Chapter 209 Murder with a Knife!!

Although Tendo Kigen knew that the murderer of her parents was a member of the Tendo family, she did not know who it was.

After all, the whole Tiantong family is also very large, and there are many clansmen!

To this end, all these years she has been silently investigating who killed her parents!

But after all these years, she did not investigate any useful information to Ren Hui.

This made her feel a little desperate at one point, and even almost gave up on a few occasions.

And Lin Ziqin’s words were undoubtedly like a fire, once again igniting the hatred in her heart!

“Please Mr. Lin Ziqin tell me!” Who killed my parents? ”

Tiantong Mu held the coffee table with both hands and bent down to look at Lin Ziqin.

This angle just allowed Lin Ziqin to enjoy the beautiful scenic area full of mysterious colors.

It’s just that Tendo Mu doesn’t know anything about it.

Her mind was already filled with hatred!

Lin Ziqin playfully said, “So, Miss Tendo Mugen wants revenge?” ”

Didn’t you pretend you didn’t know anything before?

Now in the blink of an eye, the prototype is revealed.

Tendo Kigen was no longer pretending, and she nodded her head heavily.

“Think! So please Mr. Lin Ziqin to tell me the answer! Please! ”

With that, Tiantong Mu still wanted to kneel, but was stopped by Lin Ziqin.

“You don’t need to, I can tell you the killer.”

“They are Tendo Ju no Chu, Tendo and Hikaru, Tendo Hinata, Tendo Gennaku and Tendo Hee-min!”

After hearing the names of these people, Tendo Mu’s face became extremely gloomy.

She did not doubt whether what Lin Ziqin said was true or false.

In fact, she also had doubts about these people, but she didn’t dare to judge because there was no evidence in Erzhi!

“Thank you Mr. Lin Ziqin for telling me all this!”

Tendo turned and prepared to leave the office.

Lin Zi Qin saw the situation and hurriedly stopped the people.


“Don’t you want to go straight to revenge now?”

Tendo Mu nodded even more and said in a cold voice, “The enemy is in front of me, can I not do it?” ”

“I think you should calm down first, even if you run over now, you can’t kill all of them, but you might even put yourself in it.”

“What’s more, don’t you think that killing them like this is cheapening them?”

“Since it is a vendetta against killing their parents, it is better to torture them first and then send them to hell.”

Tiantong did not look back at Lin Ziqin, but found that his expression was even more cold than his own!

At this moment, Tendo Mu even flashed a trace of fear in his heart!

Is he a demon?

However, it is undeniable that Lin Ziqin’s words successfully moved Tiantong Mugen.

She came back to Lin Ziqin and sat down.

“So does Mr. Lin Ziqin have any plans?”

Lin Ziqin did not answer immediately, but instead handed a document to Tiantong.

“What is this?”

Tendo Mu looked even more puzzled.

Lin Ziqin said, “Do you remember the No. 32 Stone Stele?” ”

“Monument No. 32?”

Tendo wood felt a little more familiar.

If you think about it, isn’t this the giant stone stele that the Tendo family was responsible for building?

“Remember, it was the giant stone stele that the Tendo family was responsible for building, so these materials are…”

“That’s right, this is the construction data of the No. 32 Megalithic Stele, let’s take a good look at it first, Tendo Mu even heard the information in his hand.”

There are many of these materials, which are several centimeters thick.

Lin Ziqin was not in a hurry, he was also sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

As the minutes and seconds passed, Tendo Mugen’s face became more and more gloomy.

When she saw half of it, she couldn’t look at it anymore, when she threw the information in her hand on the coffee table.

“Damn the Tendo family! How dare they steal the material on the boulder tablet?! ”

The megalithic monument is something that protects the lives of millions of people throughout Tokyo!

The Tendo family even dared to steal empty materials in such a place!

They are joking at the lives of millions of people!

Tendo Mu once again had a new understanding of the lower limit of the Tendo family.

Lin Ziqin said, “It is precisely because your parents know this that they will report this matter to the contemporary government.” ”

“But your grandfather, Tendo Kikuyuki, in order to preserve the honor of the family and himself, joined forces with Tendo and Hikaru, Tendo Rixiang, Tenshō Peck, and Ten-hee Min to give you your gum mother.”

Tendo Mu clenched his teeth even more, and his pupils were filled with blood.

“These abominable bastards! I must kill them! ”

Lin Ziqin continued, “As long as these materials flow out, Tiantong Juzhi and the entire Tiantong family will cease to exist, and this is my plan!” ”

Doesn’t Tendo Kikuyuki care much about his family and his own reputation?

Once the world knows that their family stole the material on the project of the 32 giant stone monuments, it will definitely become the last smell of the heavens!

Tendo Mu’s eyes lit up!

This is a good idea!

But suddenly something came to her mind.

“Now that the Tendo family has only their hands in the whole of Tokyo, even if these materials are published on the Internet, I am afraid that they will soon be eliminated?”

“What’s more, it is difficult to prove anything by relying on these materials alone, and they can die without admitting it, and there must be substantial evidence!”

Yes, it seems that Tendo Mu is not completely overwhelmed by hatred.

“In fact, these two problems are not difficult problems, and someone can help you.”


“Shigaki Senichi!”


Tendo Mu was even more frightened.

Shiogaki Senichi knew that this person had worked as a housekeeper in Tiantong’s house.

She now runs a holmium mine, is nominally the head of registration of the Tendo Police Company, and is also the guardian of her and Ryotaro Satomi!

“Ziyuan Xianyi is no longer the steward of the Tiantong Family now, how can he help us get substantial evidence?”

Lin Ziqin smiled and said, “You don’t really think that Ziyuan Xianyi is just a housekeeper of the Tiantong Family Pujing, right?” ”

Tendo wood is more willowy brow wrinkled.

“Does he have another layer of identity?”

“Good value for money”

Lin Ziqin took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and continued, “This person is actually the highest cadre in the Tokyo area of the Wuxiang Society, and the factory is using your speed limit to remove the urine of Tianzhang Ju!” ”

Wuxiang Society?!

Tendo Ki had heard rumors about the Gohokai.

It is said to be a terrorist organization that is trying to conquer the whole world.

I didn’t expect that Shiogaki Shoichi was actually a senior cadre of that organization!

“Ziyuan Immortal ——— always wants to take down Tiantong Ju Zhicheng, you can use him in turn.”

“As long as this information is given to him, he will certainly use the means and resources of the Fifth Meeting to obtain substantial evidence of stealing and reducing materials!”

“At that time, he will not hesitate to publish this matter to the world!”

“With the strength of the Wuxiang Association behind him, he can quickly let the world know about the scandal of the Tendo Family!”

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