Chapter 233 Begin to Move!!

“Little love, go help get some cold medicine and fever medicine.”

Although he was speechless, Lin Ziqin would not leave the Saint Heavenly Son alone.

It would not be good if this girl’s brain burned out.

Then it will really become a fool.

Xiao Ai said incompetently, “Well, master, we don’t have this low-level drug here.” ”

Lin Ziqin: “…”

Well, he forgot.

They really don’t have any cold medicine or fever medicine here.

After all, now the entire Tianyuan Empire soldiers are invincible, they will not get sick, and naturally they will not prepare these medicines.

“It seems that she can only be sent to the medical cabin.”

At present, only the Almighty Medical Cabin can solve the problem of Saint Tianzi’s body.

Although the medical cabin for colds and fevers is a bit of a cattle knife, it can’t be managed so much now.

Lin Ziqin leaned down and picked up Tianzai in the way of Gongzhuang’s hug.

But even though the movement was so huge, Saint Tianzi was still unconscious.

It can be seen that she is indeed in a very poor state.

How much hard work does it take to make her look like this?

The young girl curled up in Lin Ziqin’s arms, perhaps because it was too painful, and the slender willow eyebrows were twisted into a clump.

It makes people feel sad when they see it.

Lin Ziqin couldn’t help but speed up his pace.

When he came to the medical room, Xiao Ai had already asked the robots to prepare the medical cabin Lin Ziqin to directly put the person in his arms into it.

A moment later, the two beams of light similar to the beam of light that were used to scan the light of the Cultivating Girl swept away.

In just two seconds, the virus in Saint Tianzi’s body had disappeared.

The temperature in the body also gradually begins to drop and return to normal levels.

After a few minutes, Saint Tianzai opened his eyes.

“Me, how did I end up here?”

The girl covered her deep head and said in a trance.

Does she remember that she didn’t sleep in her room?

Why is it here?

As she looked around, she quickly noticed Lin Ziqin next to her.

Immediately, as if thinking of something, her face turned red, and her hands were on her chest.

The corners of Lin Ziqin’s mouth twitched.

“You don’t have to look at me like a wolf, I didn’t do anything to you.”

“This is the medical room, you are sick, did he cure his illness when I brought you here to see you?”

No wonder Gang Gang just woke up and felt light.

“I’m sorry, Gang misunderstood you.”

Saint Tianzi bowed to Lin Ziqin and sincerely expressed his intentions.

People are kind enough to bring themselves over to treat the disease, but they misunderstand others, which is indeed their own fault.

Lin Ziqin waved his hand and said, “Forget it, since you’re all right, go back and rest.” ”

“It’s time for me to go back to sleep.”

After speaking, Lin Ziqin also yawned.

After returning to the room, the saint was lying on the bed without sleep.

Maybe it is because the serious illness has just healed, so the spirit is full.

It could also be for some other reason.

“Sniffing… And the smell of his body. ”

Saint Tianzi sniffed the smell of his body.

Her nose was very sharp, so it was easy to smell the smell that belonged to him.

The little face is slightly red, and the cute little brain seems to be thinking of some shy painting straight.


The doorbell suddenly rang, and the Holy Heavenly Son sat up like a frightened bird.

“Please come in!”

Why did he come here so late?

Since there were only two human beings in the whole ship, she and Lin Ziqin, Saint Tianzi naturally thought that it was Lin Ziqin who rang the doorbell outside the door.

But when the door opened, what I saw was not him, but two round balls!

“Little love adult…”

For some reason, there was a trace of loss in the girl’s heart.

But it was soon hidden.

Xiao Ai flew in and said, “The master said that you didn’t eat much during the day, and now that you are recovering from a serious illness, you may need to eat something, so I asked the robot to prepare some food for you.” ”

Meanwhile, several robots carrying food walked in.

“Thank you.”

Saint Tianzi was touched in his heart and very happy.

She was indeed a little hungry now.

What she didn’t expect was that he had noticed that he didn’t have any appetite during the day.

“The food is put here, so we won’t disturb Miss Saint Tianzi’s rest.”

Xiao Ai was about to leave with the robots, but was stopped by Saint Tianzi.

“Please wait, little love adult.”

“What’s wrong?”

Xiao Ai looked back at the girl, and the big mechanical eyeballs were full of doubts.

Only to see Saint Tianzi stand up from the bed and look deeply at Xiao Ai.

“Thank you, and Lord Lin Ziqin for your help.”

Because she was full of other thoughts before, she forgot to thank you.

Xiao Ai quietly looked at her without replying.

It wasn’t until a moment later, leaving a word of courtesy, that she left the room with the robots.

The next morning.

Lin Ziqin woke up from his sleep early.

Although he didn’t sleep well last night, his biological clock took the initiative to wake him up.

However, he did not hurry to get up, but continued to lie on the large bed, looking at the ceiling in a daze and falling into thought.

There is less than a week left before the end of the World Crossing cooldown.

It’s time to get down to business.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin called out Xiao Ai’s name softly.

“Little love.”

“I am, what does the master command?”

“It’s time to start the World Conquest Plan.”

The little love heard the words, and the mechanical eyeballs flashed twice.

“In obedience to the master, orders have been given, the fleet has departed and is expected to be deployed around the globe in half an hour.”

Lin Ziqin sat up from the bed with a fish in a fish.

He stretched out comfortably, and the sound of Harry clapping was heard all over his body.


The Imperial Fleet, which had been hidden in the Oort Nebula, began to operate.

Washington, as the capital of the former United States.

Today, it is still the largest existing metropolitan area in the United States.

Just like the neon-lit Tokyo area today.

But it’s obviously more bustling and darker than Tokyo!

Due to the time difference, Shangbi Carved Companion Sheng is in the black liquor, but there are still many pedestrians on the street.

The emergence of protozoa is not only a disadvantage.

At the very least, the crime rate in the United States has been reduced, especially in the case of shootings.

Even at night, residents don’t have to worry about being shot and killed walking on the street!

Suddenly, three white rays of light swept across the night sky and fell into the heart of the city.

Immediately afterward, the city that was still brightly lit last second was instantly shrouded in darkness.

The public is puzzled.

“What’s going on?” Is it a power outage? ”

“A once-in-a-century encounter!”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect to live in such a big city, and I could still encounter a power outage?”

Just when most residents mistakenly thought it was a power outage.

At this moment, in the Dirt Corner Building (afraid of being replaced by river crabs, so use other words instead), the crowd is like ants on a hot pot…

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