Chapter 200 Lin Ziqin is ‘looking for relatives’?!!

Lan Yuan Yanzhu is a very sticky little girl.

In the original work, she always likes to stick to the male protagonist Ryoto Taro.

Almost everywhere Ritsumi Rentaro goes, she will follow wherever she goes, unless it’s when she’s in school.

But the Blue Plains Yanzhu is not here.

Combined with the conversation I just heard outside the door, it is not difficult to guess that at this moment, Rentaro should not have met Lanyuan Yanzhu!

This is undoubtedly the best!

Plan A can be crossed out.

Plan B begins!

Lin Ziqin retracted his thoughts, “I heard that I received a commission here?” ”

Hearing this, the doctor looked even more intense.

A smile appeared on his indifferent face.

Business comes to the door ah this is!

Recently, she has not had much money and is living a life of good fortune.

Now that there is a business at her doorstep, she naturally can’t put on a bitter melon face!

“Please sit!”

Tiantong Mu even hastily invited Lin Ziqin to come to the sofa and sit down.

“We do have some orders here, but we don’t know what the guests need us to do?”

As he spoke, Tendo Mu even made a look at his stupid green plum bamboo horse.

The latter nodded knowingly, and then began to pour water in the tea.

But the only thing they can entertain here is boiled water.

No way, they’re so poor!

Poor people may have to eat dirt next month!

“I have a commission here that is responsible for finding someone, but I don’t know if you can take it here?”

“I wonder who the guest needs to look for?”

Surprisingly, the giant bed did not respond directly to the right time.

She is indeed very poor now, but before receiving the commission, she needs to ask what kind of commission it is, which is the most basic.

What if the next entrustment is illegal?

Lin Ziqin said, “What I need you to help me find is a child.” ”

“Her name is Lan Yuan Yanzhu, and she is a cursed son.”

“Now she should be trained at some starter training facility.”

“I need you to help me find her, and then take her out of the training institution, and at the end, Lin Ziqin also took out the portrait of Lan Yuan Yanzhu.”

This is the portrait of Lan Yuan Yanzhu drawn by Lin Ziqin according to his memory.

Although it is impossible to be 100% the same, but at least as high as 90% or so!

“Looking for the Cursed Son?”

Tendo Mu frowned slightly.

If she were looking for an ordinary cursed son, she might not hesitate to agree.

But this gentleman also said, and the label may still be a start!

That’s not easy to do.

First of all, there are several starter training institutions in Tokyo.

There are at least a thousand starters in each house!

And the initiators in each training institution do not mark the name, only a number.

It is very difficult to find a person among the counting people who do not know the number, but only know the name!

The difficulty of the portrait is slightly reduced, but it is not much lower.

“I wonder what the guests are looking for this initiator trying to do?”

At this time, Rintaro Satomi, who was next to him, asked.

Although Lin Ziqin did not want to pay much attention to this hypocritical guy, he still returned the question.

“She’s my family and I want to take her home.”

Well, at least in the future she is!


Tendo Kigen and Rimi Rentaro looked stunned when they heard this answer.

They really didn’t expect that the man in front of them was actually looking for relatives!

And the seeker is still a beginning.

When the two were stunned, Lin Ziqin took out a check from his arms.

“I know it may be a little difficult for you, but rest assured, the reward will not be less.”

“That’s half of the deposit, and I’ll give you the other two when it’s done!”

Tendo Ki originally wanted to refuse, but fixed his eyes.

How can there be so many zeros?

Hundreds, hundreds, thousands, thousands…

“One, one hundred million?”

Good fellow, there are eight zeros behind the word!

The poor and accustomed Tendo Mu is still the first time to see so much money!

“We took this commission!”

Tendo Mu no longer hesitated, when he was about to take the check.

With so much money, you don’t have to go through the old ones behind the window!

Best of all, I won’t be held back by that cow again!

“That’s going to bother you, this is my phone number, and you will tell me as soon as you find someone.”

“Wrap it around us!” We will get your sister back as soon as possible! ”


That’s it.

Lin Ziqin also had to correct Tiantong Mugen’s misunderstanding.

Under the warm farewell of Tiantong Mugen, Lin Ziqin left the Tiantong civil police companies.

Xiao Ai asked, “Master, if you want to find your sister, why don’t you let me send someone to bring all the initiator training institutions to the end?” I’ll do it anyway. ”

“You’ve learned to be naughty too?”

Lin Ziqin’s fingers flicked lightly on this guy’s metal shell, and suddenly made a banging sound.

“You’re right, we’ll ruin all the starter training institutions and save them all the people inside, but not now!”

“There is no danger for the starters to stay in the training institutions for the time being, and our main goal now is to take in the homeless and cursed children first.”

The homeless cursed children could be in danger at any time, and it is the top priority to take them in as soon as possible!

The starters stay in the training institution to eat and live, there will be no danger for the time being, and they can be saved later.

In addition, the destruction of all starter training institutions in Tokyo at once will arouse the vigilance and precautions of starter training institutions in other regions.

This will cause trouble for subsequent actions.

However, before that, it is possible to rescue the Blue Plains Yanzhu first.

“Cast out the cursed son!”

“Get the Cursed Son out!!”

“They are monsters in human skins!”

“They are monsters in human skin!!”

On the way back, the factory group of pedestrians suddenly broke into Lin Ziqin’s eyes and saw them holding up signs and shouting slogans.

“Master, are these guys parading?”

Lin Ziqin nodded, and said in a deep voice with a cold face: “Little love, get rid of them, I don’t want to see this group of guys!” ”

These guys are wasting air when they live!

“Obey orders!”

Little Love’s blue eyeballs flashed twice.

Immediately afterward, I saw a construction crane next to the crowd suddenly lose control.

The boulder hanging high on the boom suddenly fell off and smashed into the crowd!

In an instant, blood was splattered!

Pedestrians on the side of the road screamed loudly after seeing this horrific scene, and some people were even directly frightened.

Only Lin Ziqin felt very comfortable.

It was as if he had killed a swarm of flies with his own hands!

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