Chapter 244 can strengthen the strange energy of the human body!!

The sun rises in the east.

The intense and long night was finally over.

Sunlight penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the delicate cheeks of the maiden.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes looked around in a blank stare blank.

I saw that I was surrounded by heavily armed soldiers.

It took a moment for Eleanor to finally recall her situation.

He actually fell asleep peacefully under the eyes of his enemies!

Fortunately, there is a barrier of holy relics to protect them.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

After all, they have been staying in the enchantment, and if they don’t eat or drink, sooner or later they will be killed by my thirst.

At that time, the holy relics will still fall into the hands of the enemy!

A way must be found to get out of trouble!

But there was nothing she could do at the moment.

Although she was holding the holy relic, this holy relict was only a key, it had no function at all, and it was not enough to help her escape from danger, otherwise she would not have opened the enchantment last night.

As if noticing Eleanor’s look, Martina said softly, “Don’t worry, when I fled the royal city, I had already sent someone to the kingdom of Fremevilla in advance to ask for help, and I believe that in two days, reinforcements will arrive.” ”

After listening to Martina’s words, Eleanor’s tight frown was relaxed, but the conversation between the two accidentally passed into the ears of people outside the shield.

“Don’t count on reinforcements, the people you secretly sent out have been caught.”

Olatheo said faintly with dark circles under his eyes.

Yesterday he didn’t sleep all night.

He was very interested in the enchantment that the holy relics produced, so he studied around the enchantment.

If this kind of enchantment could also be installed for the Phantom Crystal Knight and the Floating Ship, wouldn’t it be invincible?

Unfortunately, he didn’t know how these boundaries worked.

If only I could snatch the bracelet from the princess’s hand now.

Olatheo’s answer made the hope in the hearts of the three of them instantly extinguish.

Now that even the reinforcements are gone, how can they get out of trouble?

“Hey! Olasio, what detector are you missing? ”

At this time, the squad leader came over with the detector and asked Olatheo.

“Huh? What happened? ”

Olatheo frowned.

His stuff never goes wrong.

He’s pretty confident in his products!

The squad leader handed the detector to Olatheo and said, “Look, suddenly there is a huge white dot on the instrument, and it is moving rapidly towards this side.” ”

Oracio fixed his eyes and really saw that there were indeed two white dots on the instrument that occupied half of the entire screen @ Jiangshan was afraid of moving, and the speed was very fast!

In the blink of an eye, I stepped over several small squares!

You know, these three little checkered boys have hundreds of huge differences!

Is there really something wrong?

Olacio was a little hard to accept this.

Genius like him can even make mistakes?

Just as Olasio was about to take the instrument back and repair it, the crowd behind him was agitated.

“Hey! See what that is? ”

“Oh my God! It’s so big! ”

“What the hell is this?!”

Even the squad leader next to him showed a shocked and incredulous expression.

“What happened?”

Olatheo looked back.

Only to find that everyone was looking up at the sky, including the three people trapped in the enchantment.

With curiosity, he looked to the sky.

At that moment, he saw a scene that he would never forget.

A huge floating ship is flying out of the clouds!

The huge hull of the ship obscured the sun, proving that the whole earth fell into darkness!

“This… This is a miracle! ”

Everyone looked at the huge battleship in the sky with fear.

Only Olasius knelt on the ground, covered in a fury.

It’s like a treasure hunter who has discovered the supreme treasure!

As a genius inventor, he can see from the appearance of this floating ship how advanced his technology is!

Let me push the time back ten minutes ago.

In a dark universe.

Space suddenly warps.

A Hekata-class battleship jumped out of distorted space.

The Chikata-class battleships are also known as the Chikata-class breakouts.

It is 2020 meters long, equipped with stealth position generators and shield generators, and has a more egg-like armament.

The Hecata-class battleships were once a type of warship used by the Saint-Chili people in the founding war, the Bloody Era.

Since the dissolution of the Star Alliance, these ancient warlords have been unsealed by the horns and restarted.

However, although these warships are ancient, they are actually only for the Star Alliance, their powerful firepower and excellent maneuverability and protection are stronger than most NSC warships!

Most importantly, the appearance of this type of battleship is very beautiful!

Lin Ziqin liked the appearance of this kind of boat!

Therefore, not long after the Empire had just completed the great cause of unification a few years ago, he asked Xiao Ai to build a batch of these types of warships.

And because it was built using forerunner technology, his Hechkata-class battleships were also much stronger than the original.

The Chikata-class battleship held by Lin Ziqin, even if it is placed in the star, belongs to the top Gomi!

Back to the point.

Since the Tianyuan needed to guard the fleet, this Chikata-class battleship became Lin Ziqin’s temporary ship.

In the bridge.

Lin Ziqin stood in front of the holographic platform with his hands on his chest, staring at the beautiful blue planet below.

It is no exaggeration to say that the beauty of this planet is not even worse than that of Earth!

“Preliminary scans of the planet have been completed and multiple suspicious signals have been found.”

“These signals are all labeled CCS-class cruisers.”

Xiao Ai’s words made Lin Zi Qin Liu’s eyebrows wrinkle.

“Why are the signals of the CCS-class cruisers so scattered?”

Xiao Ai replied: “If I am not mistaken, these should be the signals generated by the remnants or relics of the CCS-class cruisers.” ”

“That’s the way it is.”

“Lock in the strongest signal.”

“It’s locked, the orientation has been sent to your holographic table.”

Lin Ziqin’s fingers lightly touched on the holographic table.

A holographic image of the planet appeared in front of him.

There is also a red dot of a star on the hologram of this planet.

Presumably, this is the coordinates sent by Xiao Ai.

“Little love, take me down to where the red dot is.”

“Obey orders!”

The Chikata-class battleships plunged headlong into the planet Akko.

A moment later, the battleship passed through the planet’s atmosphere and came to the inside of the planet.

“Master, a strange unknown flow of energy has been detected in the air.”

“Is this energy harmful to the human body?”

In the unknown universe, it is not a strange thing to have two never-before-seen energies on the known planet.

However, being specifically mentioned by Xiao Ai shows that these energies are not ordinary.

“Master, for the time being, we have not found any damage to the human body from these energies, on the contrary, they seem to be conducive to strengthening the human body!”

“Oh? It can even strengthen the human body, a little interesting, collect some, and when I have the opportunity to study it. ”

“Obey orders!”

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