Chapter 251 Finally Arrives at the King’s City!!

“Yaty, Chid, get away first!”

Elnesti finished speaking and plunged headlong into the cockpit of the Phantom Crystal Knight.

Adele Chu and Archid instantly understood what their playmate wanted to do, and quickly retreated to the side.

After running out of a distance of tens of meters, they stopped and looked back at Elnesti but opened the Phantom Knight’s piercing horn and shouted, “Not enough! A little further away! ”

Ha? Isn’t that distance enough?

So what kind of experiment is Alan going to do?

The two brothers and sisters were very curious, but they still listened to the words of the green plum bamboo horse and continued to retreat backwards.

This time they ran for a distance of 100 meters before stopping.

This time the distance was finally enough.

“Now you can safely conduct the test.”

Elnesti pressed the red button in front of him.

Followed by.

Buzz Buzz…

The jet engine mounted on the back of the Phantom Crystal Knight began to start.

A pale blue flame erupted from the vent, creating a beautiful picture.

“The first airframe test of the jet engine begins!”

Ernezti stepped on the pedal under his feet with anticipation.



The dark green body flew out like a monkey in the sky.

A few seconds later, there was a loud noise on the hillside in the distance.


Adele Chu and Archid were stunned for two or three seconds before they reacted and rushed toward the hillside, with a worried look on their faces.

When they came to the hillside, the two of them realized the seriousness of the matter only to see that the hillside had been torn open by a crack hundreds of meters long and more than a meter deep!

The rift stretches from the river to the halfway side of the mountain!

The Phantom Crystal Knight named Gadatoya was lying in tatters at the end of the rift, still looking at the smoke from the car!

“Al! Are you okay? ”

The two carefully opened the lid of Gadatoa’s barn.

“Cough cough cough!”

Elnesti crawled out of it in a daze.

“I’m okay, it’s okay.”

Fortunately, he has done enough protective measures.

Otherwise, just that moment, it is estimated that the bones are scattered.

“Shame on me for that jet engine.”

With that, Erniesti looked at the two jet engines on the back of Gadatoya.

This experiment, even the most basic data could not be collected, which is a pity.

“You idiot! How can you do such a dangerous experiment every time! ”

Adherchu took Ernesti into his arms, eyes glazed over.

The moment she saw Erniesti fly out, her heart almost flew out with it!

“Don’t keep worrying about it, you bastard.”

Archid also preached.

Al is his own future brother-in-law!

If something happened to him, his sister would be sad and die!

Of course, he will also be sad.

“Rest assured, with this lesson, I will be more careful next.”

“Eh? Listening to you, do you still plan to continue this dangerous experiment? ”

“Yes, after all, I promised His Majesty the King that I would give him a satisfactory work!”

As soon as the two brothers and sisters heard the word king, the words they wanted to persuade were instantly stuck in their throats and could not be expressed.

In the end, all the words turned into a helpless sigh.

Yes, now everything Elnesti did was authorized by the king.

But the king also gave him a time limit.

He must produce a work satisfactory to the king within the time limit, otherwise he will be stripped of all research qualifications of Elnestine.

This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Erniesti.

As good friends, they also did not want Elnesti’s interest to be taken away.


At this time, Achid seemed to have found something, and looked into the distance.

The next second, the original sad expression disappeared, and was replaced by Kyo Fear and Shock.

“Oh my God! So, what is that?! ”

Elnesti and Adericho looked in the direction that Archid was pointing.

The two immediately showed the same expression.

Only to see a spaceship covering the sky and the sun break through the clouds and slowly fly out of it!

Its huge physique is like a palace in the air!


In the blink of an eye, the spaceship came to the top of the three people’s heads.

They watched in amazement as the ship flew overhead.

The picture is shocking!

“This is… Spacecraft?! ”

Elnesti reacted…

Although he had never seen this giant ship, the memory of two lifetimes gave him a wealth of knowledge than most people in this world.

He recognized at a glance that it was a spaceship!

Adelle Chu trembled, “Al, Chid, that, that monster seems to be flying in the direction of the city!” ”

The little girl didn’t know what a spaceship was.

In her eyes, it was a huge monster!

“Go! We’re going back soon, too! ”

With that, Elnesti didn’t care about the Phantom Crystal Knight lying on the ground, and pulled the two boys directly towards the city.

The Hekata-class battleships are huge and not too high.

Therefore, it was not only the three little guys of Erniesti who discovered the Hecata-class battleship.

In fact, long before them, the soldiers guarding the walls of the town had already seen the shading body of the Hecata-class battleship.

The soldiers’ reaction was quick, and when they saw the Hecata-class battleship flying in the direction of the royal city, they sounded the alarm at the first time.

But it’s just a newspaper ringing.

Because they simply don’t have the means to deal with air targets!

Although their Magic Crystal Knight could fire magic bullets, the attack distance of magic bullets was only one or two hundred meters.

And this monster’s flight altitude has far exceeded the range of the magic bullet!

They could only watch as the monster flew towards the side of the royal city!

When the Chikata-class battleship arrived over the royal city, the civilians in the royal city finally discovered its existence.

“My God, what kind of monster is this?”

“This monster is almost bigger than a tortoise!”

“Could it be the legendary dragon species?”

“Dragon breeds aren’t that big, are they?”

Everyone looked at the Hekata-class battleship in the sky in horror.

Some people even hid in their homes and did not dare to come out.

Suddenly, the whole royal city was filled with uneasiness.

In the middle of the palace.

The contemporary king Ambrose Tahavo Fremevilla left his throne.

Following the ministers to the outside of the palace, they looked up at the Hecata-class battleships.

“Who can tell me what this thing is?”

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