Chapter 247: The Relic and the Dragon Corpse!!

As it turns out, Xiao Ai’s proposal is really useful.

Lin Ziqin just came to the three women and gestured to them please.

They understood what he meant in an instant, and after a moment’s hesitation, they finally followed him aboard the Phantom transport plane.

Just as Xiao Ai said, because she knew that there was no other choice now.

Of course, the most important thing was that they did not feel hostility from Lin Ziqin’s body.

After taking them to the spaceship, Lin Ziqin wanted to take the identity bracelet from the blonde girl’s hand to read the information in it.

However, when Lin Ziqin revealed that he needed an identity bracelet, the blonde young woman resisted.

He seemed very reluctant to give him the identity bracelet.

This made Lin Ziqin very speechless.

Please, sister, that body is Chen Xi of my family!

I just took it to read the information stored in it, and I didn’t really take it away!

Although Lin Ziqin really wanted to explain this to her, the two sides did not understand each other’s languages.

He simply couldn’t express his thoughts to the other person very well.

In desperation, Lin Ziqin had to postpone the matter and wait until he had a translator to make plans.

During this time, Lin Ziqin arranged them in a room.

And he went to the laboratory with Xiao Ai.

Equipment recovered from the ground has been sent to the laboratory for research.

“According to research, the jewel on the staff is actually a very ordinary crystal stone.”

“Was it just a crystal stone?”

Lin Ziqin still thought how tall the magic staff that could emit magic was, but he didn’t expect that it was a crystal stone tied to a broken wooden stick.

That kind of thing is not worth a few dollars at all in the Empire.

Even if you give it to others, others will dislike it.

“But why can this thing become a magic staff?” And why can it emit magic? ”

Xiao Ai replied, “Master, remember what I said before, that there is a strange energy floating in the air of this world?” ”

“Of course, don’t you want to tell me that those strange energies are the key to magic?”

“Yes, according to my latest research, those energy bodies may be the magic of this world!”


He also thought that magic was cultivated by humans.

I didn’t expect that there would be a lot of people in the air.

Xiao Ai continued, “The magic in the air is easily absorbed by the human body, and the human beings in this world may have found a way to guide the magic in their bodies before they can send out the magic.” ”

“And this staff in front of me, according to my experiments, can have an amplification effect on magic!”

I see.

This is called one person’s garbage, another person’s treasure.

In the eyes of the Empire, the crystal mine is some garbage, but in this world, it is a treasure mine that can amplify magic!

It seems that after going back, you have to collect some crystal mines.

“By the way, you said that magic can be easily absorbed by the human body, do you see if there is magic in my body?”

Lin Ziqin stood in front of Xiao Ai with his head held high, posing a posture of coming to scan me.

Xiao Ai immediately shot out a scanning beam and scanned Lin Ziqin.

A few seconds later the results came out.

“Master, there is a small amount of magic in your body, which is one-twenty-seven of the normal level of people in this world.”

“That’s it?”

“Maybe it’s because master, you’ve only just received the magic of the hornworm for a long time.”

“Oh? In this way, I may still be a genius with a lot of magical talent! ”

It had only been less than an hour since he had reached the full level of magic power, but his magic power was one-twenty-seventh of a normal human level!

If he lived here for a few years, wouldn’t the demonic power be able to surpass most of the people in this world?

Of course, Lin Ziqin just wanted to think about it.

How could he have lived here for so long.

He’s a busy man!

… Well, not too busy either.

Just when Lin Ziqin was thinking blindly, Xiao Ai had already flown to the other side.

In front of it was a mech that had been captured.

But now the mech’s shell has been removed, revealing the structure and core inside.

“It’s a product that’s completely different from technology.”

“The energy used by these mechs is also magic.”

“But the manufacturing technology is lagging behind.”

Xiao Ai surrounded this mech and kept scanning.

Lin Ziqin was still the first time to see her look so curious.

Such a little love, not to mention, is quite cute.

The other side.

In a room.

Eleanor, Isadora, and Martina are sitting around eating food delivered by a service robot.

They hadn’t eaten all day, so the disciples were very hungry.

I don’t know if it’s because they’re too hungry or because the food here is already delicious, but they eat very deliciously.

After a full meal, the faces of the three people once again showed a long color.

“How are we going to get out of here next?”

Although the food here is very good, they have no intention of staying in this place all the time.

They must go to the Kingdom of Fremevilla as soon as possible.

And tell the king of the kingdom of Fremevilla about the intention of collecting holy relics and conquering the world!

Isadora put her hands on her cheeks and said, “These people don’t understand what we’re talking about, and I guess they don’t know what we’re thinking.” ”

It would be nice to be able to communicate directly, so that at least there is a hope of getting out of here.

Without communication, the other party cannot know what Zini and others think.

“I think they also came to the holy relics.”

Martina glanced at Eleanor’s bracelet and said.

Previously, the other party obviously wanted to take the bracelet from Eleanor’s hand.

But they were still relatively gentlemen, and Eleanor didn’t want to give or rob them.

This is much better than the rough people in the Kingdom of Korovud!

Isadora complained, “This holy relic, it is really fragrant, and anyone who sees it wants it.” ”

“After all, it is a holy relic, and according to legend, as long as three holy relics are gathered, they can rule the whole world.”

“Really fake?”

“Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know, and your mother and I are not a person who studies antiquities.”

“But the legend doesn’t come out of nowhere, so it should be true.”

“It’s really true.”

Eleanor, who had been silent before, spoke.

“As long as you collect three holy relics, you can enter the dragon corpse and gain the powerful power inside!”

“That force is enough to rule the whole world!”

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