Chapter 224 Encounter with a Little Owl!!

Park chairs.

One big and one small, a man and a woman sit side by side.

It is worth noting that the younger girl was wearing a pink pajamas!

It is hard to believe that someone can go out in a sleep during the day.

At least Lin Ziqin was still seeing this situation for the first time.

“Give, drink this thing, you can refresh your mind.”

Lin Ziqin handed the coffee he had bought from the vending machine to the little girl.

The girl took the coffee in his hand and thanked him in a soft voice.

“Thank you big brother… You’re so nice to Tina… Gollum! ”

That’s right, this little guy who goes out in a sleeper is called Where.

Tina Sprente!

The little owl from the original book!

It was precisely because Lin Ziqin knew the identity of this little girl that he would approach her if she was an ordinary person, and he wouldn’t even pay attention to her.

As soon as the coffee entered the stomach, the girl’s cloudy eyes finally had a little more luster.

The sleepiness on his face also disappeared.

“Thank you again, big brother.”

“No thanks, your face is dirty, do you want to wipe it?”

Lin Ziqin took out a wet paper towel and said.

His intention was to let Tina wipe herself, but who ever wanted Tina to directly put her face together.

“Are you not at all wary of me as a stranger?”

Despite saying this, Lin Ziqin still helped her to detect the dangerous filth.

“Even if I dare to drink the coffee I handed you, I am not afraid that I will give you medicine?”

Tina smiled and said, “Tina giggles, my intuition tells Tina that Big Brother is not that kind of person, and it is very accurate to know Ti Na!” ”

Lin Ziqin also agreed with this, after all, he was not that kind of person in the first place.

“How could you be here alone?”

Lin Ziqin asked instead.

Tina tapped her chin with her index finger, tilted her head and said with a cute face, “I don’t know, I’ve just been confused, and when I wake up, I’ll be by your side.” ”

“Oh? It seems that fate has brought you to my side! ”

“Hee-hee, I didn’t expect the big brother to be a secondary two.”

Tina’s smile is so cute that people can’t help but want to protect it.

“Where is your home?” Do you want Big Brother to send you back? ”

“My home is in EMM.”

Tina looked left and right, her index finger tapped her lips, and finally spit out her tongue and said, “I don’t know where my house is.” ”

It is true that she also came to this city two days ago, and she is not very happy about the place of life here.

She was a fan of Hu Hu who came here and didn’t know where she was now!

Lin Ziqin was speechless.

“You, really… Forget it, or shall we find two of us in ten? ”

“The place where you live should be nearby.”

People will certainly not leave home too far away when they are confused.

Therefore, Lin Ziqin guessed that the place where Tina lived was somewhere near this suburb.


Tina nodded and held out her small hand to Lin Ziqin.

“Hold hands, three finds.”


Lin Ziqin grabbed Tina’s soft and boneless little hand.

It’s cold and it’s very soft.

It’s similar to the Blue Plains Yanzhu.

“By the way, big brother, why are you here?” Did you come out to buy something? ”

Tina glanced at the bag that Lin Ziqin was carrying in his other hand, which contained three small snacks.

Lin Ziqin shrugged, “Sort of.” ”

In fact, he came out to buy the latest “Heavenly Curse Girl” collector’s edition disc for the family Blue Plains Yanzhu.

The little snack in the bag was just a stopover purchase.

He hadn’t eaten the little snacks of this world, so he bought some to eat and see.

Looking at the outer packaging feels good, but the taste is a bit difficult to describe.

“Do you want it?”

Lin Ziqin handed the bag in his hand to Tina.

Although it feels like you’re throwing your own unwanted garbage at another person.

But as the saying goes, three people’s garbage is three people’s treasure!

Maybe people like his little snacks?

“Thank you.”

Sure enough, Ti did not refuse.

After taking the bag, she took a lollipop out of it and ate it.

With the sugar in her mouth, a happy smile instantly appeared on her face.

“Big brother, I seem to be a bit like this place!”

When she reached an intersection, Tina pointed to the sign on the edge of the intersection and said, “In the Misty Lake Hu, I seem to have seen this sign!” ”

“Do you remember from which angle you looked at the brand?”

“Well, it seems to be seen from that position!”

Tina pointed to one of the paths.

“Then let’s go that way.”

The two continued along the path that Tina was pointing, not really fast.

After another few minutes, Tina finally saw something familiar again.

“It’s that burger shop!”

“I remember this burger shop, I already remember the way home!”

She went to that burger shop this morning and bought a burger!

So Tina remembers it very clearly!

“Big brother, I’ll take you to my second seat, right?”

“Are you really not afraid that I will plot against you?”

Lin Ziqin was once again amazed at Tina’s boldness.

Aren’t you afraid to lure wolves into the house?

“Don’t be afraid!”

“Or is it because of your intuition?”

“Hmm! I don’t know why, but my gut tells me that Big Brother is a great man. ”

Does this get a good guy card?

“Since you’ve said that, I’ll go sit in your house.”

Lin Ziqin did not refuse Tina’s invitation.

“Come with me, big brother.”

Tina took Lin Ziqin’s hand and sent it in a certain direction.

Soon, the two men came down to the second floor of the three folk buildings.

Tina touched her pocket as if looking for the key.

But alas, there was nothing in the pocket.

“I don’t think I went out with a key.”

Tina smiled awkwardly.

Lin Ziqin just held out his hand, and then gently pushed the door in front of him.

What was surprising was that the clan door was pushed open!

Tina was amazed at what she saw, “Eh? It turned out that I didn’t lock the door. ”

Lin Ziqin rolled his eyes.

“You didn’t have the keys with you, so how do you lock the door?”

These old B&Bs in Neon actually need to lock the door from the outside with a key.

“Anyway, let’s go first.”

After entering Tina’s residence, Lin Zaiqin found that the space here was very small.

It’s almost like the little room where her brother lives and it’s a bit messy, with takeout boxes, snack bags everywhere.

Is it really okay for a little girl to live in this environment?

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