Chapter 208 Goodbye Tendo Kigen!!

“Is this where Mr. Blue Plains lives?”

A long, black and straight girl is standing outside the gate of the adoption home.

She glanced down at the letter in her hand, then double-confirmed the address and street number of the adoption.

Well, that’s right, and the appearance of the Faithful Minister!

This person is no one else, she is none other than Tendo Kigen.

She received the letter an hour ago.

When she learned that it was the letter sent by the local tycoon Mr. Lan Yuan, she took the letter apart with some good sending and some movements.

Originally, she thought that the other party had something to ask her, but she didn’t expect that this was actually just an invitation letter!

The other party wants to invite her to the other person’s house!

Chengran is not a business to some disappointment, but the good villain is her big customer, she naturally has no reason to refuse.

So, here she comes.

“I thought that rich people lived in the center of the city, but I didn’t expect him to live here.”

Tendo Mu murmured more.

“Not everyone likes to live in that kind of place.”

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded behind him.

Tendo Ki’s pupils narrowed, and her instinct as a swordsman made her immediately turn around and make a defensive gesture.

“No need to be nervous Miss Tendo Kigen, I’m not your man.”

This is a… Robots?

Tendo Mu was even more surprised to see the sudden appearance of the being.

The other party could unconsciously appear behind him.

Originally, she thought she was a strong man, but she didn’t think it was a small robot the size of a basketball!

“Are you?”

Tendo Mu let down his vigilance even more, suspicious of Xiao Ai.

Lin Ziqin had communicated with her, but she had seen Xiao Ai.

“My name is Little Love, and the master knows that you have come, so he let me out and lead you in.”


Does it mean Mr. Blue Plains?

Tendo nodded even more, “That will trouble you.” ”

“Please come with me.”

Xiao Ai opened the door and walked in with Tendo Mu.

As soon as he entered the adoption home, Tendo Mugen saw a group of children playing and playing.

Cursed Son?

There are so many cursed sons here!

And from the expression on their faces, it is not difficult to see that they seem to be very happy!

It is hard to imagine that in this era, these sons of the recipient could still show such an expression, and the children of the cursed also discovered Tendo Mugen.

They all looked at her curiously.

It’s a big sister I haven’t seen before.

Since they came here, they had not seen anyone other than Lin Ziqin and Euphemia.

They were naturally full of curiosity about the arrival of Tendo Mugen.

For this reason, they are far behind Tendo Kigen and Xiao Ai.

“These kids… Cause. ”

Being watched by so many children, even Tendo Mu will feel a little unaware.

“They’re just curious about who you are, don’t care, I’ll move on.”

“Okay, okay.”

In this way, Tiantong Mu followed Xiao Ai to Lin Ziqin’s office.

Before the two of them could push the door in, the clan door came in advance from Inbu: “Then the concubine will now go to find Sister Yufei!” ”

A familiar figure stepped out of the door, not forgetting to turn around and wave goodbye to the people sitting inside.

“Blue Plains Yanzhu?”

That’s right, this person is Lan Yuan Yanzhu!

Tendo Mu looked at Lan Yuan Yanzhu in disbelief.

Because the changes in the Blue Plains Yanzhu now are really too big!

The last time we met, she looked very gloomy!

Even when you approach her, she grits like an angry little wild cat.

And now she gives people a sunny and lively feeling!

If it weren’t for the fact that her appearance hadn’t changed, Tendo Mu would even wonder if it was another person!

“Huh? It’s you. ”

Bluewon Yanzhu also noticed Tendo Kigen.

“Thank you for bringing your concubine out of that place that day.”

Lan Yuan Yanzhu thanked Tiantong Mu for bowing slightly.

In fact, she had always wanted to express her gratitude to Tendo Mu.

It was precisely because she brought herself out of that place that she could have the happiness she has now and be with Brother Lin Ziqin!

“No, you’re welcome.”

Tendo Mu is still a little unaccustomed to the current Blue Plains Yanzhu.

“Miss Tendo Kigen, please come in.”

Lin Ziqin in the office also heard voices outside the door.

It was precisely because he knew that Tendo Mu was coming, so he asked Lan Yuan Yanzhu to find Wu Phimia.

Since his return, Lan Yuan Yanzhu has liked to read about himself.

Lin Ziyun was also very happy about this.

However, things may be a little dark after that, Lin Ziqin did not want to let Lan Yuan Yanzhu touch the dark side, so he deliberately broke up with her.

After waving goodbye to Lan Yuan Yanzhu, Tendo Mu walked in.

“Please sit.”

Lin Ziqin invited people to sit down on the sofa.

Immediately afterward, a service robot came forward to make tea for the two people.

“Mr. Lan Yuan, ask the smell, are you opening an adoption home here?”

Tendo Mu took a sip of tea.

Lin Ziqin nodded.

“Yes, this is an adoption home dedicated to the adoption of cursed sons.”

“…, aren’t you afraid of being known by some people and then getting in trouble with you?”

“Oh, some of the people you’re talking about have already come, but they’ve all been cooked by me.”


Tendo Mu’s pupils narrowed.

This guy was bolder than she thought!

Forget it, it has nothing to do with her.

Shaking his head, Tian Bu turned and asked, “I don’t know if Mr. Lan Yuan came to me to return the mold?” ”

“I do have one thing I want to ask you, but I’ll correct one thing before I do.”

“Actually… I am not surnamed Lan Yuan, my full name is Lin Ziqin. ”


Tiantong Mu was even more stunned, and she pointed at Lin Ziqin’s incoherent words: “You, you, you, you.” ”

“I know what you’re trying to say, but I didn’t actually say what my last name was from the beginning, did I?”

Lin Ziqin’s words made Tiantong Mu even more unable to refute it.

If you think about it, the other party did mention his name in front of her from heaven all along, but it was just his own misunderstanding.

Even so, Tiantong Mu’s look at Lin Ziqin’s eyes became gloomy, as if he was like a little girlfriend who had been deceived.

“Then I wonder if Mr. Lin Ziqin has anything he wants to ask me?”

Finally got to the subject.

Lin Ziqin took a sip of tea and said calmly, “Miss Tiantong Mugeng, do you want to restore the top?” ”

As soon as these words came out, Tendo Mugen’s eyes flashed a ray of racing light, but he was quickly hidden.

“What does Mr. Lin Ziqin mean by this?”

“Oh, Miss Tendo doesn’t need to hide, I know your secrets, not only your secrets, but also the secrets of the entire Tendo family, even the murderer of your parents, I also know!”



This time, Tiantong Mu was no longer calm, she stood up directly from the sofa, and her eyes tightened around Lin Ziqin.

Lin Ziqin even saw in a trance that there was still an ominous black gas behind her!

As in the original book, when it comes to the murderer of his parents, Tendo Ki will fall into blackening and trembling…

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