Chapter 219 The paradise of the Cursed Children must not be destroyed!!

“Sir, we’re not kidding.”

“You are already suspected of intentional homicide, please come with us!”

Tadajima took a deep breath and said with a serious face.

Lin Ziqin didn’t think so: “I know, but I’m not joking.” ”

“If you have the ability, then take me back.”

“If that’s the case, you’re offended.”

Tadajima Maude stepped forward and went to his own hands.

But as soon as he took a step, he felt something cold against his temple.

He turned his head and saw that it was the muzzle of the same black gun!

It turned out that the butler robot came to his side at some point.

“Detect your hostility to the lord of the house and activate the enemy mode.”

In that instant, the butler robot’s eyeball glow changed from blue to red!


Kurosawada Masamune tried to pull out his pistol, but one hand grabbed his wrist from behind and twisted it slightly.


“Ah! My hand! ”

A crisp sound came into everyone’s ears, followed by Kurosawada’s anguished wailing.

Tadajima Maude looked back and saw that a dark-haired girl had appeared in the mansion at some point.

What surprised him the most was that this woman actually suppressed her junior Kurosawa Masamune with one hand!

You know, Kurosawada is the one who retired from the special forces!

“Do you still want to arrest me now?”

Lin Ziqin seemed to be smiling at Tadajima Maude in front of him, and his eyes were full of contempt.

Catch him?

Just by these two people?

Well, he managed to be amused.

Tadajima Maude didn’t answer, but the answer didn’t matter anymore.

He casually threw the handcuffs on the ground: and then raised his hands to throw them up.

“Let them go.”

Lin Ziqin also had no intention of killing them.

He never kills senselessly unless he is angry with him.

But these two men had obviously not yet reached the level of melting his anger.

After all, it is their duty to investigate the killings, and they cannot be blamed for it.

But only today.

Tendo Ki loosened Kurosawada’s wrist, and the butler robot also lowered the weapon in his hand.

“I’m not going to kill you this time, so go back.”

Tadajima Maude breathed a sigh of relief, he took a deep look at Lin Ziqin, and then turned away after helping himself.

After the two of them left here, Tendo couldn’t help but ask, “Is it really good to just let them go back?” They will definitely bring more people here after they go back, Lin Ziqin will not panic about this. ”

“Just let them take it, the opportunity has already been given once, if they don’t cherish it, then naturally I will not continue to be polite.”

His tolerance is also limited.

If these people are obsessed, then he will not spare his subordinates.

“By the way, are you adapting to the current ability?”

Lin Ziqin suddenly thought of something: turning back.

Tendo Mu shook his fist even more, feeling the power in his body.

“I’ve gotten used to it a bit and now I feel like I can even blow up this building with one punch!”

Two days ago, Lin Ziqin not only repaired the defects in her body, but also used angel potions through her.

Now she’s full of strength!

At first, she was a little uncomfortable with this powerful force, and even destroyed the furniture and objects in the home many times.

However, after two days of training, she could also control the experience of the body.

However, if you want to adapt completely and do it without affecting your daily life, it still takes a little time.

Take just now.

Her intention was to grab the policeman’s guard, but when she twisted it too hard, it directly shattered the bones of the other person’s entire hand!

“Are you okay?”

After leaving the adoption home, Tadajima put Kurosawa Masashi in the passenger seat and drove to the inner city of Fa.

Looking at the younger generation who kept chanting, Tadajima Maude was very ashamed.

They all blamed themselves for being too impulsive and hurting him!

“Me, I’m fine, but I’m afraid my hand is going to be ruined Kurosawada is gritting his teeth and enduring the pain.”

The sharp pain made him sweat.

“Hold on, I’ll take you to the hospital now!”

Saying that, Tadajima Maude stepped on the accelerator and sped up.

After taking the person to the hospital, Tadajima Maude did not stay too long.

He immediately returned to the Police Department and reported the favor.

It didn’t take long: a group of heavily armed police officers drove in armored vehicles toward the outer city.

And this matter soon reached the ears of the Holy Heavenly Son.

“Qingnai, go to the cars, I’m going to the outer city!”

Saint Tianzi said to the secretary sister in front of him.

“Saint Heavenly Son, that’s an outer city, it’s very unsafe!”

The secretary sister wanted to stop it.

After all, the security in the outer city is not good, and the most important thing is that how can the Saint Heavenly Son go to that kind of dirty place?

But the Holy Heavenly Son couldn’t control that much.

“This is the command.”

Just a faint sentence, but it also shows the determination of the Holy Heavenly Son!


This time, the secretary sister did not dissuade it again.

Saint Tianzi looked out the window in a certain direction.

“I hope to catch up.”

Ever since she learned that there was an adoption home in the outer city for the adoption of a cursed son, she had been quietly watching this adoption home.

Because there is something that I have always wanted to do, but I can’t do.

The adoption home was thus regarded by her as the last promised land of the Cursed Son.

Now that this piece of paradise has caused attacks on the police and secretly hiding guns and ammunition, she can’t ignore it?

But she didn’t go there to question the adoption home.

Instead, she wanted to keep the adoption home in her own name!

This piece of paradise must not be destroyed!

Just when Saint Tianzi was preparing to personally rescue the adoption home, Lin Ziqin, who was located in the adoption home, did not know this.

However, he also received the news that a large number of police officers were daring to go here.

“Master, my suggestion is to go straight to the factory to send the waterway!”

Xiao Ai proposed a simple and rough solution to Lin Ziqin.

Unfortunately, Lin Ziqin did not adopt it.

“One orbital bombing can indeed wipe out these guys, but I want to shock everyone so that no one else will ever dare to come here to find my Ma Shun!”

Tendo Ki asked rhetorically, “So do you have any ideas?” ”

Lin Ziqin did not give an answer, but just smiled and said mysteriously: “You will know later.” ”

“But just in case, let’s take up the shield.”

“Obey orders!”


After a ten-minute rush to the king, a convoy of hundreds of heavily armed police arrived near the adoption home.

They quickly surrounded the adoption home…

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