Chapter 248 The identity of the ‘dragon’ has emerged!!

Once upon a time, the original Empire ruled the world for hundreds of years by relying on the power it gained from dragon corpses!

For hundreds of years no one has shaken the rule of the original empire.

The reason why the original empire disappeared from history was also because of internal reasons within the empire.

The last emperor of the Empire died suddenly.

Due to the suddenness of events, the emperor did not have an heir before his death.

The three princes turned against each other in order to seize the throne.

But in the end, no one succeeded to the throne, and the empire fell apart and became the three kingdoms it is today.

Yes, the original Empire was the precursor to the three kingdoms of today!

What the Kingdom of Korovud is doing now is actually collecting holy relics and then annexing the other two countries to rebuild the glory of the Empire again!

Whoever gathers the holy relics will have the whole world!

This is not a rumor!

Isadora propped up her chin and said, “So these people want to get the holy relics and also intend to conquer the whole world?” ”

“I don’t know.”

Eleanor shook her head.

The collection of holy relics in the world is nothing more than the desire to conquer the world.

But the man didn’t feel the same way about her.

The man’s eyes were clear and bright, not like a relic-seeker.

But because of this, she couldn’t understand why the man had taken the holy relics from her again.

Eleanor was puzzled.


At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened, which frightened Eleanor and the three of them a big jump, Lin Zi Qin saw a face and said with a gargling face: “Scared you?” Although they couldn’t understand what they were saying, they still had to apologize. ”

However, although Eleanor couldn’t understand what Lin Ziqin was saying, they could still feel his apologetic tone.

“Little love, take something to her door.”

Lin Ziqin turned to Xiao Ai and said.

Immediately afterward, Xiao Ai flew to the front of the three girls and put three things like hearing aids in their hands.

“What is this?”

Eleanor looked questioningly at the little thing in his hand.

This is actually a translator.

After half an hour’s hard work, the translator was finally ready.

However, this appearance Lin Ziqin did not like very much.

Fortunately, this thing is only for temporary emergency use.

At present, Xiao Ai is collecting the language of this civilization, and once the collection is completed, he can directly learn the language of this world, and then he can communicate with her without using Ze Qi.

Lin Ziqin also took out a translator and demonstrated it in front of the third daughter, wearing the translator in his ear.

Eleanor and the three instantly understood Lin Ziqin’s meaning after seeing the situation, and also put the translator on their ears.

“Hey, hey, can you understand what I’m saying?”

Lin Ziqin said tentatively.

“Good, so magical! I actually understood this man’s words! ”

“Me too!”

“Isn’t this supposed to be a prop for translating language magic?”

It seemed that these three people understood Lin Ziqin’s words.

In the same way, Lin Ziqin understood the language of her door.

“This is not a magic item, this is a product of technology, called the language translator!”

“Wearing a language translator, we can communicate normally!”

Lin Ziqin briefly introduced the function of the translator for the three ladies.

“Since we have no communication barriers, may I ask the names of the three ladies?”

“By the way, first introduce yourself, my name is Lin Ziqin.”

The three women first looked at each other, and then they opened their mouths in turn.

“My name is Isadora Jardina Keshapega!”

Isadora spoke first, her tone indifferent.

Her personality is more easy-going, but he is not surprised.

“Hello sir, my name is Martina Orut Keshapega and I am the mother of Isadora.”

Compared to her daughter, Martina seems quite stable.

“My name is Eleanor Milanda Keshapega, thank you Lin Ziqin for saving his life.”

Finally, there’s Eleanor.

She lifted the hem of her skirt, bowed slightly to Lin Ziqin, and performed a standard aristocratic ceremony to thank her.

Lin Ziqin waved his hand and said, “The road is uneven and draws his sword to help, no need to thank you.” ”

“Of course, if you really want to thank me, can you please return the identity bracelet in your hand to me?” It has information in it that is important to me. ”

“Identity bracelet?”

Eleanor tilted her head in confusion, and only after a moment did she unconsciously roll up her sleeves and reveal the hand in her hand.

“Do you mean this holy relic?”

“Holy Relic?”

Lin Ziqin raised an eyebrow.

“Is that what you call it?”

I didn’t expect that the things of the Tianyuan Empire would be called holy relics by humans of another civilization.

It always feels weird.

“Cough, in fact, the real name of this thing is called ID bracelet, also known as identity bracelet, which is used to prove identity information.”

Eleanor shook her head, “It’s impossible! This is an ancient holy relic! One of the three keys to enter the dragon’s corpse! ”

Dragon corpse? What is that?

Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai glanced at each other, and they understood each other’s doubts in each other’s hearts.

“Can you tell us about the so-called dragon corpse?”

In the face of Lin Ziqin’s inquiry, Eleanor did not hide it.

She told Lin Ziqin the story of the original empire and the dragon corpse.

These things are no secret anyway.

Most people on the continent have heard these stories.

When she was a child, she often asked her mother to tell her.

Rather, Lin Ziqin didn’t know that the dragon corpse was strange.

A few minutes later.

Eleanor ended her story.

Only then did she realize that the boy in front of her had a tight eyebrow.

Little love, this so-called ‘dragon corpse’ should be.

Xiao Ai nodded and said, “Yes, it is very likely to be a CCS-class cruiser.” ”

“According to this Miss Eleanor’s statement, the CCS-class cruiser fell into this planet, which is why I was able to receive the CCS-class cruiser signal in this planet before I crossed the door.”

Lin Zi Qin Mo said in a deep voice, “No, I care more about who the other dragon is!” ”

“Cornelia them? Or is it another civilization’s ship? ”

If it was Cornelia and their words, it would be fine.

But if it was another civilization’s spaceship…

According to Eleanor, two giant ‘dragons’ fought in the sky.

One of them was killed and ended up on the ground.

If the dragon that destroyed the CCS-class cruiser was a warship from another civilization, it would be trouble.

Cornelia they’re afraid of being fierce!

Moreover, more than a thousand years have passed in this world, and no one knows how the development of a civilization is now!

“Master, maybe the identity bracelet will have the answer we need.”

Lin Ziqin Wenyan looked at the identity bracelet in Eleanor’s hand again.

“Miss Eleanor, for the time being, you can put your identity first… Your holy!

Will the thing be handed over to me? ”

“When I find the information I want, I’ll give it back to you.”

It can be seen that Eleanor values the identity bracelet.

Lin Ziqin retreated to the second place, only hoping to lend him the identity bracelet for the time being.

If she didn’t even agree to that, then he could only forcibly take away the identity bracelet.

After all, he is also patient, and the information in it is really very important to him!

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