Chapter 240 The Origin of the First Empire, the Battle of Two Dragons!!

Gorgeous castle.

A little girl with long blonde hair and a cute elf-like figure was now lying on her big bed.

The soft quilt pressed lightly against her petite body, revealing only a cute little head.

The girl opened her big watery eyes and stared at the beautiful blonde woman sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Empress Dowager, I want to hear bedtime stories!”

The little girl said in a milky voice.

And for her daughter’s request, Mei naturally will not refuse.

She picked up the storybook on the bedside table and asked softly, “Well, my little princess, what bedtime story do you want to hear?” ”

The little girl thought for a moment and said, “I don’t want to hear the story made up in the book this time, I want to hear the origin story about the original empire!” ”

The little girl’s answer made the beautiful woman slightly stunned.

Her little princess is really different.

Little girls from other families at this age like to hear stories about knights and princesses, but she loves to hear stories about the original empire!

But that’s not a bad thing.

Therefore, the beautiful woman still did not refuse her daughter’s request.

“Okay, then I’ll tell you this story.”

If you change to someone else, you really don’t know the source of the original empire.

But she knew.

Because what flowed in her body was the royal blood of that country!

The beautiful woman opened her lips and said lightly, “Once upon a time, the ancestors of my door were just the primitive people of the Erjun group who lived a life of slash and burn. ”

“One day, two dragons suddenly appeared in the sky!”

“They are huge enough to cover the sky!”

“But they seem to be fighting.”

“The smaller dragon was not as strong as the big dragon, and finally died tragically at the hands of the big dragon.”

“When it fell from the sky, blue flames fell from its body like raindrops, burning the earth.”

“In the end, only to hear a bang, the little dragon finally crashed into the mountains, tearing the earth apart into three rifts that were thousands of miles long!”

“Large swaths of woods were burned down, leaving a pitch-black land!”

“The fire lasted for months before it was extinguished by a heavy rain.”

“Although the dragon is dead, its body law has not been corrupted.”

“The ancestors mistakenly thought it was just a serious injury to sleep, and did not dare to go close.”

“But it wasn’t until the past few years that people saw the little dragon still lying on the ground without moving before they dared to come closer.”

“When people got close to the dragon’s body, they found that this dragon was actually two steel dragons!” Its skin, its flesh and blood are made of hard steel! ”

“People entered the body of this dragon, and they got a lot of treasures from it, even legendary holy relics!”

“Using these holy relics, the people easily killed the nearby beasts and occupied their territory.”

“As a result, this double sun fall has become the three most open double falls on the ground!”

“In order to protect this dragon corpse and prevent others from obtaining the treasures inside the dragon corpse, the ancestors used stones to build homes and castles near the dragon corpse.”

“With the passage of time, the tribe grew stronger and stronger, and the tribal population even reached a huge size of more than 100,000 at one point!”

“The surrounding tribes felt threatened and were ready to join forces to annex them.”

“But in the presence of holy relics, they are vulnerable.”

“Soon, the other tribes were defeated and eventually annexed.”

“The original empire was thus established.”

“This is the origin of the original empire.”

After the beautiful woman finished speaking, she looked at her daughter who was lying on the bed.

“Well, when the story is over, it’s time for you to sleep.”

But the little girl was still unsatisfied.

“Empress Mother, since the original Empire has mastered the holy relics, how did it end up being destroyed?”

For this question, the beautiful woman does not want to tell her daughter.

Because such a topic was too heavy for her little girl, who was only a few years old.

But she could not say nothing, but could only say pointedly: “Child, people’s greed and prohibition will never be satisfied.” ”

“When you’re satisfied with the status quo too much, you want to be better.”

“The destruction of the empire is because of the greed of mankind.”

The little girl looked confused.

“Queen Mother, I can’t listen.”

The beautiful woman smiled lightly and said, “It doesn’t matter, you’ll understand when you grow up.” ”

“I didn’t know this until I was growing up.”

“Well, it’s not too early, and I’m going to go back to rest too, so you should go to bed early.”

The beautiful woman leaned down and kissed the little girl lightly on the forehead, then turned and left the room.

When the door was closed, he did not forget to look back at his daughter and wave goodbye to her.

“Good night and good dreams.”

“Well, good night Queen Mother!”

After leaving her daughter’s room, the beautiful woman also returned to her own room, but instead of resting as she had said before, she came to the dresser.

And took out a machine with a round palm from the drawer.

As the beautiful woman presses a button on the machine, a curtain of light shoots out of the machine.

These light curtains quickly form an image.

If there was a citizen of the Tianyuan Empire here at this time, he would definitely be shocked by the image in front of him.

Because in this image is a CCS-class cruiser!

And the machine in the hands of the beautiful woman is nothing else, it is a portable projector!

Looking at the hologram in front of her, the beautiful woman said with a sad face: “The holy relics that once brought hope to the ancestors have finally become the instruments that destroy the empire.” ”

“Now these things are the trigger for war.”

“What if the ancestors hadn’t gotten those things in the first place?”

Tianyuan Empire.

Zhu Forbidden City is inside the temple.

Lin Ziqin was immersed in his work.

Suddenly, Xiao Ai flew out and said, “Master, I have locked the coordinates of the world where Miss Cornelia and his door are located!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ziqin immediately had no intention of working.

“Really? That’s great! ”

Finally can get Cornelia back!

“You must tell Euphemia the good news!”

With that, Lin Ziqin used the portal and went directly back to his home.

And told Euphemia the good news.

After hearing this news, Euphemia was even more excited than Lin Ziqin.

After all, it was her own sister.

“When are we going to go find my sister?”

Euphemia can’t wait to get her sister back.

Lin Ziqin said, “I plan to leave tomorrow, but this time you can stay at home and wait, I will go.” ”

“This… All right. ”

Although she couldn’t go and pick up her sister to go home in person, she finally agreed after thinking about it.

The next day.

Lin Ziqin assembled a huge fleet and set out to the new unknown world to find Connelle Gan…

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