Chapter 214 Only the original male protagonist is injured!!

When the time came to eight o’clock in the evening, Lin Ziqin finally came to the Tiantong Civil Security Company.

“You’re finally here!”

Tiantong Mu was more like a wife who welcomed her husband home, looking at Lin Ziqin tenderly.

This scene made Rintaro Satomi feel very shocked and incredulous.

How could Tendo Mu even show such a fragrant look to a man?


Why isn’t that person yourself?

Satomi Rentaro looked stunned, and that heart-wrenching feeling came again.

Lin Ziqin also noticed the sadness in Rimi Rintarō’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile that seemed to be nothing.

Since there is a small dog here, can it be said that the abuser of the factory is not abused?

Only to see him reach out and grab Tendo Mugen’s chin and kiss the pink lips.

This kiss once again caused tons of damage to Ryotaro Satomi!

The so-called killing of people also requires the heart.

He deliberately declared Tendo Kigen’s sovereignty in front of Ryotaro Satomi!

“You, what are you doing?”

Tiantong Mu gently pushed Lin Ziqin away, his face full of astringency.

“Nothing: just a little miss you.”

Lin Ziqin smiled lightly, and then pretended to find out about Rentaro Satomi now.

“Oh? It turns out that Mr. Satomi is also here. ”

Tendo couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Tomorrow morning, I saw Satomi Rentaro here, but pretended to find out.

This guy is so bad!

However, Rintaro Satomi did not know this.

Heartbroken, he still didn’t know that everything Lin Ziqin had just done was an invisible attack on him!

“Rentaro, you should still go back, I will go out with Lin Ziqin to go out to experience three serious things later.”

Tendo Mu sighed even more, for the sake of the green plum bamboo horse, or help him.

Hurry up and let him go back, otherwise she doesn’t know what method Lin Ziqin will continue to feed him dog food next.

However, for Tendo Ki’s more kindness, Rintaro Satomi didn’t seem to see it.

“No, when I say I want to help, I will never break my word!”

This big idiot!

Tendo Mu was even more speechless.

Do you suffer from eating dog food?

Forget it, if he wants to see it, let him look at it (cafc.

Having already helped him once, it was he himself who did not take advantage of the opportunity and could not blame others.

Tendo Mu ignored Rintage and turned to Lin Ziqin and asked, “When are we leaving?” ”

Lin Ziqin glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and said, “Wait a minute. ”

It’s still early, and it is estimated that there has not yet begun to act.

“By the way, you shouldn’t have dinner yet, right?” I brought you dinner. ”

Saying that, Lin Ziqin was out of the evening with the juggling stock.

By the way, this is still a huge portion!

“Thanks, I really haven’t had dinner yet.”

The sumptuous food instantly aroused Tendo Kigen’s appetite.

Even Rintaro, who was sitting on the other side, couldn’t help but swallow his throat.

In fact, he would like to say that he did not come to dinner either.

“Let’s eat together!”


Sure enough, Tendo Mu still cares about him as a green plum bamboo horse!

Just as Satomi Rentaro was about to agree to the jaw, he realized that he was wrong, and that Tenchi was wrong!

Because Tendo Muzen’s words were not addressed to him!

From beginning to end, Tendo Mu didn’t look at him!

It was he who was sentimental.

Invisibly, Rintaro’s heart was once again hit hard!

“Open your mouth, ah~~!”

Tiantong Mu even picked up a piece of light and looked at it and handed it to Lin Ziqin.

Lin Ziqin had already eaten, but in the face of the feeding of the beauty, naturally he would not refuse.

“I’ll feed you too.”

Lin Ziqin also picked up a piece of braised meat and stuffed it into Tiantong Mugen’s mouth.

“Is it delicious?”


“If it’s delicious, eat more.”


Watching the two show their love, Rintaro was very uncomfortable in his heart.

He was like a needle in a haystack, wanting to leave, but wanting to stay.

And this torment lasted for three hours before it was finally over!

Satomi Rintaro didn’t know how he had persisted.

Maybe it’s because of the thick skin, or maybe it’s because of the strong heart.

But none of that mattered.

“Let’s go.”

Seeing that it was about to be twelve o’clock in the morning, Lin Ziqin finally approved the right work.

Tendo Mu looked more serious.

“Where are we going? Directly into the Tendo family? ”

“You don’t need to go to such trouble, you can just pick me up.”

With that, Lin Ziqin took Tiantong Mugen’s hand and walked outside.

At this moment, Rintaro Satomi, who had been silent before, suddenly exclaimed, “Are you the ones who want to kill the Tendo family?” ”

Lin Ziqin looked at this guy and said wordlessly, “No, since you guy doesn’t know what we’re going to do, you said you want to help the dead?” ”


Rintaro Satomi was speechless.

He was really impulsive.

I thought that what Tendo Mugen said was actually just another commission, but I didn’t think it was actually to kill people!

“Rentaro, you better go back, you don’t need to intervene in this matter.”

After saying that, without waiting for Li to see Rentaro react, Tong did not hesitate to pull Lin Ziqin to Wai Kang.

In fact, from the beginning, she didn’t expect Rentaro to help her.

If he could really help himself, he wouldn’t have waited until now.

Drop Drop Drop Drop Toot Drop T

In the darkness.

Several police cars drove through the silent streets.

The constant sound of sirens shattered the silence that belonged to the night.

Behind these police cars is an escort vehicle converted from an armored vehicle.

At this moment, in the escort car, several guards were quietly sitting in the rear compartment with their guns and live ammunition.

Next to them were four prisoners dressed in white, handcuffed, footcuffed and hooded.

These four people are none other than Tendo and Hikaru, Tendo Hinata, Tendo Gennaku and Tendo Hee-min!

In order to save himself and his family, Tendo Kikuyuki eventually abandoned them and was angry and desperate in their hearts, but could do nothing.

Even when the crime falls on them, they can’t even do the cunning!

Because they still have their families in the hands of Tendo Kikuno!

That old guy is crazy!

In order to make them obediently carry the pot, they did not hesitate to use their own descendants to threaten them!

There are also babies who have only been born a few months away!

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