Chapter 220 The people outside are listening, you are surrounded by me!!

“The people inside are listening to me! You are already surrounded, please surrender your weapons immediately! ”

“Repeat, you are already surrounded, please surrender your weapons immediately!”

Outside the adoption home.

The heavily armed police surrounded the three outer three floors of the place.

The black armored car was directly blocked in front of the gate of the adoption home.

You can even see a few police officers in the rear carrying some heavy weapons!

A unit of this size is probably comparable to a small army!

The person leading the team is the deputy director of the National Police Agency.

At the moment, he was sitting in the command car, looking through the camera at the front.

“Don’t you want to come out yet?”

A minute had passed, but the door to the adoptive home was still locked and showed no sign of opening.

The other party didn’t even give a response.

“It looks like you can only attack.”

However, just as the deputy director was about to order a strong attack, a humanoid holographic projection suddenly lit up in front of the gate of the adoption home.

“It’s him!”

Tadajima Maude recognized the identity of this person at a glance.

That’s right, he is Lin Ziqin!

The deputy commissioner asked, “Is this guy the owner of the adoption home?” ”

Tadajima nodded.

“That’s right.”

Hearing this, the deputy bureau chief picked up the loudspeaker and shouted at Lin Ziqin: “Please come out immediately and surrender, otherwise we will force an attack into it.” ”

“Laugh to death, just because you also want to storm my territory?” Who gave you the qi as Lin Ziqin’s voice fell, and the door of the adoption home slowly opened. ”

A large group of combat robots armed with various advanced weapons poured out from inside to see these combat robots, and the police were instantly nervous.

They raised their weapons and aimed them at the battle robots.

The deputy director’s face darkened.

The people here are not only secretly hiding weapons, this is simply a private reduction of two entire armies!

But that’s far from over.

Just when the deputy director was still hesitating whether to attack strongly, the sky suddenly darkened.

At first the deputy commissioner thought it was going to rain.

But it wasn’t until someone looked up at the sky that he saw the heavenly picture through the man’s helmet camera.

Only to see a huge battleship with a sister-in-law covering the sky and breaking through the clouds and coming to their heads!

This battleship is very huge, and it is initially estimated that it will come at least several times!

Because of this, even people who are far away in the inner city can clearly see this ship suspended in the air!

“Oh my God! What a big spaceship! ”

“Is it an alien invasion?”

“Humanity is going to die, I’m going home with my wife and children, I’m not going to work today!”

Suddenly, the whole of Tokyo was in a state of chaos!

“Holy Heavenly Son, let’s go back!”

Saint Tianzi had just boarded the special car and was about to go to the outer city, only to see the sister-in-law’s spaceship.

The secretary rushed forward to persuade him.

After thinking about it, Saint Tianzi nodded and stepped out of the car.

She was naïve, but she wasn’t stupid.

She had dared to go there because she knew she couldn’t be in danger.

But now that there is a suspicious alien spaceship over there, not to mention the outer city, the whole Tokyo area may now be in danger!

“Please contact the top brass of the military, I need to have a conversation with them!”

“Obey orders!”

Let’s turn the screen back to the nursing home gate.

At this moment, the policemen looked up at the huge ship above them with horror.

It wasn’t until Lin Ziqin opened his mouth again that they came back to their senses.

“Now, do you still have the courage to say a strong attack on me?”

The deputy director was shocked.

The other person’s tone was flat, as if he was not surprised by what was happening in the sky.

Could it be that the sister-in-law spaceship above his head is related to the man in front of him?

This… This is really difficult to ride the tiger!

A cold sweat fell from the deputy commissioner’s forehead.

“How? Don’t talk anymore? ”

Lin Ziqin despised the people in front of him.

“Then now I’ll give you back what you just said.”

“The people outside listened to me! You have been surrounded by me, lay down your arms and disarm and do not kill!” ”

Lin Ziqin’s voice was like thunder, and it instantly spread the ears of the people who were straight!

The policemen looked at each other, and some even slowly removed their guns.

“I’m saying it again, lay down your arms and disarm without killing, I’ll only give you ten seconds to think about it.”

“There is only one chance, and cherish it.”

At the same time, the belly of the overhead spaceship lit up with a purple light.

That’s the light that the plasma cannon emits when it’s charged!

“Deputy Director…”

Tadajima Maude looked at the deputy director next to him.

In the face of such a situation, what choice will the deputy director make?

Surrender? Still is… Take a gamble to kill the leader of the tiger before the other party has launched an attack?

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Just as the ten seconds are coming to an end.

The Deputy Director finally made a choice.

“Everyone immediately lay down their weapons and surrender!”

After all, he still didn’t have the courage to gamble on this one.

He didn’t dare to gamble!

The front adoption home is guarded by a group of battle robots, and he does not have the confidence to take the adoption home in a very short time!

After hearing the order of the deputy director, the police officer quickly put the weapon in his hand to the ground.

It was as fast as if they had been waiting for the order to surrender.

In fact, most people are waiting for the order to surrender.

The enemy has such a huge warship, what kind of medical treatment does he take?

Just a small-caliber rifle in your hand and a few shoulder-mounted rockets?

As these men surrendered, the warplanes quickly took control of them.

“Little love, arrest those people and put them in big jail!”

“Do as you are told.”

These people could later be brought back to the Empire to work as slave workers.

The Empire has been underpopulated lately.

Most people in this world are not worthy to be citizens of the Empire and dominate to be Imperial slave workers!

After glancing at the time, Lin Ziqin murmured, “Spray, it wasted an hour of my time, and I don’t know if Yan Zhu will be angry when he buys it.” ”

He said he would go back soon, but he wasted nearly an hour.

But when he returned to the room, he found that Lan Yuan Yanzhu was actually lying on the sofa asleep!

Is it because he waited too long and fell asleep?

“But sleeping on the couch is easy to catch a cold, silly boy.”

Lin Ziqin carefully picked up Lan Yuan Yanzhu and put her on the bed: and covered her with a quilt.

After doing all this, Lin Ziqin wanted to leave Wang.

But he found that one of Lan Yuan’s hands was clutching his sleeve.

Moreover, he also keenly noticed that the beauty of Lan Yuan Yanzhu beat slightly.

Good fellow, it turned out to be awake.

However, he pretended not to wake up, and it was not difficult to guess what this girl was thinking.

“Okay, well, I’ll sleep with you for a while.”

Lin Ziqin also lay down and held Lan Yuan Yanzhu in his arms.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu finally let go of her little hand at this time, and a faint smile appeared on her cute little face…

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