Chapter 202 Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s ‘Brother’!!

Tendo Civil Security Company.

Tendo looked even more at the little girl crouching in the corner.

The girl was wearing a dirty dress, and her long orange-red hair was casually scattered over her shoulders and slightly disheveled.

But despite this, it can’t hide her cute look.

“Now, little sister Yanzhu of Lanyuan, are you hungry?”

Tendo asked more softly.

She is one of the few who has no prejudice against the Cursed Son.

In addition, Lanyuan Yanzhu is still the sister of the big customer, and her attitude towards Lanyuan Yanzhu is very good.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu didn’t say anything back, she didn’t even look up at Tendo Mugen.

She seemed to be like a person who had lost her soul, sitting there motionless, without a trace of luster in her eyes.

Tendo Ki sighed softly.

Most of the cursed sons are very indifferent to strangers, even the initiators.

Because the world is so unfriendly to them.


The door of the company was suddenly opened, and Rintaro Satomi walked in from outside.

He glanced at the little girl he had brought back last night, and then at his superior, Tendo Kigen.

“Is there any task to suddenly call me over?”

Half an hour ago he was still in school class.

As a result, he suddenly received a call from Tendo Mugen, and he rushed over.

Tendo Ki took a document directly from the drawer and handed it to him.

“Sign your name.”

“What is this?”

Satomi looked at the document in front of him with doubt, and then he stared at the sky.

“But always dead reported? What are you? ”

Initiator death report.

As the name suggests, this is a report on the registration of the beginning of the death of Guang.

Tendo Ki said, “Miss Yanzhu will be taken away by that gentleman next.” ”

“Whether it is for us or for him, we must erase the existence of Miss Lanyuan Yanzhu, only in this way will it not be exposed.”

“And the best way is to let Miss Lanyuan Yanzhu fake her death!”

Each facilitator can only configure one initiator.

Whenever the initiator dies, the facilitator needs to write such a death report and then submit it to the relevant departments.

In this way, the initiators registered in the name of the facilitator will be erased.

The facilitator can then rediscover the next starter.

Now Bluewon Yanzhu is registered in the name of Satomi Rintarō.

However, it will not be long before Lanyuan Yanzhu will be taken away by Lin Ziqin.

If every time I saw Rentaro on a mission, it would inevitably be suspected.

In order not to be suspected, the best way is to let Lan Yuan Yanzhu fake death.

Anyway, the relevant departments will not be too much to pursue.

After all, both the initiator and the facilitator are those who are fighting at the forefront, and death is a common thing.

After listening to Tendo Kigen’s explanation, Rimi Rentaro thought about it and felt that he was indeed right.

He picked up a pen and signed the document with his name.

“Next, I will trouble you to hand over this document to the relevant departments.”

“I see.”

Satomi Rentaro nodded, and the literary nature left the Gongtong.

The initiator of the registration was dead after only one day, and it is not known what those people would think of him.

But Rintaro didn’t care what those people thought.

Once again, the Tendo Civil Security Company was left with only two people, Tendo Kigen and Bluewon Yanzhu.

Neither spoke and the atmosphere became awkward.

Tendo Mu was more interested in chatting with Lan Yuan Yanzhu to enhance her feelings, but seeing her current appearance, she knew that the other party did not want to pay attention to her at all.

Sighing helplessly, she had to take out her mobile phone to look at the latest news, but at this moment, the company’s door was knocked again.

Knock on the knock!

Well? Did that gentleman come so soon?

“Please come in!”

Tiantong Mu thought that the comer was Lin Ziqin, and immediately withdrew his mobile phone and put on a smile to prepare to greet.

But when the visitor walked into the door, the smile on her face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by three faces of disgust.

“How could it be that you guy?”

The visitor is a woman in a cherry colored kimono, who has a face and figure that is not inferior to Tendo Kigen, and exudes a noble temperament!

This man’s name is Sima Muori, and he is considered to be the wife of Tendo and Rimi Rentaro.

“I’m also a funder of this company, so I am not welcome?”

Sima Tianzhi opened the folding fan to cover his mouth and said.


Tendo Mu was even more upset, and whenever Sima Weaving mentioned the identity of the patron, she could not open her mouth no matter how much she tried to drive her away.

Sima Wuwo was not at all polite and came directly to sit down on the sofa.

At this time, she also noticed Lan Yuan Yanzhu crouching in the corner.

“I heard that Rentaro finally has a starter, so I guess this is the one?”

“You’re here for this thing?”

Tendo Mu even held his face with one hand and looked sideways at Sima Weiwean.

To be precise, it was looking at Sima Unwoven’s chest.

It seems to be a little bigger than the last time we met.

What exactly did this cow eat to grow up?

Cheng Ran was very envious, but Tendo Mu would not ask for a way to get bigger.

Ask her and lose!

Sima Tianzhi did not notice the more envious look in Tiantongmu’s eyes.

At this moment, her attention was on Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s body.

“It’s a little cute, please give more advice after 430!”

Since he was the initiator of Rimi Rentaro, he naturally had to make a good connection.

Maybe he can also pull her into his own neighborhood camp and fight against Tendo together!

How could Tendo Mu not understand what this cow was thinking?

She immediately sneered, “You don’t need to give more advice here, Miss Lanyuan Yanzhu’s brother will soon take her home.” ”


As soon as these words came out, Lan Yuan Yanzhu, who had not reacted before, raised his head.

There was surprise and doubt in his eyes.

Does she still have a brother?

She didn’t know it, because she had been training in training institutions since she understood things.

Tendo Mu also noticed Lan Yuan’s expression, and then she remembered that she didn’t seem to have told her about this mold.

She immediately gave an explanation: “Lanyuan Yanzhu little sister, in fact, the reason why we took you out of the training institution is mainly because of your brother. ”

“Your brother takes you very seriously, and spends 100 million yen just so that we can find you!”

Having earned such a large sum of money as Lin Ziqin, Qingtong was not more natural to say three good things about Lin Ziqin in front of Lanyuan Yanzhu!

After listening to Tendo Mugen’s words, Lan Yuan Yanzhu had a little curiosity in his heart about this brother he had never met.

It was also at this time that the door of the company was knocked on again…

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