Chapter 218: Admitting Guilt in Front of the Police?!!

Early one morning.

The black sedan ran over the muddy road, leaving two long marks on the dilapidated road.

In the car sat two men between the ages of thirty and forty.

The driver driving is noticeably slightly younger.

The man’s name was Masashi Kurosawa and he was a police officer.

In his co-pilot seat was his predecessor, named Tadajima Maude.

“I’ve heard before that there are many cursed sons in this outer city, but why haven’t I seen the three of them until now?”

Kurosawada was driving the car while looking around, as if looking for something.

Tadajima looked sideways at the scenery outside the car window and explained, “Someone here recently set up an adoption home for the adoption of cursed children, so those children should be in the adoption home.” ”

“Really? I don’t care that there are good people in this world who are willing to take care of the cursed son. ”

Masamune Kurosawa and Maotoku Tadajima are among the few who have no animosity toward the Cursed Son.

Because of this, the two of them can come together in the police station to become partners.

“By the way, Tadajima’s seniors, what is the old label of my drink?”

Kurosawada didn’t even know where they were going.

I just ran to the police station to work today, and before I entered the building, I was pulled out by the seniors, saying that I was going to come here to handle the case.

But he didn’t know exactly where he was coming from.

Tadajima said, “Our goal is that adoption home. ”

“Eh? Is it difficult to believe that what happened over there? ”

“You’ll know later.”

Tadajima Maude did not explain.

Because with the current information, it is not enough to confirm whether the person they are looking for is that person.

A few minutes later, the online doctor Tukang arrived at the door of the adoption home.

Looking at this huge adoption home, the two could not help but marvel.

Although it has long been known that there is an adoption home here.

But this scale, this degree of luxury, you say is the top star hotel are believed!

Is this really a place built for the Son of Cursed?

The two couldn’t help but wonder.

Tadajima retracted his thoughts, led his descendants to the iron gate, and pressed the bell of the iron gate.

The next second, a voice sounded.

“Who are you?”

“Hello, we are police officers from the XX Police Agency, here to do an investigation, can you let me in?”

As he spoke, Tadajima also pulled out his police card and placed it in front of the camera.

As if I wanted to get confirmation from the person on the other side.


Lin Ziqin is watching “The Girl of Heavenly Curse” with Lan Yuan Yanzhu.

Xiao Ai told him the situation outside the door for the first time.

“The police? What are they doing here? ”

Lin Zi Qin Mo murmured with his chin.

Could it be that they found out that it was he and Tendo Kirito who had killed Tendo Kikuyuki and the other four people?

No, no, no, how is this possible.

The incident was seamless, and it was impossible for them to find out about it.

What’s more, even if they did find out about them, they couldn’t just send two police officers.

There must be a direct mobilization of troops to capture them.

So what exactly is it for?

“Forget it, the soldiers will come to cover the water, no matter what they come here to do, anyway, Lao Tzu is not afraid!”

“Let them in.”

“Nice host.”

“Brother is leaving again?”

Lan Yuan Yanzhu grabbed Lin Ziqin’s hand and did not give up on him.

She snatched her brother from Yuffie’s sister and Tendo Kigen’s sister to watch anime with her!

Lin Ziqin gently stroked Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s small head and said softly, “I’ll be back soon, you can see for yourself first.” ”

“Well, the concubine will pause first, and then sell you back to the speed factory to look up!”

Good things to share!

Lan Yuan Yanzhu likes the anime “Heavenly Curse Girl” very much, so she wants to taste it with her favorite Lin Ziqin brother!


Lin Ziqin smiled.

Chengran “Heavenly Curse Girl” is an anime that is a bit childish and elegant for him, but he still likes to watch the process with Lan Yuan Yanzhu.

The other side.

Outside the gate.

After waiting for a moment, Xiao Ai finally gave an answer.

“Please come in.”

When the words fall, the door opens automatically.

Matoku Tadajima and Masashi Kurosawa walked in.

After entering the interior, he felt more and more like two top star hotels!

Looking at the gorgeous interior decoration, what kind of adoption home can use this configuration?

But the Cursed Children everywhere are true.

Moreover, they also found that each of these cursed sons was wearing beautiful clothes and had a rosy face, which was completely different from the skinny and yellow-faced sons they remembered!

These cursed sons are probably treated better than the children of most ordinary families!

“Two, please come with me, the owner of the house is waiting in the office.”

Just when the two were stunned, a butler robot came to them and saw that the movement was so smooth that it was almost like an ordinary human, and the two were shocked again.

Led by the butler robot, Tadajima Matsutoku and Kurosawada came to Lin Ziqin’s office.

Is he the master here?

So young!

They thought that the owner of this place was an elderly man with a successful career, but they did not think that it was a young man!

“What happened to the two of you here?”

Lin Zi Qin De and these two people nonsense, directly to the point.

“Hello, my name is Tadajima Matsutoku, a police officer from the XX Police Agency, and this is my junior Kurosawa Masasa.”

Tadajima Matsutoku first introduced himself to Ichika before he began to say the right thing.

“That’s right, not long ago we found several dead people under the overpass on XX Street.”

“It is preliminarily judged that these deceased were hit hard before they were killed, and then fell to their deaths on the overpass.”

“According to the surveillance we obtained, you and the two little girls were among the last few people to enter the overpass, so I suspect that Zhao) You may have died with these deceased people.”

“Can you please cooperate with us to go back to the investigation?”

Lin Ziqin raised an eyebrow.

After half a day, it turned out to be the death of several!

If these two people didn’t come here today, Lin Ziqin would have even forgotten about the incident a few days ago!

Lin Ziqin leaned back against the office chair and rested his feet on the desk surface.

“Don’t doubt, a jerk is mine.”

“Rest assured, huh?”

After listening to Lin Ziqin’s words, the two were immediately stunned.

This, this acknowledges the crime?

The two didn’t know what to say for a moment.

After a while, Tadajima Maude took out a pair of silver handcasts from his pocket.

“Then can you please come with us?”

Lin Ziqin smiled contemptuously and said, “What if I say no?” ”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the office instantly froze…

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