Chapter 215: Killing in the Night!!

Compared to the grim atmosphere in the rear car, the atmosphere in the front cab is particularly relaxed.

“Want a burger?”

The co-pilot took two burgers from the tactical vest and handed one of them to his teammate.

“If you hide these things on your body, aren’t you afraid of being discovered by the leaders?”

Despite this, the driver did not refuse the hamburger in front of him.

Not bad, it’s his favorite chicken leg fort.

The co-pilot didn’t think so.

“What are you afraid of, if you don’t say I don’t say it, no one will know.”


“But then again, there are a lot of people in charge of guarding this drink.”

“Isn’t this nonsense? Don’t look at who we are escorting now, it is a few big people in the Tendo family! ”

“Big man? Oh, that was also before, and now it is just a group of prisoners. ”

Who would have thought that several great figures of the Heavenly Family who had once opened up the infinite wind would actually become prisoners of the order!

“This is what they deserve, they dare to steal the construction of the monument, fortunately they found it early, otherwise millions of people may be killed by them!”

Each monument is very important to the whole city.

Any collapse creates a gap in the city’s defenses.

Protozoal energy is pouring in through this gap!

However, it was such an important thing, and the people of the Tendo family still dared to steal the empty material!

If you don’t punish them, it’s simply unforgivable!

Before you know it, the convoy has reached a high bridge.


Just at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the front, interrupting the communication between the two and the two looked up, only to see a dazzling flame light shining high!

Along with this, the bridge in front of you began to collapse!

“Be careful!”

The driver reacted in time and slammed on the brakes quickly.


The wheel left a scratch on the ground for more than ten meters before it finally stopped!

But the vehicles in front were not so lucky.

The head car was blown up, and the two cars behind it also fell under the bridge!

“We were attacked! Someone carjacked a car! ”

This explosion was no accident!


The captain’s voice rang out in the communication channel.

After hearing the order, the drivers of the remaining three cars turned the front of the car accordingly.



Another loud bang!

A bridge behind him was also broken!

At this moment they are trapped in a dilemma on the broken bridge!

“Everyone get out of the car immediately to protect the vehicle!”

In desperation, the captain could only order the protection of the vehicle.

But when they got out of the car, there was no one around them!

What’s going on?

Why are there no enemies?

Just as everyone was looking around warily, the factory road blue world two flashed by.


One of the guards fell to the ground in response.

“Enemy attack! Stealth! ”

Damn it!

Where is the enemy?

The captain glanced at the direction in which the Fang Cai light was flying, and found that there was no Ren Mo there!



Another scream came from behind.

The crowd looked back and saw a teammate flying!

No, no!

Not flying!

Instead, something invisible pierced his chest and lifted him up!

What the hell is this?

Everyone looked at the teammate in horror.

“Captain… Save me…”

The man did not die immediately, he looked at his teammates with his eyes full of desire to live.


Blood splattered, and the man had another hole in his chest.

“Open, fire!”

They didn’t know what was going on, but there must be something there that they couldn’t see!

The captain took the lead in raising his gun and firing at the teammate.

Although this is sorry for the teammate, he wants to live!

He wants to live with the others!


A string of bullets flew out of the muzzle of the black hole hole.

Dangdang dang dang~!

The bullet crashed into a blue energy barrier and flew out!

What the hell is this…


Before he could think about it, he felt something pierce his chest and hit his heart!

Gradually, his consciousness began to mold the lake.

It was only a moment before he closed his eyes that he finally cleared up his human appearance.

It was a silver-gray robot that had never been seen before.

And what pierced his chest was the energy sword in the robot’s hand!

“Is that so…”

With his head tilted, he lost consciousness completely.

However, it was not only the captain of the guard who was attacked, but the other guards were all fatally attacked by the same factory!

In the blink of an eye, all the guards had been wiped out, leaving only the corpses of the ground.


Tendo Mansion.

Tendo Kikunobu sat alone in the backyard drinking tea.

He was a typical egoist, and it was nothing for him to inhabit the descendants of several families, so he did not feel the slightest guilt, on the contrary, and now that the crisis was lifted, he was relieved!

“Report to the lord of the house, the remaining members of the Tendo clan have arrived.”

The old butler knelt behind Tendo Kikuyuki and said with a look of reverence.

But under this respectful expression, there is a hint of fear.

The old butler had been following Tendo Kikuyuki for many years.

He had thought that he knew enough about Tiantong Ju Zhicheng, but after experiencing this incident, he understood that he still underestimated the cruelty of Tiantong Juzhicheng!

Can not hesitate to sacrifice their own descendants, this person has no humanity to speak of!

It’s a demon in human skin!

He has been thinking about quitting the job for the past two days.

After all, no one knows if the next time something happens, Tendo Ju no Cheng will push his old bone out of the blame.

“Let them wait in the lobby, and the guest will be treated after the sale.”

The tea in the pot had not yet been drunk, and Tendo Kikunobu did not intend to leave here.

“Obey orders!”

The old butler bowed and left.

But not long after, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind him.

“Didn’t you just say that the visit would come later?”

Tendo Kiku’s brow furrowed, looking straight and displeased.

He also thought that the old butler had returned, but when he looked back, he found that the visitor was not the old butler, but a humanoid silver-gray robot!

Tendo Kikuyuki was stunned, he just wanted to shout, but the robot took the lead and knocked on his neck.

Directly knocked Tendo Kikuyuki unconscious.

Immediately afterward, the robot picked up Tendo Kikuyuki and left the backyard.

After a long time, the old butler saw that Tendo Kikuno had not yet returned to the hall and couldn’t help but come to check on the situation.

However, he did not see the Tendo Ju no Yu.

Instead, I found tea on the stone table that had already cooled down.

“The Lord of the House is missing?” Beg! ”

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