Chapter 246 Little Love, You Are Naughty!!

The three women’s eyes widened and they looked at this scene in shock.

Thousands of elite soldiers of the Korovud Kingdom are gone?

Lin Ziqin waved his hand, and the surrounding battle robots quickly stepped forward and arrested the soldiers of the Korowude Kingdom who had fallen to the ground.

“Master, the technology used by these mechs seems to be different from ours, and may have some research value.”

Xiao Ai came to the wreckage of a mech, and the large mechanical eyeball shot a laser at the wreckage.

She did not find energy transmission devices in the wreckage.

So how do these mechs move?

Lin Ziqin heard this and said, “Then take it back together, there are still a few over there that have not been completely destroyed.” ”

Knowing that these mechs had research value, he started to tap them.

This is good, a few machines are now only three nine seven “there are only a few left for study.

However, Lin Ziqin did not care too much.

Sooner or later, the world will come under the rule of the Empire.

When the time comes, you will have as much research material as you want!

Then Lin Ziqin looked at the three women hiding inside the shield.

A blonde girl, a red-haired girl plus a red-haired woman.

It’s a strange combination.

After noticing Lin Ziqin’s gaze, Eleanor and the three of them suddenly tensed up.

Although this mysterious man killed the pursuers of the Kingdom of Korovud, they were not happy at all.

Because they have a feeling of just coming out of the tiger’s mouth and entering the wolf’s den.

Looking at the shield in front of him, Lin Ziqin could be 100% sure that this was their empire’s shield technology!

“It’s the XHD-1500 shield.”

Xiao Ai stepped forward and said.

“What can produce such shields is usually the identity bracelet of the captain or deputy captain of the cruiser.”

Every captain of the Empire wears an identity bracelet.

The bracelet is not only a symbol of power, but also a captain’s amulet.

It can produce a highly defensive energy shield when necessary.

Lin Ziqin hugged his chest with both hands, pinched his chin and teased, “It looks like there is a captain in the shield.” ”

“Yes, it seems to be a blonde girl.”

“Oh? Such a small ‘captain’? ”

Lin Ziqin carefully looked at the blonde girl.

The man seems to be around thirteen or fourteen years old.

Dressed in a gorgeous princess dress, her long blonde hair was scattered like a waterfall, and she also wore a small princess crown on her head.

The looks are pretty cute.

Lin Ziqin’s admiring eyes made Eleanor blush.

Although the person in front of you does not know whether he is an enemy or a friend, it is undeniable that this person is really handsome!

Very much in line with his image of Prince Charming.

“Little love, can you sweetly open this shield horse?”

Looking at each other across a shield always feels a little weird.

He also needs to recycle the identity bracelet to see if there is any information he wants in the bracelet.

“Of course you can!”

Xiao Ai said confidently, “I can crack most of the shields in the Empire!” ”

As he spoke, Xiao Ai’s eyeballs shot out a pink laser.

The laser fell on the shield.

The shield, which had originally emitted a blue shimmer, began to darken.

Seeing this, Eleanor and the three became even more nervous.

They don’t know what the people on the outside want to do, but that’s obviously not a good thing!

After a few seconds, the shield’s light grew dimmer and flickering.

After a few more seconds, with a pop, the shield that enveloped the three women finally disappeared!


Martina took her daughter and Eleanor’s little hands and turned and ran.

Lin Zi Qin frowned lightly.

Am I so scary when I look long?

“Little love, let her come down from the door.”

“Obey orders!”


Several battle robots flashed in front of the three women in an instant, blocking Yemen’s way.

“Three beautiful women, don’t be nervous, I won’t hurt you, I just want to invite you to my side… Tu, forget, they don’t understand what I’m saying. ”

Lin Ziqin originally wanted to give a gentleman eleven, but suddenly remembered that the other party could not understand what he was saying!

“Little love, is there a way to make the other party understand my meaning without relying on words?”

Xiao Ai was silent for a moment and then replied, “You just need to look fierce, hold a gun to the door of their heads, and then point to the Phantom transport plane, I think they must understand what you mean…”

Lin Ziqin: “…”

That’s too fierce, isn’t it?

“Is there a gentler way?”

He just wanted to recycle the identity bracelets on their bodies, and by the way, he asked the women to go to his spaceship to investigate, and he was not here to rob them.

“Gentle method? Not for nothing. ”

Xiao Ai said solemnly, “You just need to go up and grab the blonde girl’s little wild waist, and then give her a deep kiss, and then everything can be done!” ”

Lin Ziqin raised an eyebrow.

“Little love, you’re naughty, I’m serious.”

“Master, Xiao Ai is also serious.”

As if to make his words more convincing, Xiao Ai’s gentle voice was a little more serious.

“From my observations of the three women, the blonde girl seems to be their central figure.”

“And just now the blonde girl looked at you with a good feeling in her eyes.”

“As long as you give her a romantic deep kiss, you can definitely take it down!”

“Then she can follow you alone!”

“By the way, after my calculations, you have a success rate of 84.1% for winning a girl!”

Lin Ziqin was completely speechless.

This is nothing to do with anything, he just wants to be a gentleman, not a rogue!

“Forget it, this plan directly passes, is there a way to be less gentle, but not so fierce?”

“There are ways to be less gentle and less fierce, you just have to make a gesture to them and then take her door to the scene with you.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes, it’s that simple.”

“At this moment, they are surrounded and have no way out, so they can only listen to your safety.”

“But remember, be gentler and have a higher success rate.”

“Is there such an easy way to say it so sooner?”

Lin Ziqin couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Xiao Ai said helplessly: “I just choose the method with the highest success rate in turn.” ”

So, does Little Love mean that forcing them to have the highest success rate?

It’s really surprising…

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