Chapter 221 Little Love is the True Palace?!!

Just when Lin Ziqin was lying on the bed and sleeping with Lan Yuan Yanzhu.

Outside, the shaking caused by the ORS-class heavy cruiser has not subsided.

The troops that had been stationed near the megalithic monument were urgently recalled.

The previously bustling streets have been cleared, and three pedestrians are not visible.

All the residents have returned home and are afraid to go out.

Even the daily news was gone, and when you turned on the TV, you could only see a snowflake.

Until hours later.

When night falls.

At this time, the streets were gradually becoming more pedestrians.

Maybe it was because the ship had gone by for hours without any action.

This gives many people the courage to go out of the house.

Or maybe it’s just because they don’t want to stay at home all the time and want to get out and about.

At this time, the Holy Heavenly Zai Mansion was still brightly lit.

“Report to Lord Saint Tianzi, it has been confirmed that all the teams that went to the outer city have been lost.”

The secretary sister submitted the latest investigation report to Saint Tianzi.

“Whether his disappearance is related to the spaceship is not known for the time being.”

Saint Tianzi’s already slightly haggard face had a hint of pity on it.

The secretary sister couldn’t help but feel sad about this.

“Holy Heavenly Son, go and rest, at least for a while, I don’t think anything should happen tonight.”

Saint Tianzi shook his head slightly, “No, no, I can’t rest yet.” ”

There have been so many things that have happened recently.

Big things happened one after another, so that she couldn’t rest at all, but even if she was tired, she couldn’t rest.

Especially at this moment!


Just then, a woman in military uniform walked in.


Saint Tianzi immediately became serious.

The people of the army came directly here, and apparently something had happened again!

The woman said, “Lord Saint Heavenly Son, the latest information from the front-line army just now needs your attention!” ”

With that, the female officer presented three documents with both hands.

The secretary sister stepped forward and took the document and passed it to the hands of Saint Tianzi.

Saint Tianzi immediately opened the file and looked at it carefully.

After a moment, her bright blue face was three more shocks.

“Prepare the car, I’m going to the outer city!”


As soon as these words came out, the secretary’s sister immediately froze.

Why do you have to run to the outer city?

Today is also during the day, how can it be at night?

Is it because of that document?

The secretary sister secretly glanced at the document in the hands of Saint Tianzi.

It could only be borrowed, because of the angle, she could not see the contents clearly.

But she saw two pictures.

One of the photos shows a strange-looking flying machine flying out of the Naso battleship.

Another photo shows a man holding a little girl in his arms next to a strange-looking flying machine.

The two still had smiles on their faces, and they looked as if they were preparing to board a flying machine.

The man in this picture is so familiar.

Wait, isn’t this the Mr. Dean of that adoption home?!

How could he stand with an alien flying machine?

Did they think wrongly, that the ship was not alien at all.

It’s the admiral’s?

Thinking of this, the secretary was extremely shocked when he received his sister’s heart.

She understood why Lord Saint Heavenly Son was running to the outer city again.

If it was as she had suspected, there was a reason to contact the mysterious Mr. Dean.


“Holy Heavenly Son, it’s not too early now, and it’s not too late to visit the adoption home tomorrow.”

Saint Tianzi was silent for a moment and then nodded.

“Yes, it was my long-time husband who considered it.”

So late, it is estimated that people will also rest, she rushed to visit, but it will disturb people’s rest.

“Then let’s go back tomorrow.”

At the same time on the other side.

Lin Ziqin led Lan Yuan’s small hand to walk in the corridor leading to the bridge.

The little girl looked around along the way, her eyes were full of curiosity, as if she wanted to take the two cuts here into her eyes!

Although he had long known that Brother Lin Ziqin had a lot of strange things.

Like those big planes.

But she didn’t expect that in addition to those big planes, Lin Ziqin’s brother also had such three huge spaceships!

After that, wouldn’t he be able to fly to the moon in a spaceship with Lin Ziqin’s brother?

“Wow! The moon feels so big from here! ”

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao to.

When he walked to the window, Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s gaze was attracted by the bright moon outside the window.

“It really feels a little bit bigger.”

Lin Ziqin did not deny this.

The higher you stand and look at the moon, the bigger you see…

But in fact, such a height is still not visible.

After all, this ship was only two or five hundred meters from the ground at the moment.

The reason why Lan Yuan Yanzhu had this feeling was purely psychological, and after a while, the two finally came to the bridge.

“Don’t run around, he doesn’t rely on strange things.”

As soon as I entered the bridge, I heard a gentle reminder from Euphemia.

She was standing in front of a group of children and telling them some precautions.

Tendo Kirito stood behind the children.

As early as when Lin Ziqin and Lan Yuan Yanzhu were still lying on the bed and sleeping, the two of them took the children to board the ruined ship.

Just like the Blue Plains Yanzhu, these children are also very curious about this boat, and they want to play on this ruined boat.

Naturally Euphemia would not refuse this.

Along the way, they went to many places in the search for the ship.

Even just now, Euphemia took the children to the ship’s cafeteria for dinner.

Eating dinner on board the spaceship is also the other three precious tests.

Although the food was no different from usual, the children had a great time.

At this time, Yuphemia also saw Lin Ziqin and Lanyuan Yanzhu who walked in.

“Allah, let’s see who is coming, it’s your brother who took the picture.”

The little ladies quickly ran to Lin Ziqin.

“Brother Lin Ziqin!”

“Hello guys.”

“Good evening Brother Lin Ziqin!”

“Well, good evening.”

“Is Brother Lin Ziqin here to play with us?”


Now Lin Ziqin’s position in the hearts of these little ladies was no less than that of Euphemia.

Euphemia asked, “Honey, did you have dinner?” ”

“Just eaten, Xiao Ai let the housekeeper robot prepare.”

Xiao Ai expected that Lin Ziqin and Lanyuan Yanzhu were about to wake up.

So he deliberately let the housekeeper robot prepare dinner for Lin Ziqin and Lanyuan Yanzhu.

“Then thank you little love.”

Sometimes Euphymia would feel that Xiao Ai would take better care of Lin Ziqin than she was a wife.

If it weren’t for Xiao Ai being a guide robot, she would even want to call Xiao Ai Ersheng Sister.

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