Light District!!

“I’m going to go to the inner city, do you want to go together?”

This morning.

Lin Ziqin found Yuphemia who was playing with the children in the backyard.

And came up with the idea of going to the inner city on his own.

“I won’t go, I promised the children that they would play hide-and-seek together later.”

Euphemia thought for a moment and refused to go to the inner city with Lin Ziqin.

Cheng Ran wanted to go, but promised the children, and sure enough, he still needed to fulfill his promise.

She didn’t want to disappoint the kids.

“Well, do you have anything you need from me?”

“Then help me bring some storybooks back, I’m going to give my child an enemy!”

“Storybooks? Good. ”

Euphemia is becoming more and more fond of these children.

Last night, Lin Ziqin, driven by curiosity, asked her why Ren would like these children so much.

Originally, he thought that Euphemia would answer that because she sympathized with them, she would take care of them so hard.

As a result, Euphemia’s answer surprised Lin Ziqin.

Because her return is actually to prepare for parenting in advance!

In her opinion, taking care of these children helps to praise the parenting experience!

After she and Lin Ziqin had children in the future, she would not feel strange.

Lin Ziqin just smiled at this.

Just like before.

Tokyo is divided into an outer city and an inner city.

The outer city represents ruin, poverty and chaos.

The inner city is the complete opposite.

Bustling, affluent and safe.

But on the contrary, it is also very dark here!

For ordinary people, this place is simply a paradise in the end times.

But for the Cursed Son, it is hell.

Here, they are ostracized, hated, and even forced to speak.

Serious ones can even be beaten to death!

Lin Ziqin hated it here.

If there was nothing to do, he wouldn’t even want to step into this dirty land!

Let’s get things done early and go back.

“Little love, where is the red light district defended?”

“… Go forward two hundred meters, then turn right and go seven hundred meters further. ”


“But what do you mean by the two seconds of silence that Ganggang?” Do you think I went to the Red Light District to do something unsightly? ”

Little Love: Isn’t it?

Of course, she wouldn’t say it.

However, Xiao Ai really misunderstood Lin Ziqin.

Naturally, he couldn’t go to the red light district to pick wildflowers.

His home flowers were millions of times better than wildflowers, and there was no need to go to that kind of place.

Lin Ziqin only went there because he wanted to confirm one thing, but he remembered that Tendo Mu, one of the heroines in the original book, established the Tendo Civil Security Company there.

He wants to go there to make sure that the male protagonist, Rintaro, has not met Yanzhu Ranbara.

If the two have already met, it means that the love affair has begun.

And he also needed to find a way to snatch the Blue Plains Yanzhu over.

It was a pity to have the little guy Yanzhu of Blue Plains follow the hypocritical Madonna watch of Rentaro Satomi.

Following that guy, Lan Yuan Yanzhu would die because of the giant.

But if the two hadn’t met, it would have been great.

It was better not to meet yet, otherwise Lin Ziqin’s eyes flashed a cold light.

Following Xiao Ai’s guidance, Lin Ziqin quickly came to the red light district.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he had ever come to such a place.

How to say it, it is similar to the one who also imagines the subject.

The smell of rouge powder is overwhelming, and the streets are full of pimps.

Through the door you can also see the waiter dressed in revealing clothes inside

“Little brother, want to play with horses?”

It seemed to notice Lin Ziqin’s gaze, and the waiter inside also looked over.

Good handsome and temperamental little brother!

I want to play with him!

Even if you don’t want money!

Lin Ziqin shook his head politely, withdrew his gaze and turned away.

The waitress sister suddenly showed a lost expression.

Lin Ziqin stopped a passerby.

“Hey, do you know where the Tendo Civil Security Company is?”

Perhaps it was because he didn’t like the vast majority of people in this world from the bottom of his heart: so Lin Ziqin’s tone was not as polite as usual, but this passerby didn’t care, just pointed to the direction behind him.

“Go ahead and walk about three hundred meters.”

Who came here to visit the garden this year and didn’t know where the Tiantong Civil Security Company was?


The Tendo Civil Police companies themselves are in a special area, so in a sense, it is actually quite famous.

Especially in this area, almost everyone knows it, and no one knows it.

Sometimes people here even ask people from the Tendo Civil Security Company to help deal with some troubles.

Lin Ziqin heard the words and continued to move forward in the direction pointed out by passers-by.

Sure enough, a few minutes later he found the Tianmin Police Company in a small financial building.

There are colorful stores all around, only the black and white signs look solemn and serious.

The Tendo Civil Police Company is located on the fourth floor of the small building, and downstairs is a custom shop.

It’s hard to imagine that an office dealing with events would open upstairs in a custom shop.

Lin Ziqin smiled slightly, and then walked to the stairwell.

I said! Can you idiot use your brain! ”

“You are the facilitator! Combine facilitators and starters to maximize productivity! ”

“No matter how much you don’t want to cause trouble to those children, you need the initiator!” Otherwise, our company will not be able to continue! ”

As soon as he arrived at the fourth floor, Lin Ziqin heard three voices coming from inside the gate of the Tiantong Civil Police Company.

This is exactly the voice of Tendo Mugen!

She seemed to be preaching to someone, and her tone was full of helplessness and anger, Lin Ziqin reached out and gently knocked on the doors of the Tiantong Civil Police Company.

Knock ~!

A moment later, the voice of Tendo Kigen came from inside the door.

“Please come in!”

Lin Ziqin pushed open the door and walked in.

The first thing that catches your eye is the girl sitting in the president’s seat.

The standard black long straight, sharp eyes, knife-like face, with that black sailor suit, give people three kinds of cute and cool coexistence feeling.

This person is Tendo Kiko.

Standing next to her was a man.

Or just skip this guy, see the face of this virgin aunt: Lin Ziqin feels disgusted.

“Are you?”

Tendo Mu looked more closely at the people in front of him.

Lin Ziqin’s first feeling for her was that she was handsome, and there was no edge to the division!

And it exudes this mysterious atmosphere.

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