Chapter 250 Learn Magic and Become a Legendary Magician!!

The reason why the Hekata-class breakout ship can be called a breakout ship is because of its speed and maneuverability that other warships of the same type can never match!

In space warfare, the Hekata-class battleships can use their sub-light engines to quickly approach their opponents, and they can also use their sub-light engines to break out of the encirclement.

Changshan Zhao Zilong killed the enemy camp seven in and seven out!

And when fighting inside the atmosphere, it can still rely on the streamlined design and nearly perfect aerodynamic layout to reduce air resistance, so that the speed reaches a degree of fear of cloth ~!

At full speed, the Hekata-class battleships were able to fly from the Kingdom of Keshapega to the territory of the Kingdom of Fremevilla in half an hour.

But Lin Ziqin did not do this, but instead let the battleship fly slowly.

At this rate, half an hour away, I am afraid it will take four or five hours to fly.

The reason for this, of course, is because…

“Can you teach me magic?”

That’s right, the reason is that Lin Ziqin wants Eleanor to teach him magic!

It is undeniable that Lin Ziqin is a science fiction fan.

But he is also very enthusiastic about that kind of gorgeous and cool magical power.

After all, who wouldn’t want to rub out a small fireball?

Of course, water polo will do.

“Mr. Lin Ziqin, don’t you even know magic?”

Isadora looked at Lin Ziqin in amazement, as if she were looking at some rare species.

Even Eleanor and Martina next to them looked like this.

“Why, isn’t magic so alien?”

In the face of Lin Ziqin’s inquiry, the three women looked at each other, and finally Ellieruo explained softly: “In fact, going to the ground is not an outlier.” ”

“More than half of the people in the world can’t do magic.”

“But the reason why these people can’t do magic is not because they can’t do it, but because they don’t have money at home.”

“If you want to enter the academy to learn magic, first of all, the family conditions must be rich enough.”

“So normally, only poor people can’t do magic, but Eleanor didn’t go on with your next words, but Lin Ziqin also understood what she meant.”

“Cough, for some reason, I really haven’t studied the Fa.”

Lin Ziqin did not intend to tell them about his coming from another world for the time being.

It’s not because he deliberately concealed it, but because of this matter to say that they may be difficult to believe.

Eleanor also did not delve into what caused Lin Ziqin to fail to learn magic.

“So, can you teach me?”

In the face of Lin Ziqin’s question again, this time they gave the answer.

“I’m willing to teach you!”

Isadora was the first to speak.

Eleanor also covered her chest and said slightly unconfidently, “I, I can also teach you, but I may not be able to teach people, I hope you don’t give up.” ”

“You can do what you can, and if you can’t learn, it can only mean that I am not talented.”

Although he said this, Lin Ziqin was not very confident in his own Tianwu.

Martina finally said, “My daughter’s magical attributes are the same, and in terms of magical talent, my daughter is much stronger than me, so let her teach you.” ”

Contrary to Lin Ziqin, Martina did not have much confidence in her magical talents.

After all, after all these years, her magic is so much.

Not even a third of his own daughter.

She has this amount of knowledge or it is better not to misunderstand people’s children.

Isadora smiled and said, “Hey, so now it’s time for you to ask me to paddle the door and say teacher?” ”

“You should call a teacher.”

Just a teacher, Lin Ziqin naturally wouldn’t be so stingy.

“So the two lovely little teachers, can we start teaching the students now?”

Isadora and Eleanor showed cute smiles.

“Of course not!”

“If you want to learn magic, you must first learn how to control the magic in your body.”

For a long time to come, Lin Ziqin had been learning how to control magic.

Perhaps it was because the magic power in Lin Ziqin’s body at this moment was too scarce, resulting in his learning speed not being very fast.

It took more than three hours before he was able to preliminarily guide the flow of magic in the house.

But even so, this speed still surprised Eleanor and the three.

Because the first time they learned to control magic, it took them two or three days!

It could be seen that Lin Ziqin was indeed very talented in magic.

Time passed imperceptibly.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

During this time, Lin Ziqin was learning magic in addition to eating.

Eleanor and Isadora’s two daughters taught very carefully and in great detail.

Initiating magic is obviously simpler than mana control.

After all, magic is the effect of magic outside.

As long as you can release the magic power, with a little special means, you can send out a variety of different magic.

When the spaceship arrived in the territory of the Kingdom of Fremevilla, Lin Ziqin had already learned. Four base out methods.

Fireball, Wind Blade, Water Polo and Illumination.

Although it was only a few primary magics, it still made Lin Ziqin very happy.

“You’re about to arrive at the royal city of the kingdom of Fremevilla, so get ready.”

The royal city of the kingdom of Fremevilla is relatively close to the border with the kingdom of Keshapega.

Therefore, not long after entering the territory of the Kingdom of Fremevilla, the factory spaceship was almost close to the royal city.

“Great, finally in the kingdom of Fremevilla!”

Isadora and Martina’s mother and daughter were extremely excited.

After so much experience, their journey is finally over.

Only Eleanor stood in front of the string window and looked at the view with a sad face.

Here she was reminded of her own country.

It reminded her of her mother and father.

Isadora came to Eleanor’s side, gently feared to slap the girl’s fragrant shoulder and comforted: “Rest assured Eleanor, the kingdom of Fremevilla and the kingdom of Keshapega are allies, and I am sure that Grandpa will definitely send troops to drive the soldiers of the kingdom of Korovud back from the kingdom of Keshapega!” ”

Eleanor just nodded and didn’t say anything back.

Even if the kingdom of Keshapega is taken back, those who died will not be resurrected.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please come with me and I’ll take you to the hangar to board the plane.”

This time to Wangcheng Lin Ziqin naturally walked with the three daughters.

After all, he needed to figure out where the CCS-class cruiser had crashed.

Ask the king of this country is the most direct and effective way to small…

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