Chapter 228 The Most Important Group Photo!!

The customer is God.

With the best service, the waiter brother placed two hot American lattes at the table for two guests to drink.

When leaving, the waiter brother also vaguely glanced at the faces and figures of the two guests.

I can’t help but marvel inside, what a good three pairs of little sisters who are afraid of Mei Ruo Wo Xian!

If they can become their boyfriend, they will surely die happily, right?

Tendo Kigen took a sip of the coffee in front of him and said, “You’re right, I do live in an adoption home, so what do you want to say?” ”

Sima Wei Wei heard the words and stared at the big double Mu.

Although she had heard about it earlier, she was really surprised to get Tendo Kigen’s personal admission.

“I want you to help me get a lead.”

“Who do you want to see?”

Tendo Mu probably guessed who Sima Weiwei wanted to see.

After all, in the adoption home, except for Lin Ziqin and Euphemia, they were all afraid of the sons of friendship.

Sima Weiwei probably had only Lin Ziqin as the only person he wanted to see.

Sure enough, Sima Muji’s next answer also confirmed Tendo Kigen’s conjecture.

“I want to meet the mysterious Mr. Dean of the Adoption Home, can I?”

“What is your purpose in seeing him?”

Tendo Ki did not immediately agree.

She doesn’t casually help people match, not to mention that the local family seems to be quite busy lately.

Sima Weiwu said, “We at Sima Heavy Industry want to do some cooperation with that dean, but I can’t tell you exactly what kind of cooperation it is.” ”

“Is this so…”

After pondering for a moment, Tendo Mu finally agreed to help Sima Unwoven.

“I can help you, but I don’t know if I can succeed.”

“Your willingness to help me is enough, if it is not successful, it can only show that we Sima Heavy Industry may indeed not have this fate.”

Sima Weiwei saw it very openly.

It is best to be able to lead the line, and if not, she will not force it.

“By the way, have you been messing around with Rentaro Jun lately?”

“I met him a few days ago, and I mentioned you by the way, and as a result, Rentaro Jun’s face became a little ugly.”

After talking about the right thing, Sima Weiwei also began to inquire into the small gossip.

Thinking back to the look on her face when she saw Rentaro that day, she was sure that something must have happened between him and Tendo Kigen!

She’s curious about that!

Tendo Mu held the coffee in both hands and said calmly, “It’s not as simple as me and him getting into a fight.” ”

“Oh? It can’t always be a vendetta, right? ”

“Well, it’s pretty much the same thing.”

“Hey, hey, you’re serious?”

Sima Wuwei habitually opened the folding fan to cover the lower half of his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked surprised.

“Didn’t you like him before?” How did it turn against each other? ”

“Admittedly, I did have a good feeling for him before, but after seeing his true face, that good feeling has disappeared.”

Thinking back to Rimi Rentaro’s various performances of the Virgin, Tendo Ki only felt disgusted!

She really couldn’t understand how her former self could have liked these two hypocritical Madonna watches?

If she had the opportunity to travel through time and space, she would definitely go back and give herself a fierce explosion at that time!

It is no exaggeration to say that for Tendo Kigen now, the time when she liked Rimi Rentaro was her black history!

“Ah this…”

Sima Weiwei didn’t know what to say for a while.

Suddenly there was one less rival, and she should be happy.

But why did it seem to have lost something?

That said, is Ryotaro really as bad as Tendo Kigen said?

Looking back, it seems that she really hasn’t understood the character of Rintaro Satomi, even once!

Every time she saw him, she was arguing with Tendo More.

Then again, how did you fall in love with Rentaro Satomi?

Sima Weiwei touched his smooth and soft chin and pondered, and after a long time, she finally thought of the answer.

It seems that he liked Tendo Ki more because of Tendo Ki, did he like Rentaro in the first place?

That’s right!

That’s it!

She has known Tentomu more than ever before, and has always regarded Tentomu as more rivals, and many things want to compete with her!

Even men.

The first time I met Rentaro in Ritsu, Shinogi was present.

At that time, she found that Tendo Ki was more interested in Rimi Rentaro, so she decided to snatch Satomi Rentaro from her hands.

Looking back on all this, Sima Weiwei only felt a little ridiculous.

I didn’t expect that my original self was also so naïve.

It is no wonder that when he heard that Tendo Ki had given up on Rentaro Satomi, he felt as if he had lost something.

It turned out that he had never really liked Rentaro Satomi, but because he wanted to win Tendo Kigen!

After understanding this, the hot feelings for Rintaro Satomi in Yohima’s heart were also instantly reduced a lot.

“I’ll go first if nothing else.”

Tendo Mu drank all the coffee and got up to leave.

When she walked to the door, she turned back to Sima Weiwei and said, “Also, remember not to mention that person’s name in front of me next time, I feel sick to my stomach when I hear him now.” ”

After saying this, Tendo Mugen left the coffee shop, leaving only a speechless Sima Unweaving.

Does she really hate Rentaro Satomi that much?

After leaving the coffee shop, Tendo Kigen got on his bike and continued in the direction of his original home.

After a few minutes, she finally arrived at her destination.

Open the door and enter the slightly darker living room.

It’s been some time since I’ve been back here, and everything here is still so familiar.

Saying that he was here to walk with his current man, he shook his head, withdrew his thoughts, and the children’s bed went straight to his room.

She expertly flipped open the drawer of the nightstand and took out a group photo from it.

In the photo is a couple holding a cute little girl.

The little girl in the photo bears a slight resemblance to Tendo Ki.

In fact, this is exactly the childhood of Tendo Mugen.

And the couple is naturally the parents of Tendo Ki.

This is the only photo she currently has with her parents.

Because of this, she will be regarded as a cherished thing.

The purpose of her coming back here is to bring this picture back!

Tendo Mu did not stay in this hometown too much.

Once she got the photos, she left straight.

From entering the door to leaving, not even five minutes…

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