Chapter 253: The Strongest White!!

A few minutes later, Lin Ziyun and Nora came to the door of a large building.

“This is the library.”

“Here you can see the history of the kingdom, as well as various magic books, public magic materials.”

Nora introduced the library in front of her to Lin Ziqin.

In the end, the pride in her eyes could not be hidden.

This library is the largest library in the whole of the Kingdom of Fremevilla!

It is also the largest known library of the Three Kingdoms!

The collection of books inside is as high as a million!

“Can the books here be viewed at will?” Are there any restrictions? ”

In the face of Lin Ziqin’s question, Nora shook her head lightly and gave a negative answer.

“There are no restrictions on the books here, they are all open to the public.”

Lin Ziqin grinned.

“Since there is no restriction, I am not welcome to use that yin!”

“Little love!”

“Master, what do you command?”

Looking at this sudden appearance of the spherical robot, Nora was jumped.

But the next scene made her unforgettable for the rest of her life.

“Little love, record everything in the books here!”

“Obey orders!”

As the words fell, the dense miniature robot was released by Xiao Ai as if it were crossing the border with the emperor worm!

The robots flew into the sea of books and scanned the pages of the books placed on several shelves.

Then all the scanned content is transmitted to Xiao Ai’s mind through the network.

At the same time, Xiao Ai was not idle.

While receiving the knowledge transmitted by the micro-robot, she looked at this knowledge.

And the translated content is transmitted to the shield world network.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Ziqin had prostituted himself with the knowledge and magic accumulated by the Kingdom of Fremevilla for hundreds of years!

The strongest white!

But trying to scan all the books here is obviously not done all at once.

Lin Ziqin found a corner and sat down, slowly waiting for Xiao Ai to finish his work.

“Lin, Mr. Lin Ziqin?” What have you just been using? ”

Nora finally came back from the shock.

Looking at the dense micro-robot, her scalp tingled.

Even people who don’t have a dense phobia will feel terrible when they see it!

Fortunately, because today is a holiday, there are no students here.

Otherwise it will definitely cause panic.

Lin Ziqin said, “I’m just collecting knowledge, you won’t mind L2.” ”

Gathering knowledge? Just by those little flying insects?

“I guess I wouldn’t mind.”

Nora smiled awkwardly.

Would you mind if she didn’t care.

Anyway, she just came to accompany her, and this kind of thing can’t give her a headache.

Just when Lin Ziqin was being a white prostitute.

The other side.

King Ambrose received a special person alone today.

This man was slender and wore a large dark green robe.

His short pale blonde hair was also wrapped in a thick red turban, as if he was hiding something.

“Ofa Bromdar meets His Majesty the King.”

The man stroked his chest with his left hand and bowed slightly to Ambrose, who was sitting on the throne.

Ordinary people meet the king, but they need to kneel.

But this person is standing in salute, which is enough to show that this person’s identity is not ordinary!

“The director does not need to be polite, please ask Mr. Director to raise his head.”

Ambrose spoke in a warm and slightly respectful tone.

In fact, this person does deserve Ambrose’s respect.

Because he is the director of the National Machine Exercise Development Research Workshop!

The mecha knights he developed served the kingdom for decades.

That’s right, a few years!

Don’t look at this person who looks young, in fact, he is 87 years old!

And the reason why he looks young is because he is not a human, but a descendant of the Hidden One, a people of Alf who have passed on magic and skill!

The people of Yarfu are one of the few immortal species on the continent.

As a result, they are far older than humans and most of the creatures on the continent.

At the age of 87, he can only be regarded as a barely adult among the people of Alf.

“I wonder what His Majesty the King has summoned me for?”

Ofa Bromdale looked up and asked.

Ambrose did not answer the rhetorical question.

“I wonder if Mr. Director can see a special guest who has come to the kingdom?”

Eufa Bromdale smiled bitterly and nodded.

“My eyesight has indeed decreased, but I’m not completely blind.”

“That huge air fortress in the sky, I saw it at a glance.”

Yesterday, because I had been studying in the workshop, I could not witness that scene at the first time, which was inevitably a bit of a feeling.

But when he walked out of the workshop this morning, he saw the warship floating in the sky.

At that time, he was not lightly shocked by the huge air fortress.

“Could it be that His Majesty the King has summoned me to see me this time because of those guests?”


Ambrose nodded and said, “The other side wants to go to the ‘Dragon Corpse’. ”

As soon as these words came out, Eufa Bromdale frowned.

He probably understood what the king meant.

“I wonder what His Majesty the King means?”

“I didn’t say yes directly, after all, it needs your consent to do so?”

The dragon’s corpse is indeed in the territory of the Kingdom of Fremevilla.

More precisely, it is the hometown of their clan——— the hometown of Sendu!

In that place, even the king of the kingdom of Fremevilla could not have any intention of making a well.

He must be a citizen of the Alfs to be qualified to bring outsiders in.

“Your Majesty the King, why is the other side looking for the dragon’s corpse?”

The dragon corpse is not only the origin master of human civilization, but also the survival of their people.

Naturally, he couldn’t easily agree to take someone into the dragon’s corpse!

Ambrose replied: “According to my daughter, they seem to be looking for a diary. ”


Offa Bromdale was stunned.

If the other person said that he wanted to obtain the treasure or technology in the dragon’s corpse, he might believe it immediately.

But going to the dragon’s corpse to find the diary, this reason is a little unreliable no matter how you look at it, right?

“I’m sure that Dragon Corpse!” There are no old notebooks in it. ”

“However, since they have come, they will certainly not give up easily, and I will write back to ask for the opinion of the big man in the clan.”

“Then please.”

Ambrose watched as Eufa Bromdahl left, not retracting his gaze until he disappeared into the palace.

“Oh, what an eventful autumn.”

The Kingdom of Korovud suddenly declared war and wanted to gain access to holy relics to rule the world.

Now a more powerful being has run out and wants to enter the dragon corpse to find the so-called diary double.

“I don’t know if the big guy will agree to the other party’s request to enter the dragon corpse.”

Ambrose looked sad.

Eufa Bromdale is right, and he will not give up easily if he looks at Wanshi.

If the big man refuses the request of the other side, I am afraid that a war will be inevitable.

Those people, he can’t afford to mess with.

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