Chapter 217 The Hypocritical Original Male Protagonist!!

“Rimi Rentaro, put away your senseless pity.”

Lin Ziqin took a step forward and looked at this disgusting hypocritical Aunt in front of him.

“You, what do you mean?”

Satomi Rentaro was stunned by Lin Ziqin’s powerful aura and couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

“You say that although these people are guilty, they should not use lynching, and should be arrested and handed over to the law for trial, right?”

“Then if I go and kill your parents now, shouldn’t you kill me too?”


Rintaro opened his mouth to say something, but he didn’t know how to refute it.

This man is a typical double-standard dog!

Bring these people to justice?

What a naïve idea!

It is worthy of the male protagonist of the Madonna of this work.

This fragrant word from Rimi Rentaro made Lin Ziqin have a new understanding of him.

He never expected this guy to be able to say such a thing.

Even the person involved, Tendo Kiri, was enraged by the innocent words of Ryutaro Satomi.

Why should they leave it to the law?

Why can his parents only expose the wilderness?


Tendo Mu’s face was even more gloomy, and his fists were clenched.

It was the first time she had felt so angry at herself.

He knew why he had left the Tendo family, and he knew that everything he had done all these years was for revenge!

However, he directly denied all his efforts and efforts with one sentence!

“You, I’m so disappointed.”

Tendo Mu glared at Satomi Rintaro even more, eager to directly raise the blade and split this guy.

But in the end she held back.

“For the sake of what we used to be, I won’t kill you!”

“From now on, we are no longer friends, you take your sunshine road, I take my canoe bridge!”

Disgusting virgin, yuck!

With a deep snort, Lin Ziqin pulled Tiantong Mu and turned to leave.

Seeing Rentaro in a lot of eyes felt like his stomach was rolling in his stomach for a second.


Satomi Rentaro seemed to want to say something, but Lin Ziqin and Tendo Mu were even less in the mood to listen to his nonsense.

The two boarded the transport plane with their combat robots and left the place.

“Am I really wrong?”

Looking at the Phantom transport plane in the distance, Rimi Rentaro fell into confusion.

He still hadn’t realized how much damage his virgin heart had done to others.

“Send you home or send you back to work?”

On a transport plane.

Lin Ziqin stood with her on the shoulders of Tiantong Mugen, standing at the door of the cabin, overlooking the night view of the city.

The scenery here is very nice, but unfortunately the people who live in the city are annoying.

“Go to your place.”

Tiantong Mu tilted his head and whispered on Lin Ziqin’s shoulder.

“I don’t want to go back to those two places.”

Now that the revenge has been repaid, a new chapter in her life has since begun.

Although those two places carry a lot of good memories, they are more sour and unrelated.

Most importantly, she didn’t want to have any more contact with Rentaro Satomi.

If you continue to stay in those two places, with the character of that guy, you will definitely come to see yourself with a dead face.

It is better to move into Lin Ziqin’s house and live with him, away from this bustling city, so that the guy can’t find Zhi.

Lin Ziqin silently modified the flight route of the transport plane.

“That’s right.”

Tendo Mu suddenly thought of something, picked up the practical dark double gaze and looked at Yan.

“You said before that someone helped bury my parents there.”

“Do you know who that person is?” I want to thank him well if I can. ”

“Then you’re going to be disappointed.”


“Because that person is dead, she is the grandmother of the Holy Heavenly Son, that is, the previous Holy Heavenly Son.”

According to the information investigated by Lin Ziqin, Tianzhang’s parents had a lot of friendship with the third Saint Heavenly Son, and after the death of Tiantong Mugen’s parents, it was she who ordered the two to be secretly buried here.

And she thought she was also aware that the deaths of the two of them might be related to the Tendo family.

It was just that because it was a special period at that time, she did not have the calendar to immediately liquidate the Tendo family.

Unfortunately, by the time the special period had passed, she was already dead.

Died on his desk, overworked.

“Is that so?”

Unable to express his gratitude to his benefactor, Tendo Mu was somewhat disappointed.

When you are free later, go to the tomb of the previous Saint Heavenly Son.

Unconsciously, the transport plane has left the inner city and is in the sky of the outer city.

Compared to the bustling city in the inner city, the silence here is terrible.

It’s pitch black, and there’s only one place to have lights!

And there is really an adoption home established by Lin Ziqin and Euphemia!

Looking at the adoption home that was getting closer and closer, Tendo Mu was even more nervous.

I was about to see my sister, and I didn’t know if that sister would welcome her.

“No need to be nervous, Euphia is good at talking.”

“Not only Euphemia, your other sisters are actually very good at talking Lin Ziqin’s words to appease, but it doesn’t have any effect.”

Seeing this situation, Lin Ziqin no longer believed much.

When the two of them met, she would naturally know.

The transport plane landed slowly on the ground.

Lin Ziqin walked out with Tiantong Mu.

“Dear welcome back.”

Euphemia seemed to have received the news of Lin Ziqin’s return long ago, so she waited outside early in the morning.

“Presumably this is Tendo Ki’s younger sister?”

“Yes, my name is Tendo Kigen, and Sister Eufimia asks for more advice.”

Tendo Mu bowed even more, and his expression seemed somewhat restrained.

“Call me Yuffie, go, I’ll take you on a good tour of the second place.”

Euphemia took Tendo Kigen’s jade hand and walked toward the house.

Euphemia was already here, and she naturally knew that her new sister would be nervous.

In order to dispel the nervousness in the new sister’s heart, she plans to talk to her E.

It’s late at night.

Saint Tianzi, who should have rested a long time ago, was still sitting in his office at the moment.

She looked anxious, as if she were waiting for something.

“Report to the Holy Heavenly Son! The four captives have been found! ”

At this moment, the secret little short net died and said.

The anxiety in Saint Tianzi’s heart was swept away.

Great, finally found it!

The four prisoners were so vicious that if they were allowed to run away, she would not be able to represent them with the three people.

“Where are they now?”

Miss Secretary replied, “They are in the cemetery, but they are dead, and another body has been found beside them, and it is preliminarily judged that this person is your assistant officer, Lord Tendo Kikuyuki.” ”

The Holy Heavenly Son stood up with a gift.

“You, what do you say?”

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