Chapter 239 Can’t do it, just give the earth a bath!!

In the pitch-black universe.

Space suddenly warps.

The Tianyuan Ship, which symbolized the supreme power of the Tianyuan Empire, jumped out of the distorted fault space.

“Whew! Finally back. ”

Looking at the blue planet at his feet, Lin Ziqin took a deep breath.

“Sure enough, the air here is fresher!”

Euphymia smirked, “Aren’t we still on the Tianyuan?” How do you feel the fresh air? ”

“It’s the smell of homesickness, you don’t understand.”

Although his home world is not here, he does make it his hometown.

Tendo Mugen and Saint Tianzi on the side looked curiously at the scene outside the window.

Is this the Overworld of the Tianyuan Empire?

Even if they couldn’t see the whole picture, they could feel the sheer size of the empire!

A few minutes later, the Tianyuan returned to its home port.

Lin Ziqin also led the three girls around him back to the ground through the portal.

As usual, Lin Ziqin first returned to a short home, met with the women, and nagged about the experience of these two months.

After that, he went to the Forbidden City.

Zhu Forbidden City is inside the temple.

Lin Ziqin sat on the golden throne, and his expression was extremely comfortable.

Nanali was rubbing his shoulders with her slender little hands.

This week, it was Nanali’s turn to be on duty, and Lin Ziqin, who was still on duty for the first day, returned.

I don’t know if this is lucky.

But whether she was lucky or not, she was happy.

“Has anything big happened in these two weeks?”

More than two months have passed over there in the Fourth World, but only a little over two weeks have passed here.

Nanali tilted her head and thought, “Hmm… Nothing. ”

The Empire is happening every day, but there are very few things that can be called big things.

Lin Ziqin turned around and lay directly on Na Li’s lap.

After so many years of growth, Nanali has also changed from a little girl to three big girls, and the holy land of the past Ma Pingchuan has also unconsciously added two more peaks Lin Ziqin lying on her lap, and she can’t even see Nanali’s face at a glance!

Retracting his thoughts, he looked easily at the virtual panel of the third room.

Now the dimensional gate connecting the fourth world has begun to be deployed.

It is estimated that the passage to the Fourth World can be opened tonight.

When the time comes, you will be able to take the little Lolitas over here.

“That’s right!”

Lin Ziqin suddenly thought of something and immediately called out Xiao Ai.

“Little love, Ma help me put the white moon!”

Almost forgot an important thing.

I should have told Bai Yuekui when I was at home before, but I forgot it later.

But it’s not too late.

Xiao Ai quickly summoned Bai Yuekui.

“What’s the matter with me?”

Boss Bai still looked calm, but there was a hint of tenderness in his words, and this gentleness was limited to the man sitting on the golden throne.

Lin Ziqin threw a palm-sized dark green cone-shaped object to Bai Yuekui.

“What is this?”

Bai Yuekui looked at this strange object in his hand doubtfully.

The whole body is transparent, the surface is a layer of energy stand, and inside is a small, exquisite, twisted monster.

Lin Zi Qin Hui explained, “This thing is called a protozoa, and I brought it back from the new world. ”

“Don’t look at it as small now, it’s because I used space compression to make it smaller together with the whole space.”

“Its real size is hundreds of meters high!”

That’s right, Bai Yuekui’s hand was the Class Five Scorpio that Lin Ziqin had captured!


Bai Yuekui suddenly became interested in advance.

“So what are you giving me this thing to do?”

She didn’t believe that Lin Ziqin was giving this thing to herself as a gift.

Where would such a gift be given between husband and wife?

It is impossible to see it in any way, unless there is a special and good couple.

But the two of them are not that kind of people.

Lin Ziqin: “The fourth world is full of a virus called protovirus. ”

“These viruses can turn both humans and animals into protozoans.”

“I need you to develop a vaccine for the protovirus!”

In fact, Lin Ziqin didn’t have to be so troublesome.

He could have used orbital bombardment to purge the Earth in the Fourth World and completely eliminate the protoenteral oral protovirus!

But doing so will undoubtedly destroy the ecological environment of the earth and make the earth completely reduced to a dead star!

Because of some small virus, and destroy a very valuable planet.

It’s not worth it!

Most importantly, he didn’t know if he would be able to wipe out all viruses 100 percent!

In case there is still a trace of residue, future citizens of the Empire may also be infected with the protovirus when they migrate to the Fourth World Earth.

So the best thing to do now is to develop a vaccine.

As long as there is a vaccine, it doesn’t matter if the virus tube doesn’t matter!

Bai Yuekui naturally understood Lin Ziqin’s thoughts.

She nodded, “Leave it to me, but I can’t guarantee success.” ”

“You just do your best, and if you really can’t succeed, then use Plan B.”

“Plan B? What is Plan B? ”

“Just give the earth a bath.”

I don’t want to do it, but if the vaccine program really doesn’t succeed, it will only wash the earth.

That night, the drinking gate connecting Zhuang World with the Fourth World was finally doubled.

The moment the dimensional gate opened, a large number of imperial warships poured into the fourth world through the dimensional gate.

At the same time, there were also dozens of warships full of little Lolitas flying from the opposite direction of the Fourth World to the Empire.

“Wow! Is this your home for Lin Ziqin’s brother? So pretty! ”

Lan Yuan Yanzhu, Tina and Bu Shi Cui were taken home by Lin Ziqin at the first time.

The scene in front of them shocked the three little guys.

The building suspended in mid-air was the first time they had seen it!

“Oh? Are these three the little sisters of Yanzhu as dear and Sister Euphemia say, Little Sister Tina and Little Sister Bushicui? ”

A beautiful big sister with the same pink hair as Euphemia’s sister appeared in front of the three little ones.

Lin Ziqin introduced the three Lanyuan Yanzhu people: “This is called Lax, and Euphemia is my wife. ”

“Hello Sister Lax!”

“How are you!” Go, sister take you to snack! ”

Lacus pulled the three little ones toward the house.

She loves children and most importantly, these three little ones are so cute!

Her heart melted when she saw it!

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