Chapter 229: As a businessman, you should have the determination to face risks!!

“Oh? That Miss Qianjin of Sima Heavy Industry actually wanted to cooperate with me? ”

Tendo Mujin completed his agreement with Sima Muwei as soon as he returned home.

And Lin Ziqin, after listening to Tiantong Mugen’s words, felt that this very interesting young lady of Sima Heavy Industry seemed to be young, but he had a lot of experience.

While everyone else was still afraid of him and did not dare to contact him, she dared to offer him cooperation.

“So your answer is?”

“You can meet with it.”

Lin Ziqin did not intend to cooperate with anyone, but considering some of the things to be done next, he felt that perhaps he could indeed recruit a layman who was now Sima Zhonggong to take the initiative to send him to the door, but he was willing to give the other party a chance.

“You asked her to come and see me tomorrow.”


Tiantong Mu nodded even more and turned and left Lin Ziqin’s office.

Then she took out her phone and dialed a number.

Soon the voice of Sima Unwoven came from the mobile phone.

“Was it rejected to call me so quickly?”

“No, on the contrary, he agreed to meet with you, and tomorrow morning you will have it.”

“Good! I see, and thank you for your help! ”

Sima Weiwe’s tone seemed a little excited.

Regarding this matter, she had actually done the most fearful calculations long ago.

After all, she didn’t know what Tendo Kinobu’s relationship was with the mysterious head of the adoption home.

She even doubted that Tendo Mu could even move the other party.

The two men chatted briefly again and then ended the call.

At this time, Sima Weiwei sat on his bed.

She put her hands on her soft chest and felt her beating heart.

Although she hadn’t seen the other person yet, she had begun to get nervous.

She just hoped that she wouldn’t be out of the blue when they met tomorrow.

I took a deep breath and calmed my inner emotions.

Sima Weiwei shouted at the door, “Come! ”

A moment later, the door was pushed open and a maid came in.

“What did the eldest lady command?”

“Excuse me from all my trip tomorrow!”

As soon as this was said, the maid immediately said, “But big miss, there is a very important board meeting tomorrow, and you can’t be absent.” ”

Although Sima Weizhi has not yet fully taken over Sima Heavy Industries, he has begun to participate in board meetings.

This is also to let her familiarize herself with the workplace environment in advance and accumulate relevant experience.

When she turned eighteen, her grandfather would simply announce her resignation, and then she would take over as president.

“Then push me off too, tomorrow I have something more important!”

Sima Weiwei said in an unmistakable tone.

Is it more important that the board meeting meets the mysterious adopter director?

“This… All right, but please allow me to report this to the old maid after thinking about it and finally not continuing to persuade. ”

After all, she was just a subordinate.

But her identity is not just a maid.

She was also a teacher sent by the old master to teach Sima Weiwe.

Therefore, her direct supervisor was Sima Muwei’s grandfather.

Sima Weiwei did not block the maid’s request.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the same horse bed weaver to receive three phone calls.

It was her grandfather who called.

“Oh, I heard you don’t plan to attend the board meeting tomorrow?”

“Yes Grandpa.”

“Is there anything more important than tomorrow’s board meeting?”

Sima Weiwe’s grandfather spoke in a very gentle tone, and it didn’t look like he had come to ask questions.

After all, he only has such a granddaughter, and he loves her very much, how can he be willing to scold!

But although he doted on his granddaughter, tomorrow’s meeting was also very important, and if he could, he did not want his granddaughter to be absent.

Sima Weiwei also had nothing to hide from his grandfather.

“Grandpa, I have an appointment tomorrow to meet with the mysterious adoptive home director in the outer city.”

After hearing this, Sima She, who was opposite, was shocked.

“What? You secretly exposed Grandpa to such a dangerous person? ”

Sima Weiwei spat out his tongue and said playfully, “I know that it is very dangerous to do this, but opportunities and risks coexist, don’t I?” ”

It was precisely because she knew that her grandfather might object to her touching the mysterious head of the adoption home, so she hid the matter and came to a first cut and then played!

However, now that the wood has become a boat, there is no turning back from the bow, so there is no need to continue to hide.

After all, if the dean’s pigeon had been released, he would not have been able to bear the fire of the other side!

“Hey, forget it, just go if you want.”

President Sima sighed.

The granddaughter has grown up and has her own ideas, and he doesn’t need to worry about it.

What’s more, Sima Weiwei said it well, opportunities and risks coexist.

If they don’t even have the determination to face the risks, then they don’t deserve to be called businessmen!

The next morning.

After dressing up a little, Sima Weiwei left the house in a special car.

Not surprisingly, she was very nervous today, even more nervous than yesterday, and her heart was beating hard.

The vehicle unknowingly arrived at the junction of the inner and outer urban areas.

The soldiers in charge of guarding the customs did not stop the direct release after confirming that they were the eldest lady of the Sima family.

The head has already informed that if the big lady of the Sima family comes, she can be directly released.

Another ten minutes passed the front line.

The vehicle finally came outside the gates of the adoption home.

Sima Weiwei stepped out of the car.

She was still very nervous inside, but she controlled her expression very well and tried to make herself look calm.

It was also at this time that the door of the adoption home suddenly opened.

A robot dressed as a butler came out from inside.

“May I ask, is it Miss Sima?”

Sima Weiwei and several people in his entourage were shocked to see this robot.

Without him, just because the robot’s movements are so smooth, it is almost no different from humans!

This also confirms from the side that the other party has mastered the technology that far exceeds the current era!

This made Sima Weiwei more convinced that it was infallible to write about the cooperation between the other party!

“I am Sima Unweaving.”

“Then please come with me, the lord of the house has been waiting for a long time.”

“Then there is Mr. Law, the robot, who will lead the way.”

This robot feels like a human, so Sima Weiwei did not dare to think of it as an ordinary robot.

Following the butler robot, Sima Weiwei and the others came to the door of Lin Ziqin’s office.

“A few of you please come in.”

The butler robot opens the door.

Sima Weiwei took a deep breath and stepped into the office with several people behind him

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