Chapter 213 The Original Male Protagonist Who Lost the Goddess!!

“Nei, when are you going to help me complete my revenge?”

Although it is a little inappropriate to say these words in this situation, it is even more difficult for Tendo to sleep and eat without completing the revenge one day.

Lin Ziqin replied, “Tomorrow.” ”

Originally, he had planned to take Tendo Kigen to kill those guys this evening, but the plan was far from changing.

Now that this kind of thing had happened, why did he have any heart to take care of these guys?

“Rest well tonight, too, and tomorrow night I’ll take you to complete your revenge.”


Tendo Mu smiled sweeter, is this how it feels to be loved?

It felt good.

Sniffing the reassuring breath on Lin Ziqin’s body, Tianbu gradually entered people’s dreams.

By the time Tendo Kirito woke up again, it was already nine o’clock in the morning of the next day.

She glanced at the side, but found that Lin Ziqin was no longer there.

There was a hint of loss in his eyes.

“Stupid, don’t say a word when you leave.”

Tendo Mu clutched the sheets even more, feeling a little anxious to cry.

But at this moment, the room was not pushed open, and Lin Ziqin, who originally thought he had left, walked in with Wei Jun.

“I guessed you must be awake, get dressed, and I’ll get breakfast ready for you.”

After saying that, he left the room again without waiting for Tendo Mu to answer more.

Turns out he didn’t leave!

The loss was swept away, and only a sense of happiness was left in the heart.

After eating breakfast with Tendo Mugen, Lin Ziqin left.

However, before leaving, Lin Ziqin also left two communicators for communication at any time.

That way she wouldn’t have to run to an adoption home every time she wanted to find herself.

In fact, Lin Ziqin’s original intention was to let Tiantong Mu go back with him.

However, Tendo Mu was even more ashamed of his words, and he was not yet able to fully face Euphemia, and he did not dare to go back with Lin Ziqin for the time being.

Lin Ziqin did not insist on this, and it was not too late to take her back when Tiantong Mu was more prepared.


Just after returning home, Euphemia leaned over to him and sniffed hard.

Lin Ziqin’s heart was suddenly a little weak.

“Honey, the smell of a woman in your right body is very heavy on me!”

Euphemia found out, but she wasn’t angry.

This made Lin Ziqin breathe a sigh of relief.

None of her wives objected to him opening a harem concubine.

But now he is obviously on his honeymoon with Euphemia, but he is touching other women at this special time, which is his fault anyway.

“Let me guess, this new sister is the girl who came to the adoptive home that day, right?”

“Yes, she’s not better.”

“Turns out her name is Tendo Kigen, and she’s indeed a very beautiful sister, when will she be brought here to meet me?”

“Cough, look again.”

Although Lin Ziqin asked her to stay at home and rest as much as possible when she left, Tiantong Mu finally chose to leave home and go to the company.

I haven’t been back to the company for two or three days, and I don’t know if the guy has taken the commission.

Sizzle, or straight to the point of pain.

They all blame Lin Ziqin’s guy, why is he so fierce!

Tendo Mu continued to move forward with his lower abdomen.

Thinking back to everything that happened last night, the pretty face couldn’t help but appear three faint red amounts.

Unconsciously, she finally came downstairs to the company.

Just as she was about to go upstairs, a familiar voice came from behind her.

“Wood more? You’re back? ”

Seeing the familiar back in front of him, Rimi Rentaro was very happy.

This boss can be regarded as a return.

If she doesn’t come back again, he won’t doubt that he won’t be king after he earns more money from the factory!

“It was you, didn’t you go to school?”

Tendo Ki didn’t expect to meet Rin Taro here, and a hint of surprise flashed on his face.

“I’ve been absent from school for a few days.”

Satomi Rintaro didn’t want to go to school, but there was no way, a big lady of a heavy industry company forced him to go to school, and he had to get out.

“By the way, Mugen, what’s wrong with you?” Feet down? ”

Satomi Rentaro clearly sensed that today’s Tendo wood was a little different from usual.

Especially the walking position, it is like falling to the foot.

“No, I’m fine.”

It was hard to forget the events of last night, but when Rimi Rentaro said this, those pictures came to Tento’s mind.

“Your face is so red, are you sick?”

“I said I was fine!”

Satomi Rentaro reached out and tried to touch Tendo Kigen’s forehead, to be shunned by Tendo More, perhaps she would have let him do it before.

But now that she has a master, it is naturally impossible for other men to easily touch her body.

“Hurry upstairs, don’t stand here and mix people around.”

Looking at Tendo Ki’s farther back, Rimi Rentaro suddenly had a feeling of autumn heart, as if he had lost something most important.

But he didn’t care too much.

There’s a lot of work to do today, but I don’t have time to think about it!

Night falls.

After dealing with the work at hand, the doctor did not go home in hiding.

She sat in the president’s office chair and quietly waited for Lin Ziqin’s arrival.

His eyes inadvertently glanced at Rentaro Natomi, who was sitting on the couch.

“The work here has been done, why don’t you return to the doctor?”

“Mu Geng, don’t you go back either?”

“I’m different, I’ll have something to deal with later, you better go back.”

“What the hell is going on?” Can’t you just tell me? Maybe I can help you!” ”

Satomi Rentaro clearly did not intend to go back like this.

After spending the day, he felt more and more strange about Tendo Mu.

He felt as if Tendo was more like he was intentionally or unconsciously alienating himself!

But he felt very uncomfortable.

“My thing you still are… Forget it, if you want to stay, stay. ”

Tendo Kigen originally planned to drive out Ryotaro Satomi, but eventually let him stay.

Some things can’t be hidden for long, maybe let him know earlier, but also let him recognize the facts early.

This may hurt Rimi Rentaro, but keeping it hidden will hurt him even more!

What’s more, she was with Lin Ziqin, this was not something that could not be seen, and why should she hide it?

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