Chapter 242 The Magic Silver Bracelet!!



The huge city gate collapsed.

A horde of armed soldiers poured into the castle!

It was followed by a dozen tall black mechs!

“Kill these invaders!!”

The soldiers inside the castle also took up their weapons and killed these invaders at the same time, in the main hall of the castle.

“Your Honor! I don’t want to leave! I’m going to be with my queen! ”

The blonde girl clutched the beautiful woman with both hands deadly, and three lines of tears were flowing from her eyes with little makeup.

The beautiful woman is also very reluctant in her heart, and if she can, she also wants to continue to let her daughter stay by her side.

Then accompany her into adulthood, attend her wedding, and personally hand her over to her future partner.

However, this little wish may not be able to be fulfilled by him again.

The beautiful woman suppressed the tears and broke the girl’s hands with a fierce heart.

“Eleanor, listen to your mother, get out of here, and go to the kingdom of Fremevilla, never to come back!”

“Also, be sure to protect your bracelet and don’t let it fall into anyone’s hands!”

After saying that, the beautiful woman pushed her daughter to another red-haired woman.

“Isadora, please take Eleanor away!”

The red-haired woman Isadora focused on the head.

“No! I don’t want to be separated from my queen! Sister Isa, let go of me! ”


Isadora and several attendants forcibly left with Eleanor.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing heavy armor came to the beautiful woman’s side.

“I’m sorry, it’s all because of me.”

The strong beautiful woman finally revealed her vulnerable side at this moment, and she was very sad.

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly.

“I don’t blame you, it’s my fault.”

“If I had more strength, I would be able to protect your mother and daughter.”

“They all blame me for being too weak!”

For the first time, men were dissatisfied with their own strength.

In the end, even his wife and daughter could not protect her!

“Actually, you can leave with Eleanor.”

“How could I leave my husband alone?”

“If I can have you as a wife, I will be straight!”

“Then hopefully in the next life we can still be husband and wife!”

“Yes, definitely!”

Treading on the pedal…

A soldier hurried over and knelt down on one knee to the man and said, “Report to Your Majesty the King, the enemy has broken through the second line of defense and is about to enter the palace!” ”

The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

“Even if I die here today, I will lay two pieces of flesh from the enemy!”


In a camp outside the city.

A purple-haired man sat in a chair and drank red wine very comfortably.

At this time, one of his subordinates walked in and said, “Report to Your Royal Highness the Second Prince, as you expected, a small convoy of carriages has indeed run out of the secret passage of the palace!” ”

The second prince was ecstatic to hear this.

“Send someone to intercept the convoy!”

There must be something in that team that you’re looking for!

Once they get that thing themselves, they will be able to conquer the whole world with the giant and even come closer to three battles!

“Obey orders!”

A squad of pursuers galloped toward the convoy on horseback.

The speed of the pursuing squad’s horses was very fast, and the speed of the carriage was not as fast as that of the lightly loaded warhorses, so the convoy was quickly overtaken.

“Damn, there are pursuing soldiers!”

The red-haired woman Isadora gritted her teeth.

How did the guys from the Kingdom of Korovud find out about them?

“Isadora, you continue to run away with Eleanor, and I will leave someone behind!”

A woman next to her, who also had red hair like Ishadora, said.

It was Isadora’s mother, named Martina.

“No way! This absolutely does not work! I will never abandon Mother you! ”

Isadora immediately rejected her mother’s offer.

“But that’s the only way at the moment isn’t it?”

This time Isadora did not refute it.

If you want to successfully escape, someone must come and break the queen.

But she couldn’t sacrifice her own mother!

She finally understood Eleanor’s mood at this time.

The pain of being separated from your mother is not something that ordinary people can bear!

“I probably know a way to get rid of the pursuers.”

At this time, Eleanor, who had just been silent and unbelieving, suddenly opened her mouth.

She was sad, but she had now accepted the reality.

Her mother and father sacrificed themselves in exchange for her chance to survive.

She must cherish it!

“When you get to the next fork, turn left and keep walking!”

“But isn’t that a cliff?”

Isadora looked puzzled.

She also knew something about the vicinity of the royal city.

She had also come this way a few times.

She remembered that turning left at the next intersection was obviously a dead end!

“Rest assured, listen to me.”

Isadora saw that she was so determined, and in the end she could only listen to her.

When it came to the next fork, the carriage did not hesitate to turn to the left and sure enough, he was almost at the edge of the three cliffs!

“Don’t stop! Keep running! ”


“Trust me!”

“This… All right! ”

Isadora gritted her teeth and continued to let the carriage run forward.

The pursuers behind him were still in hot pursuit.

It was about to catch up with the carriage, and at this time the carriage finally rushed out of the cliff!

However, the imaginary scene of the carriage falling into the cliff did not appear in an instant, and three blue bridges of light appeared under the carriage!

The other side of the bridge is the opposite side of the cliff!

When the carriage left the light bridge, the light bridge disappeared again.

The pursuing soldiers behind him could only stare at a loss for words.

Isadora glanced back and was relieved to see that she had indeed thrown off the pursuers.

The danger was gone, and her curiosity suddenly appeared.

“What’s going on with Gangoka’s bridge of light?”

Eleanor rolled up the sleeve of her right hand, revealing the silver bracelet on her wrist.

The bracelet is emitting a burst of blue light.

Eleanor explains, “The bridge of light just now was made of this bracelet. ”

“What? Is this thing so magical? ”

The mother and daughter looked at Eleanor’s bracelet in amazement.

“It can not only make light bridges out of thin air, but also make something out of thin air, and in addition, it is also a second key!”

“And it is the purpose of the Kingdom of Korovud to attack the Kingdom of Keshapega!”

Eleanor hated the bracelet.

It is precisely because of this thing that the country of Zini was destroyed!

It is precisely because of this thing that she will be separated from her mother and father and emperor!

If only he hadn’t had this thing from the beginning!

But this is the only thing her mother has given herself, and she can’t throw it away!

She also promised her mother that she would never let this thing fall into the hands of the enemy!

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