Chapter 245: Mecha and Magic?!!

After a few minutes of flight, the Hechkata-class battleships finally arrived at where the signal was located.

“Master, the signal is right below us.”

A virtual screen is projected on the holographic table.

However, the picture on the screen made Lin Ziqin’s brow frown slightly.

Only to see a group of people armed around three women.

Around the three women, there was also a blue energy barrier protecting them, Lin Ziqin, who recognized at a glance that this blue energy barrier was the energy shield of their Heavenly Yuan Empire!

That said, what he was looking for might be on three women.

But what surprised him the most was the equipment on these people.

Dressed in medieval armor and armed with a shoddily crafted iron sword, what happened to the mech behind it?

You can build mechs, why don’t you have a heat weapon?

Also, how did the group of guys in the back of the black robes and with gem sticks look a bit like magicians in the magic world?

Are these people really the descendants of Cornelia they left here?

Lin Ziqin had a slight doubt about his previous speculations.

It is reasonable to say that even if it loses contact with the Empire, the existing technology of the fleet alone is enough to bloom a brilliant scientific and technological civilization in this other world.

How do you feel that these people are living more and more backward?

Even if it is just eating the old cost of the fleet, it is impossible to fall behind to such a degree, right?

Do you really copy the exam papers?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter, it’s still important.

Lin Ziqin retracted his thoughts and said to Xiao Ai, “Send troops down… Forget it, I’ll go down for a trip myself. ”

It is inevitable that there will be some inappropriate things to let the robot go down and negotiate with these people, and misunderstandings may also arise if they are not done.

Sure enough, it is better to go in person.

It just so happened that he also wanted to communicate with the humans of this world.

“Look! Something flew out of that floating ship! ”

Under the gaze of a group of people.

Several Ghost Ghosts flew out of the hangar of the Hecata-class battleship and landed in the clearing.

Everyone stood up and tightened their weapons.

They don’t know who these people are, much less what they’re here for.

But that’s why they have to raise their heads.

With the landing of the Phantom, Lin Ziqin watched a group of diamond fighting robots come out of it.

“It seems that these people are not very welcoming to us.”

Even without communication, Lin Ziqin could read each other’s thoughts from each other’s looks and expressions.

“Master, I have reason to suspect that these guys are going to rob and use the three women to see that they are the objects of robbery.”

Xiao Ai leaned over to Lin Ziqin’s ear and whispered.

In her opinion, these guys outside the shield are wearing tatters and are still very backward, so they must be robbers!

And those three ladies are dressed in a decent and noble temperament, and they must be noble women!

Lin Ziqin carefully observed the crowd in front of him with his chin and nodded.

“Well, that makes sense!”

If this group of soldiers in the Kingdom of Korowude knew that Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai regarded them as bandits, they did not know how they would feel in their hearts.

The regular army of their kingdom of Korovud turned out to be just a bunch of ragged bandits in the eyes of these people!

Can you believe it?

“Who are you?”

The squad leader stepped forward and asked.

However, Lin Ziqin, who was opposite, did not pay attention to this person.

Because he couldn’t understand what this man was saying!

“Little love, analyze the language of these people, I need a translator.”

“Obey the order, but in order to complete the language analysis of the other party, we also need to let the other party talk more.”

A few words alone cannot fully analyze the language of a race.

Not even a little love can do it.

Lin Ziqin instantly understood the meaning of Xiao Ai’s words.

“Got it, then arrest all these people.”

Anyway, robbers, catch it and waste it.

With Lin Ziqin’s order, the robot behind him quickly switched to battle mode.

At the same time, the weapons in their hands were also switched to stun mode.

Although the soldiers of the Korowude Kingdom could not understand what Lin Zi Qin Hao Xiaoai was saying.

But looking at the robots who have already raised their weapons, they also know that the other party is afraid that the other party is not good!

Everyone was ready for battle.


The battle robot was the first to fire.

An energy bullet flew out and went straight to the opposing squad leader!

Before the man could react, he was hit…

A powerful current poured into the body.

The squad twitched a few times before losing consciousness and falling to the ground.

It all happened so fast that the people behind him hadn’t reacted yet.


“Damn! Kill these guys! ”


The remaining Kingdom of Korowude rushed towards Lin Ziqin.

Even the mechs and magicians at the back of the line began to move.

The mech walked towards Lin Ziqin with heavy steps, while the magician stood behind him holding up his staff and chanting ancient incantations in his mouth.

“What kind of magician is it?!”

Lin Ziqin’s eyes widened in shock.

But the next second, his face showed an excited expression…


This is magic!

I didn’t expect this world to have such magical powers, it was amazing!

Although they could not find Cornelia and them, it was also an extremely fruitful harvest to discover this world!

It is no exaggeration to say that the value of this world is much higher than the value of other worlds!

After all, this is the first time the Empire has discovered the mysterious side world!

Beep beep beep…

The battle robot keeps firing.

Their marksmanship is accurate, and they are hardly crooked.

This is mainly because the people on the other side do not know to find cover, only know the brainless center.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of soldiers fell to the ground.

At this moment, the mech also came to Lin Ziqin and the others.

However, in the face of the mech, Lin Zaiqin did not intend to spare his subordinates.

“Little love, bombard it with a naval cannon!”

Stun mode can’t deal with people staying in the cockpit.

Even if he does not use the stun mode, it may be difficult for him to deal damage to these mechs by relying solely on the light weapons in the hands of the combat robots.

“Obey orders!”


A beam of light fell from the sky and landed in the machine group.

In an instant, dozens of mechs were instantly blown to pieces, as if the heavens were punishing them!

The few remaining mechs were also damaged to varying degrees.

The magician in the rear was even more miserable, this sudden explosion shock wave interrupted the casting, and finally died of all the leaf blood due to the magic reaction!

And all this was seen by the three women hiding in the shield…


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