Chapter 241 Discovery of CCS-Class Cruiser Signal!!

In a completely unknown star domain, Tianyuan is advancing at sub-light speed with hundreds of warships around it.

A moment later, they stopped in the high orbit of a pitch-black planet.

“Master, I can be 100% sure that the planet in front of me is the home planet of the original Koya!”

Xiao Ai said very firmly.

Because the latest analysis shows that the surface of this planet has a large amount of plasma radiation!

And the surface of the planet is completely glassified!

The Cornelia Frontal Fleet was sucked into a vortex when it vitrified the Koya home planet!

Lin Ziqin said, “Send the robot down to see if you can find the clues that Cornelia left behind.” ”

“Obey orders!”

Xiao Ai then said, “Master, I have also discovered three things. ”

“Just now when I analyzed the data, I found that the residual radiation on the surface of this planet has decayed by at least half.”

“And to be able to produce this result, it shows that the planet has been at least a thousand years since it was vitrified!”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ziqin’s pupils shrank three times.

“How many years have you been dry?! Are you sure? ”

“Master, I never tell a lie.”


For a moment, Lin Ziqin’s heart rose and fell.

Had Cornelia been in this world for years?

If he really stayed for so long, what would be the same with the current situation of his door?

Even for Lin Ziqin, working for many years is a very long time!

He could hardly imagine what would happen after years of losing contact with the Empire.

But the only good thing is that Cornelia doesn’t have to worry about their longevity.

Cornelia herself has an infinite lifespan, and each Imperial soldier has a lifespan of up to five dry years!

Officers ranged from 10,000 to 15,000.

If they are still alive in their hearts, they will definitely be overwhelmed by me!

Little by little time passes.

In the blink of an eye, two more Earth Days have passed.

Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai did not find the information they left behind on the home planet of the Koya.

However, the unmanned probe found traces of excavation at the poles of the Koya home planet.

Judging from the traces, the diggers should be Cornelia them.

Because the vitrification of the excavation site is not obvious.

That is to say, these two excavation points appeared after the planet was vitrified!

Cornelia must have been because after vitrifying the planet, he discovered something on the planet, and then someone turned back to dig up what he found.

In addition to conducting a carpet search of the planet of the Koya, Lin Ziqin also asked Xiao Ai to use the hyperspace detection radar to find the signal of the Exterminator’s fleet.

But still nothing was found.

After many years of work, Cornell touched his door and could do a lot of things.

It is not excluded that they may have left the hyperspace detection range.

And the most troublesome thing is that they can’t rely on the traces left by the fleet’s gliding through the fault space to track them.

Because the traces left by the gliding of the battleship in the fault space will not last long.

Fault space is filled with spatial turbulence.

These turbulent currents are like the sea, constantly washing away the beach and washing away the footprints of people!

At most a few Earth Days those traces will disappear completely.

There was no trace, no specific direction, how was he going to find Cornelia in the vast universe?

It’s harder than finding a needle in a haystack!

If he couldn’t find Cornelia, how could he go back and give Euphemia an explanation?

Lin Ziqin was a headache.

At this moment, Xiao Ai proposed another way to find people.

“Master, maybe we can try to launch our own hyperspace signal on a large scale!”

“As long as they are still in this universe, sooner or later they will receive our hyperspace signal!”

“It’s going to be a long wait, but we’re not short of time, are we?”

Lin Ziqin’s eyes lit up when he heard this.

Yes, this method works!

Anyway, in a few months, when the time cooldown is over, this world will be connected to the Imperial Overworld.

At that time, whether it is waiting for a dry year or ten thousand years, he can afford to wait!

I’m just afraid I’m going to suffer Euphemia.

But this is also the only way to do it at the moment.

“Just do it!”

“Obey orders!”

With Lin Ziqin’s order, Tianyuan launched its own hyperspace signal.

At speeds beyond light, signals quickly fly toward distances of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of light-years away.

Even as the Tianyuan continued to transmit its own hyperspace signals, Lin Ziqin was not idle.

He had the engineering ships establish a defensive line near the fleet…

After all, the wide area transmitting its own hyperspace signal is equivalent to a bright flashlight in a dark forest, which is easy to be detected by other hands.

If other alien civilizations received signals from Lin Ziqin’s side, it was difficult to guarantee that they would not run to find trouble.

Just in case, it is necessary to be prepared for defense.

Fast forward a few more days.

On this day, Xiao Ai suddenly brought good news to Lin Ziqin.

“The host! We received a signal! It was confirmed that it was sent by a CCS-class cruiser! ”

Lin Ziqin was overjoyed.

CCS-class cruisers are the only ones they have!

The only people who can appear in this world besides them are Cornelia’s fleet!

“Send three reconnaissance ships over to see what’s going on!”

Just in case, Lin Ziqin did not rush directly to the place where the signal was transmitted because there were many doubts!

Why is it a CCS-class cruiser that signals it? And not Cornelia’s flagship?

“I knew the master would say that, so I’ve already sent a reconnaissance ship.”

Xiao Ai was like a worm in Lin Ziqin’s stomach, and he had long expected him to do this.

The location and distance of the signal is not far from them, only four hundred light-years away.

The reconnaissance ship was advancing at full speed and arrived at the signal site that night.

However, when the reconnaissance ship transmitted the footage taken back to the flagship Tianyuan, Lin Ziqin immediately frowned.

“The signal actually came out of the ground of a planet?”

Yes, after repeated confirmation, the signal from the CCS-class cruiser was actually coming from the ground of the planet in front of you!

How did a spaceship go underground?

“Not only that, Master, the scan shows that there are still a large number of human life signals on this planet!”

“Do you think these people will be descendants of General Cornelia?”

The appearance of humans in an unknown universe, it is difficult not to let the little love of some humans are not the descendants of Cornelia mute his door.

After all, years have passed, and anything can happen.

Of course, Lin Ziqin also had doubts about this.

“Whether it’s or not, I’ll go and see if I know it.”

“Go little love, go to that planet and see.”

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