Chapter 249 Cornelia They really dug up something!!

Fortunately, Eleanor was very cooperative and agreed to temporarily hand over the identity bracelet to Lin Ziqin, and the reason why she did not give it before was because it was given to her by her mother, and she had already regarded this object as a relic given to her by her mother!

However, the other party actually promised to return it to her after using it, so it didn’t matter if the bracelet was handed over to the other party for the time being.


“I also have two requests!”

“But it doesn’t matter, if it’s not difficult, I can say yes.”

Lin Ziqin hugged his chest with both hands and stared at the sand girl in front of him.

Eleanor said, “First, I can’t let the holy relics out of my sight!” ”

Lin Ziqin Mo thought about it with his chin.

Well, not that hard, promised!


“Second, when everything is over, I hope you will release us and send us to the Kingdom of Fremevilla!”

Kingdom of Fremevilla?

It’s a familiar name, but I can’t remember where I heard it.

It doesn’t matter, it’s not a hard thing, yes!

“I can meet both of your requests!”

“Then please come with me.”


Just as Lin Ziqin was about to leave with Eleanor, Isadora’s mouth on the side opened his mouth.

“Can we go along?”

“Follow if you want.”

There were only three weak women, and Lin Ziqin was not worried that they would do something.

Subsequently, Lin Ziqin led the three people to the bridge of the Hecata-class battleship.

The ornate décor around and the equipment they had never seen before made the Eleanor trio look curious.

“Miss Eleanor, please give me the identity bracelet.”

Zi Qin Dian said.

Eleanor took the bracelet from her wrist and handed it to Lin Ziqin’s palm.

Immediately afterward, Lin Ziqin threw the identity bracelet to Xiao Ai.

Seeing Lin Ziqin’s movements so rough, Eleanor was shocked.

“Please be careful not to break it!”

Lin Ziqin smiled when he heard this.

“Rest assured, this thing is harder than you think it is, and it won’t break the ring.”

Isadora, who was beside her, complained, “You seem to know a lot about holy relics.” ”

“Oh, you’re right, after all, this thing is ours.”

“Deception! That’s what you found inside the dragon’s corpse! How did it become yours? ”

Isadora did not believe this nonsense at all, and Lin Ziqin did not explain it.

If you don’t believe it, don’t believe it, it doesn’t hinder his next work anyway.

After Xiao Ai took the identity bracelet, he scanned it in all aspects, and by the way, he read the information stored on it.

After a moment, Xiao Ai projected the information she read on the holographic table.

“Master, this is the identity bracelet of the deputy captain of the CCS-class cruiser.”

The sudden appearance of the image on the table startled Isadora and Martina’s mother and daughter.

Only Eleanor’s eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at everything in front of him, and the virtual picture was exactly the same as the light emitted by the bracelet!

Did the gentleman just now not lie, this bracelet is really his Chen Xi?

Lin Ziqin did not care about the change in the expression of the three people, he asked Xiao Ai, “Is there any useful information in it?” ”

However, Xiao Ai’s answer disappointed him.

“I’m sorry Captain, there’s no useful information in it.”

“According to the last nautical records, the CCS-class cruisers came into the world with the fleet and carried out excavation missions.”

“What they dug up after that, and what happened next, is unknown.”

Digging for tasks?

It seems that they guessed correctly, and the two big holes in the home planet of the Khoya people are what they did!

“Master, I think that if you want to get more information, you have to go into the wreckage of the CC-class cruiser and read the data of the terminal directly.”

“That’s all there is to it.”

Although he couldn’t get the information he wanted, Lin Ziqin was not too disappointed.

At least it has been established that Cornelia did dig something up on the home planet of the Khoya.

I don’t know if this thing has anything to do with the crash of the CCS-class cruiser.

Lin Ziqin returned the identity bracelet to Eleanor.

“This thing will be yours from now on.”

Eleanor obediently took over the bracelet.

“What are you looking for?”

Isadora asked curiously.

She had just been listening to Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai’s conversation, and even with the help of a translator, she couldn’t understand what these two people were talking about.

“It’s a hassle to explain, so let’s just look for a special diary.”

There is nothing wrong with recording the ship’s navigation records in detail, and it is not wrong to compare it to a diary.

“By the way, Miss Eleanor, you said earlier that the dragon fell from the sky and tore a chasm in the ground, do you know where this ‘dragon’ fell?”

Now Lin Ziqin can be 100% sure that the dragon in the story refers to the CCS-class cruiser.

Just find its crash point and you’ll be inside the wreckage of the battleship!

But Eleanor shook her head and said, “I don’t know where the dragon fell, but it’s certainly in the kingdom of Fremevilla.” ”

The territory of the present kingdom of Fremevilla includes the capital of the original empire.

The kings of the original empire were built near the dragon’s corpse.

Unfortunately, all the information about the Imperial City was deliberately erased as if it was not wanted to be found.

Lin Ziqin frowned.

It seems that the kingdom of Fremevilla is a must-visit.

Well, he promised to send Eleanor to her door anyway.

Stop there and look for it.

Outside the King City of Fremevilla.

The cute silver-haired teenager looked down and pounded his toy.

However, his toy seems to be a little unique.

The dark green armor, streamlined design, and the multi-meter-high drive book contrasted with his petite body.

No matter how you look at this big toy, it shouldn’t be something that a small child can play with.


Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him.

The cute teenager then took his attention away from the big toy.

“Yaty, Chid, how did you get here?”

Looking back, he saw two twin siblings running towards him.

It was his playmate and green plum bamboo horse.

“Of course it’s the pull that came to you!”

Yadi flew and held the cute teenager in his arms, rubbing his face hard against the teenager.

Teenagers have long been accustomed to this.

“Al, are you drumming your new invention again?”

Chid turned his face curiously and asked.

They are green plum bamboo horses, playing from small to large.

The two brothers and sisters knew Al’s abilities.

Every now and then, this guy will drum up some inventions.

“Isn’t this a mass production machine Gada Toya? What is the same thing as the two cylinders it carries behind it? ”

Al smiled slightly and said, “That’s my new invention, called the jet engine!” ”

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