Chapter 232 Terrifying Space Compression Ability!!

Tick ~ Tick Tick Tick T

Holographic table.

The red table representing the readings beat wildly, making a sound like a pendulum shaking.


When sleepiness struck, the girl couldn’t help but open her pink lips and yawn a long time.

“Little love, take Miss Saint Tianzi to the room to rest.”

Have just been indulging in the study of this captured class five procalytes.

Because the research was so fascinating, I forgot that Saint Tianzi was still with him and let a cute girl stay up with him is a big sin!

“Me, I’m not very sleepy.”

Although she said this on her lips, Saint Tianzi’s eyelids were much more honest than those of herself, and they all began to fight.

“Don’t insist, it’s so late today, you go to rest, tomorrow I’ll send you back.”

“Of course, rest assured, I won’t secretly do anything to you.”

After listening to Lin Ziqin’s words, Saint Tianzi nodded with a red face.

She was really worried about what Lin Ziqin would do after she fell asleep.

Of course, she also knew that Lin Ziqin was not such a person.

The main reason why she thinks this way is because she has certain illusions about handsome men.

Led by Xiao Ai, she left the bridge.

And Lin Ziqin also continued to focus on research.

He captured the procidate only to extract the farthest viral toxin from its body.

Then see if you can develop a gaprovirus vaccine.

He thought that relying on advanced technology, he could develop a vaccine as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, he still looked up to himself after all.

Although the toxin was indeed extracted, little progress was made.

In the end, he is not a professional sex expert and drug expert, even if he has a little love to assist, he can only be regarded as a half-hanger at best.

If only Bai Yuekui was here.

At least she is highly accomplished in biology and pharmacology.

A few minutes later, Little Love returned.

“Master, Miss Saint Tianzi is asleep.”


Lin Ziqin nodded faintly, and did not seem to pay attention to it.

“Master, I can’t figure out a reason for a while and a half, or we might as well pack up the guy on the ground and take it back to study it slowly.”

Lin Ziqin nodded, “That’s exactly what I meant.” ”

If he had known that his abilities were limited, he might have packed this big guy home a long time ago!

Lin Ziqin changed into his forerunner suit, and then tapped at the Scorpio protozoa on the ground.

Scorpio, along with the shield that imprisoned it, shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Eventually, it turned into a little guy only a dozen centimeters tall!

This is one of the skills of the Precursor Armor, called This is Space Compression!

The forerunners’ mastery of space technology has reached the point of pure fire.

Compressing space is not a tall technology in their eyes.

You know, the first mover had compressed a shield world that was five hundred million times larger than the earth into a foam space with a diameter of only a few tens of centimeters!

Compared with that terrible means of space compression, the space pressing technology of this suit on his body is simply not worth mentioning!

Lin Ziqin gently beckoned, and Scorpio flew to his hand.

The small cone-shaped stagnant stand envelops Scorpio.

Now Scorpio looks like a little pendant.

It feels cute when you look at it.

After a moment of careful appreciation, Lin Ziqin put the Scorpio protozoa into the repository.


Drowsiness struck, and Lin Ziqin couldn’t help but yawn.

It’s not too early, go back to sleep.

“Little love, set the course and return to Tokyo area.”

“Do as you are told.”

“The host… Master! ”

In his sleep, Lin Ziqin heard Xiao Ai calling to himself.

But because daytime work consumes so much energy, he doesn’t want to open his eyes at all.

Until he felt a blow to his abdomen!

“Throat~! Cough cough cough…”

“Little love, what are you doing?”

Lin Ziqin held Xiao Ai’s bulging body with both hands and let her hold it close to his abdomen to prevent her from continuing to hit people with the ball.

Well, really hit people with the ball!

“Sorry master, in the state just now, I think this is the fastest way to wake you up.”

“So, you are in a hurry to wake me up, because of what official business?”

Lin Ziqin glanced at the electronic clock on the bedside table.

Good fellow, it’s still two o’clock in the morning.

In other words, he had only slept for less than three hours, so it was no wonder that Gang had just slept so dead.

Usually this time is the deepest time for people to sleep.

This made him even more curious about why Xiao Ai would wake him up at this time, and Xiao Ai said, “Master, Miss Saint Tianzi’s state seems to be a bit problematic, I think you should hurry to see it.” ”

Lin Ziqin frowned.

What’s wrong with the state of the Holy Heavenly Son?

Is it sick?

How just fine.

“I see, I’ll take a look now.”

Anyway, let’s go see the love first.

Lin Ziqin got up and walked outside, then turned and walked to the next room.

That’s right, Saint Tianzi was arranged in the room next to him.

“Cough cough… Cough cough…”

As soon as I pushed open the door and walked in, I heard a violent coughing sound.

Lin Ziqin hurriedly turned on the light and came to the bedside.

I saw Saint Tianzi curled up on the bed, his face was red, but he looked like he was very illusory.

“It looks like I’m really sick.”

Lin Ziqin pressed the back of his hand to Saint Tianzi’s forehead.

That hot temperature, even if he didn’t measure his body temperature at the temperature, he knew that Saint Tianzai was having a high fever!

“Little love, check what’s going on.”

Saint Tianzi couldn’t have a high fever without green or for no reason, after all, this was inside the battleship.

Every spacecraft pays great attention to hygiene and the environment, and there are few diseases.

After all, it is in a closed space, and if there is a virus, it is easy to infect everyone.

Xiao Ai came to Saint Tianzi and shot a scanning laser at her.

A moment later, she got the result.

“According to the scans, Saint Tianzi was just a simple cold and fever.”

“And the reason why she is like this is probably because of the decline in immunity caused by overwork for many days, and finally she was invaded by the virus.”

“And from my deduction, she may have had a cold before she boarded the ship.”

Got a cold before you boarded the ship?

So she’s been holding out until now and hasn’t said anything?

It’s really…

Lin Ziqin shook his head, somewhat speechless.

I don’t know what this guy is thinking, uncomfortable, not to say, but still strong support…

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