Chapter 222 Angelic Girl, Unfortunately Without Wings!!

The next morning.

Saint Tianzi woke up from his sleep.

The waitresses who had been waiting for a long time immediately came forward to serve.

“What time is it?”

The head maid replied, “Lord Saint Tianzi, it is now about ten o’clock in the morning when Saint Tianzi hears the words, and the slightest drowsiness that remains is instantly gone.” ”

“Ten o’clock?” Why didn’t anyone call me? ”

The chief maid explained: “It was your secretary-general who said not to disturb your rest. ”

The Secretary-General had specifically instructed them yesterday that they would not need to wake up the Holy Heavenly Son on time today and let her rest well.

They did obey the arrangement.

“Was it originally arranged by the Secretary-General?”

Saint Tianzi also guessed his secretary-general’s intentions.

The Secretary-General wanted to give herself more rest, after all, in recent days, Liu had worked until very late to go to bed.

Although I am grateful to the Secretary-General for her sake, today is a special day!

Need to go to the outer city to visit the admiral!

Quickly put on your clothes and wash the powder for breakfast.

When it was all over, it was more than an hour later.

It was eleven o’clock at this moment.

“Saint Heavenly Son, the car you parked is already good.”

The secretary sister also appeared at the side of Saint Tianzi at this moment.

“Thanks, let’s go.”

Saint Tianzi did not dare to delay any longer.

After all, it’s lunchtime in a little while.

Run to visit people at lunchtime, and the other party will not necessarily receive them!

A few minutes later, Saint Tianzi boarded the car with his secretary sister and left the Saint Tianzi Mansion.

“Did anything happen after I fell asleep last night?”

“Go back to Saint Heavenly Son, nothing happened.”

Last night was very calm, even calmer than usual!

But it’s also calm and scary.

Saint Tianzi breathed a sigh of relief.

The vehicle moves on.

A few minutes later, Saint Tianzi took a special car to the junction of the outer and inner urban areas.

At this moment it has been blocked by the military.

Rows of makeshift fences separate the interfaces between the two areas.

At the same time, on the side of the fence, the military also set up anti-aircraft guns and other defensive weapons.

More heavy weapons were also hidden in the rear.

As soon as the vehicle arrived at the gate, it was stopped by the soldiers.

However, after learning that this was the car of the Holy Heavenly Son, the soldiers were soon allowed to leave again.

After another ten minutes, the vehicle finally arrived safely outside the gate of the adoption home.

The secretary sister who was sitting opposite Saint Tianzi breathed a long sigh of relief.

She had also proposed that the army escort them here.

However, Lord Saint Tianzi was afraid that the hornworm would anger the other party, so he refused her proposal.

However, since they can reach here safely, this at least shows that the other party allows her to approach here.

As the vehicle stopped, before waiting for the secretary sister to help open the door, Saint Tianzi took the lead and went down.

The secretary sister and the woman who acted as the driver and the escort also followed her.

“Holy Heavenly Son, let me ring the doorbell.”

The guard came out and said.

Saint Tianzi didn’t speak, just nodded slightly.

The guard stepped up to the gate and gently pressed the doorbell.

Before long, three voices sounded.

“Clarify who you are and where you come from.”

Saint Tianzi immediately stepped forward and said, “Gui’an, I am the contemporary Saint Heavenly Son of Tokyo, and we are here to apologize to you and to talk to your Mr. Dean.” ”

As soon as Saint Tianzi finished speaking, three scanned rays of light shot out from the mechanical cat’s eyes and landed on Saint Tianzi’s body.

The guards saw this and wanted to go forward and protect it.

But as soon as she moved, the laser had finished scanning.

“Identity confirmed, please wait for a reply.”

I’m afraid that in the whole neon sky, the only one who dares to let Saint Tianzi stand at the door and wait is this adoption home.

But they have no complaints about such disrespectful treatment.

Because the other side has this strength!

“What’s the situation, someone is knocking on the door again?”

When Lin Ziqin learned of the situation, he was speechless.

Why did he pull the spaceship out?

Isn’t it to slow down the world, so as not to continue to be disturbed by others!

“Yes, the master, and this time the identity of the visitor is more interesting, it is the contemporary Saint Heavenly Son.”

Originally, Lin Ziqin wanted Xiao Ai to drive people away directly, but after hearing the identity of the comer, he immediately changed his mouth.

“Then let them in!”

Saint Heavenly Son, three make-up children like the angels of the clan.

According to rumors, every generation of Saint Tianzi was a top beauty when he was young.

And the contemporary Saint Heavenly Son is the most beautiful one in history!

Speaking of which, after coming to this world, Lin Ziqin didn’t seem to have seen this rumored Saint Heavenly Son.

Although I have seen her several times in anime, after all, it is an anime, and there is still a big gap with reality.

It just so happened that she was here now, and he wanted to see if this honorable Saint Heavenly Son Lord was as exaggerated as the rumors were.

A few minutes later, led by the butler robot, the three women came to Lin Ziqin’s Li Gong Room.

Lin Ziqin’s gaze first fell on the woman standing in the middle.

Blue and white medium length hair, snow-like skin, just the right lips, wearing a white dress, all over the body are highlighted by a white word!

The body exudes a noble temperament all the time.

Rao is Lin Ziqin and can’t help but be amazed by her beautiful face.

It seems that the rumors are indeed not exaggerated, this girl deserves the title of angel!

The only thing missing was that she lacked a pair of white feathers.

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Ziqin said, “Welcome to my castle.” ”

“I heard that this Holy Heavenly Son wants to talk to me?” Don’t know what you want to talk to me about? ”

You can’t talk about life, can you?

Of course, he couldn’t have said it directly.

A butler robot on the side guarded a chair from the outside.

Saint Tianzi sat down, while the secretary of the guard mouth stood behind her degree.

“I do have something I would like to talk to Mr. Dean, but before I do, I would like to apologize to you.”

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t restrain my subordinates and let them bother you.”

Like the emperors of ancient times, the Holy Son of Heaven had absolute authority over the Tokyo district.

It is not wrong to say that those Cha are her subordinates.

“The Tao is no longer needed, they have already received the punishment they deserve.”

After hearing the words, Saint Clan Tsai’s translucent double use flashed three good wounds.

“I don’t know if they’re now…”

“Still alive.”


“Don’t be happy too soon, although they are still alive, I am afraid that in the future they will let them live or die.”

Lin Ziqin sneered, a wave of malice arose, and Saint Tianzi was frightened and pale.

But she still plucked up the courage to say, “Can you give those people back to me?” I’m willing to exchange some conditions or what you want! ”

Lin Ziqin retracted his cold expression and said, “Is this the ultimate purpose of your coming here?” ”

Saint Tianzi nodded without denying it…

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