Chapter 206 A New Beginning, Let the Blind Girl See the Light Again!!

“Spring, come here.”

At night, Lin Ziqin came to the blind girl.

And Chun is her current name, which Lin Ziqin gave her.

Spring is the first of the four seasons and means a new beginning.

Lin Ziqin gave her this name also hoping that she would start over.

“What’s wrong with Brother Lin Ziqin?”

Chun looked up at Lin Ziqin.

“I’ll take you to a place where you can heal your eyes.”


Hearing that it can heal the eyes, the spring is encouraged.

Although she has long been accustomed to the dark world, if she can regain the light, no one wants to be a blind person all the time!

“Of course it’s true! Let’s go! Soon you’ll be back in the day! ”


When Haru undid the bandages wrapped around his eyes, the first thing he saw was the silver-gray metal ceiling.

This time it’s a real look!

She’s finally seeing the light of day!

Is this the way the world is?

A line of tears flowed down Chun’s cheeks.

She has been blind for as long as she can remember, and this is the first time she has witnessed the world!

“It looks like the cure was successful.”

A familiar voice sounded next to it.

She turned her head to look at it, and what came into her eyes was a very handsome big brother.

He was looking at himself with gentle eyes at the moment.

“Big Brother Lin Ziqin?”

Although the answer is already in mind.

But she still wanted to confirm.

“That’s right, it’s me, lips you see the sky old.”

“Thank you, thank you Lin Ziqin’s big brother!”

The tears couldn’t stop flowing.

She was really happy and not moved.

It’s only been less than half a minute, but it’s great to see the light of day again!

But she did not forget that all this was given to her by Lin Ziqin’s big brother!

“Let’s go, we should go back, or your sister will have to worry about you, and Chun wiped away the tears on her face and showed an innocent smile.”


The next morning.

Lin Ziqin and Euphemia are playing with the children in the backyard.

Suddenly, a violent knock on the door broke the original encirclement of this Ou Kuai.

Lin Ziqin frowned slightly, obviously there was a doorbell but did not run, he had to knock on the door.

And listening to this violent knock on the door is enough to judge that it is not good.

“I’ll go out and have a look, and you can continue to play.”

He wanted to see which turtle son dared to come here to find trouble.

After saying goodbye to Euphemia and the children, Lin Ziqin opened the gate of the adoption home and opened the door.

A group of uniformed and armed guards were caught in sight.

Seeing this, Lin Ziqin narrowed his eyes.

Although I had expected it, it was really not good.

“Do you have anything to do?”

Lin Ziqin asked coldly.

The leading police officers originally planned to have a good exchange first, but after seeing Lin Ziqin’s attitude was so bad, they changed their minds.

“We received a report that you are illegally operating an adoption home on this side and that you are illegally building it on this land.”

“Please come with us.”

“Oh? Report it. ”

Lin Ziqin smiled coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Can you tell me who reported it?”

“If you have no comment, if you know each other, hurry up and follow us, so as not to suffer from flesh and skin!”

The guard shook the stick and gun in his hand, meaning something.

Lin Ziqin also had to talk nonsense with these people.

“Little love, leave one behind, and kill the rest.”

The police officers were stunned, they did not know who the man in front of them was talking to.

But soon they knew.

Only to see a circular robot suddenly appear in front of them.

Before they could react, a scattered beam of light shot out of the robot’s large blue eyeball.

In an instant, several police cabinet personnel were dismantled into a form of a member!

Only the one who had spoken very much in front of Lin Ziqin before was still alive.

“This, this…”

The man finally reacted.

He took a few steps back in fright, looking at the circular robot in front of him in horror.

“Now I ask you again, who reported it?”

The reason why Lin Ziqin left this person was not out of pity.

He just wanted to figure out who was reporting him!

The security guards, who had been on their toes before, now have lost their temper completely.

He swallowed his throat and said, “No, no one reported it, it was my colleague who said that he wanted me to arrest Kang here!” ”

“Who’s your boss?”

“It’s the Ho Woo Cho Man!”

The man did not hesitate to sell his superior.

Because he doesn’t want to die!

“Ho Waki-chan?”

Hearing this name, Lin Ziqin frowned slightly.

It’s a familiar name, but I can’t remember where I’ve heard it.

At this time, Xiao Ai spoke out to remind the star: “Master, Ho Wakyu Zhuoren is the captain of the guard of the Tokyo leader Saint Tianzi, who has also tortured and killed the cursed son many times, and is the person on your hunting list.” ”

It turned out to be him!

Being reminded of this, Lin Ziqin finally remembered this beast.

To say who Lin Ziqin’s most hated person in the original work is, Bao Wei Zhuo is one!

Just as Xiao Ai said, he has repeatedly abused the killer’s unarmed befriended people!

Even take pleasure in abusing the cursed son!

It’s a complete scumbag!

“Little love, the witness Bamin’s family brought me Kang.”

Originally, he planned to deal with that scumbag later, but now that he had taken the initiative to provoke him, Lin Ziqin naturally would not continue to let him live.

“As for you.”

Lin Ziqin turned to look at the man in front of him.

“Go to hell too.”

“No! Please. ”


Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Ai sent this person to hell to accompany his teammates.

This incident was just a small episode for Lin Ziqin.

Killing these people is like killing a few flies.

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Ziqin returned to the adoption home and continued to play with the children.

But secretly, a squad of Prometheus warriors has already begun to move!

As the captain of the Saint Heavenly Son’s guard, he naturally had his own office.

And his office happened to be in the building next to Saint Tianzi.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, he could reach the office of the Ward Family.

He liked to stand in his office and peek at the back of Saint Tianzi at work.

Today he did the same.

“Today’s Saint Heavenly Son is still so beautiful!”

Ho Waki’s eyes looked obsessively at the white figure of the building opposite.


Suddenly, a loud noise came into the ears.

Huge door panels flew in and slammed into his desk!

Before he could figure out what was going on, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

The others heard the noise and immediately rushed over.

But when they entered the office, they saw nothing.

Even the Baoguan Zhuo who had been staying in the office had disappeared!

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