Chapter 231 Scorpio!!

Mount Fuji.

As the most famous volcano in neon, it is not only a sacred place admired by most neon people, but also a punch-in spot in the eyes of many foreign tourists.

But since the end of the Protoanimal Wars, Neon has completely lost ownership of the land.

Once a tourist attraction such as Cold became a paradise for protozoa.

There has been no human footprint here for ten years.

Buildings full of vines, rusty street lamps, overgrown pavements, all tell two words——— dilapidated!

Even this once busiest cross street, there are now only a few small bowels fighting for three dead deer.


There was a dull noise in the sky, and a huge black shadow enveloped the entire street!

The protozoa on the ground are looking up.

The next second, they are like frightened birds, scattering and fleeing.

Only the half-eaten carcass of the dead deer remained.

Just then, a beam of light descended from the sky and landed on the dead deer’s corpse.

Followed by…


The violent explosion formed a huge fireball, engulfing the obsolete buildings around it in an instant!

When the flames dissipated, the original ruined street had disappeared, leaving only a deep pit with a diameter of dry rice!

“Report to the owner, no procatoid life signal can be detected within fifty kilometers nearby!”

“Well, great, let’s start deploying the induction device.”

“Obey orders, master!”

Lin Zi Qin Huimu looked at the angelic girl standing next to him.

Yes, this man is the Holy Son of God!

When she learned that Lin Ziqin was ready to use the relics of the Seven Stars to summon the Class Five Protozoa, she did indeed make a request to visit.

Lin Ziqin wanted to refuse at first.

But after thinking about it, it was nothing to let her come and visit.

Just show her the power of the Empire Occupy warships.

Saint Tianzi looked at the picture on the holographic stage in a daze, and his pretty face was full of surprise.

Just one hit!

Kill several protozoas with just one blow!

If that beam of light had just landed in the Tokyo area…

At the thought of this, Saint Tianzi shuddered.

She couldn’t imagine that picture!

Saint Tianzi’s expression made Lin Ziqin can’t help but laugh, and suddenly there were two thoughts in his heart that wanted to tease her.

“Hey, some guys in Tokyo have been demonizing again lately, and it’s annoying to want to shoot directly at them.”

As soon as these words came out, the Saint Heavenly Son’s flower lost its color.

She grabbed Lin Ziqin’s arm with both hands and pleaded, “Please, please don’t do this!” ”

That miserable look, anyone who looks at it will melt his heart.

Even Lin Ziqin lost his mind in an instant.

How did this woman give birth so well?

Bullying people like this, I can’t help but feel a little guilty in my heart.

“Cough, just to tease you, rest assured, I will not fire at the Tokyo area.”

Saint Tianzi was relieved to hear this, but then he looked at Lin Ziqin with a gloomy look.

This look is a bit unbearable!

“Cough, but I’m right in one sentence, there are some disgusting guys in Tokyo again.”

Although Tendo Kikuyuki is dead, there are still people who oppose the equal treatment of the sons of friendship, even if the New Law on Protozoa has been passed, those people still have not given up the recent times when those people have often secretly stirred up the hearts and minds of the people, as if they wanted to use the pressure of public opinion to bring down the Holy Heavenly Son.

“I’ll deal with those people, please give me three hours.”

In fact, the Holy Heavenly Son also knew about the existence of those people.

It’s just that she’s too kind to be able to do anything to those people.

Lin Ziqin hugged his chest with both hands and said, “I want to say, you are really not suitable to be the three leaders.” ”

Saint Tianzi was undoubtedly a failed leader.

As a leader, the first and most important thing is to have enough confidence in yourself.

But what she lacks most is self-confidence.

She was self-doubting for a long time, thinking she was just a useless vase.

Because of this, she is afraid to do things, and she often hesitates when making decisions.

This gives some guys who are backtesting an opportunity.

Saint Tianzi bowed his head and did not speak, like a student who had been criticized by his teacher.

She didn’t know that she wasn’t the material for a leader at all.

She was just pushed into this position.

She didn’t really want to be a leader.

If she could, she just wanted to be a normal person.

Every day on time to go to school, after school, and then dump three sincere friends.

Lin Ziqin also stopped saying more, withdrew his thoughts, and turned his head to look seriously at the picture on the holographic platform.

As the minutes and seconds passed, the induction device was finally deployed, and then he only had to wait for the prey to be hooked.

One minute… Ten minutes… One hour…


After waiting for two or three hours, there was still no movement.

But Lin Ziqin was not in a hurry.

The anglers often say that fishing requires patience.

This is especially true if you want to catch big fish!

What’s more, this two fish two that Lin Zi Qin Waist Fishing is not like three!

It’s also normal to wait a little longer.

Five hours… Ten hours…

“I know you immortal board!”

Finally, Lin Ziqin broke out.

Ten hours!

Waited ten hours!

There is no movement at all, this earth pool is afraid that there are no fish to be fished, right?


Just when Lin Ziqin mistakenly thought that the air force was going to end today, the sensing finally reacted!

“Master, a strong life signal has been detected approaching!”

Powerful life signal?

Needless to say, it must be the home of your own waist!

“Where is it?”

“Fourteen dry meters deep underground just below the induction device!”

Deep underground?

No wonder the guy couldn’t be found the other day, it turned out to be hiding underground?


As the big fish approaches, the ground begins to feed.

From the initial slight trembling, it has only been less than five minutes since the current four- or five-magnitude earthquake!




A huge guy broke ground, accompanied by a whale-like cry.

As if to think that the world has announced its coming!

“Scorpio, it’s finally here!” It really makes me wait! ”

Let him wait here for so long, this vendetta, he wrote down!

After catching this guy, you must study the fried guy and squeeze the research value of this guy into a thousand!

“Little Love immediately starts the space stagnation stance!”

“Obey orders!”

With Lin Ziqin’s order, a shield suddenly rose, trapping this class five protoinal animal named Scorpio.

But that’s not the end of it.

A dark green glow lit up inside the shield.

Scorpio, who was still wielding tentacles, stopped moving instantly, as if he had been frozen in three things…

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