Chapter 230 Let Sima Heavy Industry take care of the Imperial Slave Labor!!

When you enter the office door, the first thing that catches your eye is the man sitting at his desk.

However, to Sima Muwei’s surprise, she had seen this man!

Is he the mysterious adoptive home director?

Isn’t this the handsome guy who had a chance at the Tendo Private Preparation Company!

The time she first met this person, she was very impressed without him, only because of the extraordinary temperament of this person!

Even if you see Sima Wei, who is a rich man’s son, you can’t help but be amazed by the temperament on his body!

What people didn’t expect was that this person was the dean of the adoption home.

Moving his gaze slightly, Sima Weiwei looked at the Tendo Mu who was standing next to this person and did not surprise her here.

However, looking at the appearance of the two people, the relationship seems to be not ordinary.

Could it be that Tendo Mu is the dean’s bodyguard? Or employees?

At the same time, Lin Ziqin was looking at the young makeup in front of him.

Although there had been a relationship before, at that time, most of his attention was focused on Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s body, and he did not pay close attention to this young girl.

Looking closely now, it is indeed a big beautiful girl.

Her long black hair was tied in a single ponytail, with slightly curly ends and scattered casually on either side of her shoulders.

Even wearing a loose pink kimono could not hide the proud figure.

“We meet again, the mysterious Mr. Dean.”

Sima Weiwei was slightly underwhelmed, and the official Xingzheng all revealed a noble temperament, perhaps because she found that she was not the first time to see Lin Ziqin, so the tension in her heart instantly calmed down a lot.

Lin Ziqin got up and walked toward the sofa.

“Miss Sima Weiwe, please take a seat.”

Sima Weiwen also walked toward the sofa, and finally sat across from Lin Ziqin while her entourage stood behind her.

As an entourage, he was not eligible for a seat.

However, when Sima Weiwei saw Tiantong Mujing sitting next to Lin Ziqin, that delicate and pretty face showed a touch of surprise.

Tendo Kigen actually sat next to the dean?!

Isn’t the relationship between the other door not as simple as you think?

So, what exactly is their relationship?

Sima Weiwe’s heart was full of curiosity.

But no one would answer for her.

Lin Ziqin leaned back against the sofa, his right foot resting on his left foot, and looked at the girl in front of him with Erlang’s leg crossed.

“I heard you want to talk to me about cooperation?”

Sima Weiwei withdrew his mind and led the way.


“But unfortunately, I’m not interested in working with what you call it.”


Sima did not weave a question mark.

No, she didn’t say anything, how could she refuse on the spot?

If you are not interested, why do you want to agree to see yourself?

At this moment, Sima Weiwei had a feeling of being played, and he felt some grievances in his heart, but at this moment, Lin Ziqin opened his mouth again.

“I’m not interested in what you call cooperation, but I have something here that you need to help me accomplish.”

“If you Sima Heavy Industry can help me complete this matter, then I will give you Sima Heavy Industry a big opportunity, how?”

Didn’t the other party come to play with themselves?

Sima Weiwe’s mood was suddenly much better.

“Mr. Dean, you said that as long as it is not a big deal, we are willing to help Ma Heavy Industry to die.”

The purpose of her coming here was to get Sima Chonggong to climb this thigh, as to what method she used to climb it.

Lin Ziqin did not answer, but submitted two documents that had been prepared long ago to the face of Shao Makeup.

Sima Weiwei picked up the document and opened it for a look.

The next second, her pupils shrank and her face trembled.

After a long time, she looked at the forest because of the throat.

“Mr. Dean, you’re not kidding, are you?”

Lin Ziqin calmly drank tea.

“Do you think I’m joking with you?”

Sima Weiwei carefully observed the man in front of him and finally came to a conclusion.

“Not really.”

“It’s not like that’s right, so you can estimate the horse?”

Sima Weichang breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Any deal that cannot be reached is because the price is not in place.” ”

“I want to know, what benefits can we get from Sima Heavy Industry?”

Lin Ziqin replied, “The benefit you can get is to join us!” ”

To put it bluntly, the thing Lin Ziqin asked them to do was actually a surrender.

If it is done, Lin Ziqin will absorb Sima Heavy Industry into the empire, and Sima Heavy Industry will thus receive the support of the empire and soar to the sky from then on.

If he has the ability, it is not impossible to occupy a second place in the imperial market in the future.

But if they can’t do it, or they refuse…

Then I’m sorry, Lin Ziqin will not be merciful to Sima Zhonggong’s men because Sima Weiwei is a big beauty!

“Can you tell me some specific information about you?”

Sima Weiwei did not rush to refuse.

No deal can be rushed to make up its mind.

What Lin Ziqin asked them to do seemed like a fantasy, but at least it was necessary to find out whether the price given by the other party was in place.

Lin Ziqin did not answer, but instead glanced at Sima Weiwe’s entourage.

Sima Weiwei immediately understood what he meant.

She turned to the people behind her and said, “Go out and wait for me first, I’ll talk to Mr. Dean.” ”

The entourage nodded and left the office.

At this time, Lin Ziqin took out two portable holographic projectors and placed them on the coffee table.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Lin Ziqin, the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire!”

Time passes by minute by minute.

Several of the entourage who had come with Sima Weiwei were now sitting anxiously waiting in the living room next door.

It has been more than half an hour now, but the big lady has never come out.

It’s normal for them to worry.

Fortunately, at this moment, Sima Weiwei finally walked out of Lin Ziqin’s office.

Hearing the sound, the accompanying team should be settled in the team hospitality hall.

After seeing their big lady, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they keenly noticed that their big lady had a smile on her face that was difficult to hide.

They were curious about what the lady had talked to the gentleman about, and how she would be so happy.

“Let’s go, go back to the company immediately!”

Sima Weiwei did not give too many angles to these people.

Now she urgently needs to return to the company and tell her grandfather about the conversation with the emperor today!

I believe that as long as my grandfather listens to these things, he will definitely be very happy!

Lin Ziqin sat on the sofa, with one hand on the small waist of Tiantong Mugen, and the soldier drank tea comfortably.

“I’m curious what you want Sima Chonggong to do?”

The others finally left, and Tiantong Mu finally found an opportunity to ask Lin Ziqin this question.

From the very beginning, she was curious about what Lin Ziqin really wanted Sima Chonggong to do, so that Miss Jin showed this expression.

Lin Ziqin smiled, “Nothing, just let them destroy the other heavy industry enterprises in the entire neon area.” ”

Before long, most of the people in this world would become slave laborers in the Empire.

He needed someone to manage the slave labor on his behalf.

And Lin Ziqin chose Sima Heavy Industry!

But before you can make them administrators, you need to see what they’re capable of.

Letting them destroy the other heavy industries in Neon is also a test soldier issued to them by Lin Ziqin…

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