Chapter 223 The Relics of the Seven Stars, the Origin of the Primordial Virus!!

The number of people captured by Lin Ziqin was large, up to several hundred, and there were many big figures among them.

With so many fewer police officers at once, the security level of the whole of Tokyo will be reduced by several grades in an instant.

In a short period of time, there was no way to replenish these acid officers, and the only effective way was to return these captured policemen.

Of course, Saint Tianzi was not stupid, and she said that this could not be exempt from reward.

That’s why Lin Ziqin made his own request.

As long as she can get her hands on it, she will naturally not be stingy.

Saint Tianzi looked at the man in front of him carefully.

Although this person was young, but his whole body exuded the oppression of the superior in front of him, Saint Tianzi felt very small.

At this moment, Lin Ziqin suddenly spoke: “Well, you can use some people to return it to you.” ”

In any case, these people will still become slave laborers in the Empire, and it is not impossible to return these people first.

It would be better to return them for the time being, without wasting food on his side.

Moreover, it just so happened that Saint Tianzi did have one thing in his hands that he needed.

“But I have a… No, there are two requirements! ”

Halfway through the conversation, Lin Ziqin suddenly changed his mouth.

Because just now he suddenly thought of something that just needed the help of Saint Tianzi.

“You say.”

Saint Tianzi was very surprised.

I didn’t expect to agree so quickly, and only put forward two requests for Lin Ziqin to put up a finger.

“First of all, I need you to publish what is on this document.”

With that, Lin Ziqin’s drawer produced three documents.

The butler robot immediately stepped forward and handed the file to Saint Tianzi.

Saint Tianzi opened the file and took a look.

The next second the pupils constricted.

“This, this is Tendo Kiku’s…”

“That’s right, it’s all the crimes of Tendo Kikuyuki over the years, Order!”

Although the old guy of Tiantong Ju Zhicheng was dead, the feeling behind was that the old guy still did not end up with a public crime.

Soon after, he may even receive the highest level of treatment and be buried in a high-class cemetery!

But will Lin Ziqin let him do as he pleases?

Even if you die, Lao Tzu will still make you smell your reputation and make you stink!

Originally, Lin Ziqin was planning to publish the contents of this document himself.

But since the Holy Son of Heaven has come, let her do it.

After all, she is the biggest official.

As the largest official official, the information released is the most convincing.

Saint Tianzi hesitated.

After all, people were dead, and she didn’t want to be convicted of three more dead.

But considering the hundreds of police officers who were still alive, she finally agreed to Lin Ziqin’s first request.

“I’ll publish the information on this when I go back.”

“It was good.”

Lin Ziqin put up a second finger.

“My second request is, I want the relics of the Seven Stars!”

As soon as these words came out, Saint Tianzai was shocked.

Even the secretary and guards standing behind her looked at Lin Ziqin with wide eyes and nervousness.

The relics of the Seven Stars are items left over from the War of the Seven Stars Village.

This kind of thing is not known to ordinary people.

But for Lin Ziqin, who has seen the original work, these secrets are not secrets at all.

He even knew how the protovirus came about.

That’s a man-made biological weapon!

The relationship between Qixing Village and the protovirus is similar to the game “Killing the Proto”.

The Hope Town and Black Light virus.

The virus leaked, immediately infecting the entire village.

Those inhabitants were the original protozoa!

The Seven Star Relic is the only item that can summon the Stage Five Protozoans!

“What do you want this thing to do?”

Saint Tianzi stared at the person in front of him.

She didn’t expect this person to know about such a forbidden thing!

Lin Ziqin did not hide it either, and said bluntly, “Very simply, I want it to summon the stage five protozoa.” ”

In fact, even if Lin Ziqin didn’t explain the Saint Heavenly Son, he knew what he was doing with that thing, after all, the relics of the Seven Stars were only of this use.

Can you still take it and collect it?

Lin Ziqin didn’t have that kind of ringworm.

“No, no!”

Saint Tianzi shook his head wildly, like a rattle.

“Stage five protozoa is very dangerous, and it must not be brought over!”

Stage five protoenterans are the highest rank of all proenterans.

They are large and not even affected by holmium.

Every stage of the five primates is a moving natural disaster!

Once they are brought closer to Tokyo, the whole of Tokyo may turn into a purgatory on earth!

“Did you get something wrong?”

Lin Ziqin propped up his chin and said, “I never said that I wanted to summon Class Five here.” ”

No matter how these people in Tokyo were also slave laborers in the Empire, how could Lin Ziqin not be able to survive these free laborers?

He had never thought of bringing the stage five protozoa to this side.

“I can assure you that I will not summon Class Five in Tokyo District, or even in any of the densely populated cities.”


“It’s true!”

“If you don’t believe me, when I summon Class Five, I can come and supervise it personally, but I am very welcome.”

Lin Ziqin said half-jokingly.

And this time, the Holy Heavenly Son did not rush to refuse.

She thought about it for a moment and finally agreed to Lin Ziqin’s second request.

“Well, I can give you the relics of the Seven Stars, but you must keep your promise not to release it in a densely populated city!”

The biggest concern of Shengtianzi is the proximity of the stage five protozoa to the Tokyo area.

As long as the person in front of him doesn’t release the relics of the Seven Stars near the Tokyo area, it doesn’t matter how he tosses and turns.

“Well, happy cooperation!”

After the two talked about some more topics, Saint Tianzi found an excuse to leave.

After all, it was almost lunchtime, and she was not good enough to continue to disturb people.

Although Lin Ziqin didn’t mind inviting her to stay for lunch, it was a pity that she didn’t know.

“By the way, can I tell you about the famous horse you parked?”

Before leaving, Saint Tianzi explained the problems that had been bothering her heart.

She had always wanted to know Lin Ziqin’s name.

Just because I didn’t get a chance to ask.

Lin Ziqin nodded, “Of course, my name is Lin Ziqinfen.” ”

“Lin Ziqin?” I know. ”

Saint Tianzi chewed on every word, as if he wanted to keep this name firmly in mind…

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