Chapter 205: The Traitor Is Beside Me?!!

Neon is a country with a small land.

The land left after the war was even more pitiful, and the Tokyo area was the largest of the five neon districts at present, but it was limited to neon.

Compared with other countries, the current Tokyo area is not ranked at all.

With the increase of population, Dongwon District appeared to be navel due to the new urban area.

However, in such a crowded inner city, there is a huge and luxurious manor.

The estate is located in the very heart of Tokyo Ward!

From the location of this building, it is enough to show that the identity of the person who lived here after it is precious!

And that’s exactly what happened.

Because the owner of this manor is no one else, it is the current leader of the Tokyo ~ district Saint Tianzi!

When it comes to the Holy Heavenly Son, what the Houmin in Tokyo did not expect was her amazing beauty!

Silver gray short hair, jade-like crystal clear skin, every trip is dressed in a gorgeous dress, full of noble and elegant temperament, as if from the celestial angel lord!

After today’s meeting, Saint Tianzi returned to his office to continue his work.

As her assistant officer, Tendo Kikunobu was also always with her, and he was surprised to find that a faint smile appeared on the face of Lord Saint Tianzi.

Was there anything she could have done in the meeting just now?

Thinking about it carefully, the medical child district has fixed this sunny meeting is just a normal monthly report summary, boring and boring, not to mention, it is smelly and long, what is there to be happy about?

So, do the Zi people feel high because of the literary nature in front of them?

It was only then that Tendo Kikuyuki finally discovered that Saint Tianzi was holding a document in his hand.

“Holy Heavenly Son, what happened that made you so happy?”

With doubts, Shi Tong Nan’s urine Wang asked Wangkou.

Originally, he just asked casually, but he didn’t think that Saint Tianzi’s answer made his face change slightly.

“It seems that there is one more adoption home in the outer city, an adoption home dedicated to the adoption of cursed children!”

Saint Tianzi shook the document in his hand and said.

It was a document that had been handed over to her before, but it was not carefully looked at at the meeting.

Looking back now at this document, she is very happy and relieved.

She has always wanted to push for the New Protozoa Act to grant human rights to her children and give them equal treatment.

But each time it was opposed by others.

This left her with more than enough and not enough power.

Can she now be happy to see that someone has finally helped those poor cursed sons?

“Can you show the old man the documents in your hand?”

Tendo Kikuyuki asked quietly.

In fact, he had been secretly obstructing Saint Tianzi from promoting the New Law of Protozoans.

He hated the proentera and the children who were cursed because his wife died in the protozoa war.

In his view, the cursed sons were just another protozoa, but how could he let the protozoa who killed his wife gain human rights?

Tendo Kikunobu disguised himself so well that Saint Tianzi was kept in the dark, completely unaware that the person he trusted most was the biggest traitor!

“Of course you can!”

Saint Tianzi handed the document in his hand to Tendo Kikuno.

Tendo Kikunobu carefully examined the contents of the file, and as time went on, his face became more and more ugly.

Someone actually built an adoption home for the adopted son of a cursed child under his nose!

Why are these monsters cared for?

Tendo Kiku’s body trembled.

But he soon suppressed the anger in his heart.

You can’t show your light in front of the Holy Heavenly Son.

Taking a deep breath, he returned the document in his hand to the naïve Saint Heavenly Son.

“The old man suddenly thought that there were still some things in the family that had not been dealt with, and he needed to go back to Tiantong Juzhicheng and casually found an excuse to get out.”

Such a clumsy excuse was known to be false at first glance, but the naïve Saint Heavenly Son believed it to be true.

“Is that so? Then you go home first. ”

“Thank you Lord Saint Heavenly Son for your approval.”

Kikunobu Tendo launched the office.

The moment he closed the office door, the expression on his face could no longer be expected.

“Why do monsters get human rights?”

“Eh? Isn’t this Lord Kikuno? ”

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Tendo Kikuyuki retracted his expression and looked back at the Fa.

I saw a man with glasses and pale yellow hair walking toward him.

The name of this person is the name of this person.

This person is the captain of the Saint Heavenly Son’s guard.

He adored his superior, Saint Tianzi, and hoped to get the love of Saint Tianzi and soar to the top.

For the unrealistic delusions in this person’s heart, Zhang Juzhiyong was naturally clear to his ears.

Just a watchdog, still want to get the love of the owner?


Cheng Ran was very unworthy of this person, but the clan Zhang Yu Zhi would not show it.

Moreover, some of this person’s behaviors also coincide with him, and he is a guy who can be used.

It just so happened that he was thinking about who to send to deal with the adoption home.

Isn’t the man here now?

“Zhuo Ren, I have something here that you need to deal with, and if you handle it well, you may be able to make Lord Saint Heavenly Son happy.”

As soon as he heard that he could make the Saint Heavenly Son happy, the Baowei Zhuo people didn’t even ask what was the matter, and the minister immediately tolerated it.

“Leave it to you, and I’ll make sure it’s done!”

Oh, and what a licking dog.

Tendo Kikuyuki sneered in his heart, and his face was silent, “It’s about the mold of the cursed son.” ”

Hearing that it was the cursed son, Ho Wol’s smile disappeared and was replaced by a cold expression.

“This is your new home from now on!”

Lin Ziqin held Lan Yuan Yanzhu in his left hand and the blind girl in his right hand, followed by several girls with slightly younger orders.

These are the sisters of blind girls.

Among them were his own sisters, as well as his own adopted sisters.

She is really kind, knowing that she is still a child and a disabled person, but she is still willing to adopt a cursed son who is younger than herself as much as she can.

“Can we really stay here?”

Looking at the huge building in front of them, the eyes of Lan Yuan Yanzhu and the two little girls showed expressions of disbelief.

Although the blind girls could not see anything, the exclamations of the people around them also meant that they saw an incredible scene.

“Of course you can! Let’s go, I’ll take you in! ”

Lin Ziqin took the girls around him into the adoption home.

He then introduced the women to Euphemia.

They soon became friends.

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