Chapter 210 does things only for pleasure!!


Tendo Mu hesitated even more.

“But isn’t it cheaper for the Wuxiang Society’s gang to do this?”

It’s good to kill people with a knife.

However, she was also very indifferent to the terrorists of the Wuxiang Society, even so

It can be said to be very annoying.

Lin Ziqin did not think so.

“I know what you’re worried about, but you can rest assured that the Wuxiang Society’s gang won’t be able to reap any benefits.”

The reason why Shikigaki Senichi wanted to bring down the Heavenly Boy Ju Zhi was nothing more than wanting to control the Saint Heavenly Son.

Because Saint Tianzi was originally a young girl without an opinion, as long as they didn’t have this auxiliary officer, they Wuxiang would be able to easily control Saint Tianzi and even the whole of Tokyo!

But can they do it?

Or will Lin Ziqin give them a chance to control Tokyo?

Obviously, Lin Ziqin won’t!

“Then Mr. Lin Ziqin, what kind of role do you play in this?”

“What can you get after the fall of the Tendo Kikunobu and the Tendo family?”

In fact, this is the answer that Tendo Mu wants to know the most.

Tell her who the enemy is, and give her an idea to pour it into her own ancestral Jiao and clan children’s family.

Tendo Mu had a hard time believing that he had no purpose in doing so.

Did he also want to benefit from it like the Wuxiang Society?

Other than that, she couldn’t think of anything else.

However, Lin Ziqin’s next answer completely exceeded her expectations.

“All I can get is pleasure!”

“Joy… Pleased? ”

Tendo Mu immediately frowned at the willow eyebrows.

She thought about many answers.

Money, power, status and even women!

But what is the benefit of pleasure?

Lin Ziqin put down the teacup in his hand to really hide the clan in front of him.

“Miss Tendo Kizen, do you know why I want to take a shot at Tendo Kikunobu and the Tendo family behind him?”

Tendo Mu thought about it and shook his head, “I don’t know.” ”

“Because of hate!”

“Hate? Is there a vendetta between Mr. Lin Ziqin and Tendo Ju Zhicheng? ”

“No, it’s not my hatred for him, it’s my hatred for the Cursed Son, Tentomu tilted his head even more, his face blank.”

She still didn’t understand what that meant.

Lin Ziqin was also amused by her cute expression, but he still patiently explained: “Your grandmother, that is, the wife of the old guy, died at the hands of the protozoa.” ”

“That’s why he has a great hatred for protozoa and for the cursed son who has the genes of a protozoa!”

“He always wanted to kill all the protozoa and the Cursed Son, and I tried so hard to protect the Cursed Son, so naturally I wouldn’t leave him alone!”

Is this meant to protect the children of the cursed?

Tiantong Mu looked at Lin Ziqin’s gaze with a little more respect.

There were very few people who were willing to adopt cursed children, and those who dared to stand up to protect them and rebel against Tiantong Ju Zhicheng had only seen Lin Ziqin alone!

“Good! I listen to you! ”

After thinking about it, the child bed finally chose to adopt Zi Qin’s move.

Subsequently, she left the adoption home.

Leave with anticipation and urgency.

“Master, why are you helping Miss Tendo Kigen?”

Xiao Ai did not understand his master’s intentions.

Obviously, they alone were enough to easily take down the Tendo Ju no Yu and the entire Tendo family.

However, the master did not do this, but instead left everything to Tiantong to deal with.

The master is clearly helping Tendo Ki to complete his revenge.

But why should the host help the other party?


No way.

His master has many harems, but he is not a race.

Lin Ziqin stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the black back shadow that was gradually disappearing downstairs.

“It’s just interested, and by the way, repay her previous help to Lan Yuan Yanzhu.”

Isn’t it three very interesting things to let Tendo Mu, who is a member of the Tendo family, take down the entire Tendo family?

“Holy Heavenly Son, this is the financial report of the recent day.”


“Saint Heavenly Son?”

“Huh? Ah, hug, I just didn’t hear, what do you say? ”

Does Saint Heavenly Son even doze off when he works?

The secretary in charge of transmitting the documents was very surprised by this.

She had also been in this post for some time, often handing in documents to Lord Saint Tianzi.

I had never seen Lord Saint Tianzi sleeping at work before.

Is it really because you are too tired?

The secretary sighed softly in his heart.

Lord Tiantong Ju was not here for two days, and everything needed to be handled by Lord Saint Tianzi alone, so it was no wonder that he felt it.

If I remember correctly, last night Lord Saint Tianzi seemed to have worked until twelve o’clock in the evening before resting.

“Lord Saint Heavenly Son, if you don’t want to rest for a while, the documents here will be processed later.”

Looking at Saint Tianzi’s bloodshot eyes, Miss Secretary was very distressed.

Saint Tianzi shook his head slightly, “It doesn’t matter, I’ve just rested for a while, I’ve already rested.” ”

But your eyes don’t look like they’re rested no matter what!

Although she was eager to refute it, Miss Secretary eventually submitted the document to Saint Tianzi.

“Your Honor, this is a recent financial report, please take a look at it.”

“Well, you’ve worked hard.”

I should have said that you should be hard, right?

Lord Saint Heavenly Son was indeed as gentle as ever.

Saint Tianzi suddenly turned and asked, “By the way, hasn’t Mr. Baowei been found yet?” ”

It has been two or three days since the disappearance of the Ho Wong Cho people.

She didn’t like her captain of the guards, and she could even say that she was very celebrating.

But after all, how to say that he is also his own escort captain, more or less still have to care about it.

Miss Secretary shook her head slightly, “Not yet.” ”

The disappearance of the captain of the escort team, Ho Wak, testified that many people were nervous about Kang.

The identity of the Ho Waki-sō did not give much attention to it, mainly because his disappearance place was in the Holy Heavenly Son’s Mansion!

And from the traces, it is likely that someone has caught it!

Who could take a person from the heavily guarded Saint Heavenly Son’s Mansion?

If this person’s target is the Holy Son of Heaven, isn’t it…

They can’t imagine it!

In order to thoroughly investigate the matter, the people of the Clan Junan Urine Clan personally took over the matter.

This is also the reason why Lord Tiantong Ju no longer has the side of Lord Saint Tianzi now.

Knock on the knock!

Then there was a knock on the office door.

Saint Tianzi shouted toward the door, “Please come in.” ”

The door was pushed open, and a man in a straw suit walked in, looking a little hasty.

“Bad Saint Heavenly Son! Something went terribly! ”

“Monument 32 was found to be a serious quality problem!”

As soon as these words came out, the Holy Heavenly Son’s moment immediately stood up from his position

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