Chapter 201 The world is full of free labor!!

Today, most of the world has been occupied by protozoa.

The living space that humans currently have is only about twenty percent of the original neon.

After the protozoal war, Yonghong was divided into five large regions.

Tokyo is one of them.

The reason why humans can survive in such a small space is thanks to a mysterious metal called holmium.

It can emit a special weak magnetic field, which can weaken the activity of protozoan viruses and make proenterozoans develop a loss of life.

Humans used holmium to build megalithic tablets and fenced off the entire city, forming an invisible enchantment.

Each megalithic monument is 1.6 km high and 1 km wide!

Even if you stand in the center of the city, you can see the towering body in the distance.

“If these huge stone tablets are blown up, it is estimated that a good drama will be staged.”

Looking at the huge stone stele in the distance, Lin Ziqin revealed an evil smile.

Although he wanted to do it, he resisted.

After all, these are free labor!

Lin Ziqin had already decided that after the passage connecting the two worlds in the future, he would let those bastards in this world become slaves of the Empire!

The other side.

Tendo Civil Security Company.

After sending away Lin Ziqin, a big customer, Amakusa couldn’t look at the huge check in front of him in three hours in disbelief.

She has been running a company for so long and has never taken on such a big order!

She picked up the check and sniffed, full of the smell of money!

Then she rubbed it on her face and sent out a hey hey stupid doctor.

Satomi looked at her wordlessly.

“That said, are we really going to help that person find the beginning?”

“I don’t think the man is a facilitator, but it would be legal.”

In his heart, Rimi Rentaro actually disapproved of Tendo Kigen’s acceptance of Lin Ziqin’s commission.

After all, from the moment the Cursed Sons became the initiators, they were destined to be assigned to a facilitator in the future and then fought to the death.

That’s a rule.

And Lin Ziqin knew at a glance that he was not a promoter, and if he let the government know that a commoner was secretly hiding a starter, he would definitely be sent to court.

After listening to Rintaro’s words, Tendo Ki was even more angry.

“That’s why I said you’re a dead brain!”

“Don’t you know how to think about it too much?”

“As long as we don’t talk about it, who will know?”

“What’s more, people are here to pick up my sister and go home, and I have done two good things!”

“As for the law? Oh, fuck the fucking law. ”

With so much money, what law are you afraid of?

Not to mention that her revenge plan was destined to let her break the law one day.

Since sooner or later it will break the law, it is better to earn some extra money and fill your stomach by the way.

“Okay! Now that we’ve received the money, it’s time for us to run errands. ”

“Go to Rentaro, before you go to the training institution I’ll give you Shao to see if you can find the target.”

Rintaro Satomi nodded, but reacted quickly.

He pointed to his nose and said, “Eh? Am I going alone? ”

“Or else? I still have to see the store! ”

After saying that, Tendo Kigen ignored Ryotaro Satomi and continued to sit there with the check and giggle.

Rintaro Satomi sighed helplessly and then turned and left the company.

“I’m back.”

“Big Brother! Welcome back! ”

Lin Ziqin had just stepped into the adoption home, and a group of cute little Lolitas ran over to look at the innocent smiles on the faces of the little guys in front of them, and Lin Ziqin’s mood was much better.

This is heaven, these are the angels!

On the other hand, no matter how gorgeous the outside world is, it can’t hide the ugly souls of those people!

“Welcome back.”

Euphemia led two three- or four-year-old little ones over.

“Did I buy the storybook I wanted?”

“Of course, how could I possibly forget this?”

Lin Ziqin waved his hand, and a pile of books appeared in front of him.

These were the books he had spent more than an hour collecting.

There are not only story books, but also many books for learning knowledge.

“Thank you dear.”

Euphemia was very happy.

“Children, do you want to hear your sister tell stories?”

“Think!” XN。

“Then let’s go into the house!”

“Oh yes!”

The little ones jumped up cheerfully.

Euphemia looked at Lin Ziqin again.

“Let’s go with my dear.”

Both the first and last children to join loved her.

But he was still a little afraid of Lin Ziqin.

This is mainly because Lin Ziqin has less interaction with them, and the last batch to join.

As Lin Ziqin’s wife, she wants to help Lin Ziqin and bring them closer.


Lin Ziqin naturally understood his wife’s intentions, how could he refuse?

In the following period, Lin Ziqin did not leave the adoption home again, and spent every day in the adoption home with the children to play and enhance their feelings.

But even if you haven’t been out, the adoption home welcomes several cursed children every day.

They were all brought back from the inner city.

It is true that most of the cursed sons are active in the outer city, but a small number of cursed children will also go to the inner city.

Most of these children are older in urban areas and live begging lives in the inner city.

Sometimes they would return to the outer city and distribute the begging food to their companions in the outer city.

Three days passed unconsciously.

“Master, Miss Tendo Kigen called.”

This morning, a strange phone call suddenly came.

Although it was a strange phone, in this world, only Tiantong could call Lin Ziqin’s side.

“Oh? Finally called? ”

After waiting for three days, it can be regarded as waiting for the call from Tendo Kigen.

Hopefully she’ll bring good news to herself.

Lin Ziqin answered the phone.

Before he could speak, the voice of Tendo Mugen came from the opposite side.

“Mr. Blue Plains?”

Tendo Kigen’s tone was slightly agitated.

Hearing this, Lin Ziqin probably guessed the result.


What the hell is Mr. Bluefield?

Well, Lin Ziqin really didn’t introduce himself to Tiantong Mu more.

And he asked Tendo Mu to help find her relatives, and she would misunderstand her last name as a matter of course.

Lin Ziqin did not bother to correct this.

“That’s right, it’s me, what happened to Miss Tendo Kigen?”

“Your commission is complete, Miss Lanyuan Yanzhu has been found, she is now in my company, when will Mr. Lanyuan be used to?”

“Cough, I’ll be there later.”

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