Chapter 254 The ‘fellow’ who is in the other world, the male protagonist who is more lovely than the heroine!!

It took Lin Ziqin more than half an hour to finish the contents of the books in the entire library.

“Mr. Lin Ziqin, where do you want to go next?”

Nora asked, looking very respectful in every word and deed.

In half an hour, the two of them he was not ten things he did not do.

Lin Ziqin took advantage of Xiao Ai’s translation of books while he was also learning new magic on the side.

When I don’t understand, I will ask Nora.

But most of the time, Lin Ziqin was able to quickly learn new magic.

That’s why Nora was so in awe of him.

In just half an hour, this person has learned knowledge that most people can’t learn in their lifetime!

It’s unbelievable!

If such a person is placed in the kingdom, he will definitely become a great magician who is admired by all people!

Lin Ziqin thought for a moment and said, “Just go away, do you have any recommendations?” ”

He came to this academy for the knowledge of the White Prostitute’s library.

Now that the purpose has been accomplished, it doesn’t matter where you go next.

“Then let me show you around the faculty building.”

“Okay, let’s go to the teaching building.”

As I said before, today is a holiday, so there are not many people in the college.

Most students spend a handful of vacations at home.

And those who are still staying in the school are either boarding students or teachers on duty, of course, and there are some exceptions.

For example, a certain researcheriac and his two green plum bamboo horses.

“Go ahead! A little bit later… That’s right, right here! ”

When Lin Ziqin passed the warehouse again, the short white back shadow once again entered his eyes.

At this time the little guy is directing a boom.

The thing on the boom made Lin Ziqin feel very familiar.

“How does it feel like this thing is a fighter jet engine?”

Lin Ziqin murmured.

Although the voice was not very loud, he passed into the ears of the little white guy.

He immediately turned to look at Lin Ziqin, and an indescribable excitement flashed in his sapphire-like pupils.

“How do you know a fighter?” And how do you know about jet engines? Are you also an Earthling? ”

The teenager opened his mouth and threw out three questions.

Looking at this teenager who suddenly appeared in front of him, Lin Ziqin was also surprised.

“Are you Ernist?”

Good guy, just say how do you think this guy is so familiar, it turned out to be him!

Ernesti, full name Erneste Echeberia, is the male protagonist of the El anime Knight and Magic.

The identity is an earthling, he is a machine fan.

After death, he traveled to a world where magic and mechs coexisted.

So, is this also an anime world?

Sure enough, it should have been thought of earlier.

The familiar feeling that appears many times is not an illusion!

“Eh? Does sir know me? ”

Elnesti tilted his head, a look of disbelief.

That look, don’t be too cute!

Lin Ziqin nodded, “Of course I know.” ”

What impressed him most about this anime was not magic, nor was it a gorgeous mech, nor was it a beautiful female character.

It’s the cute male protagonist in front of you!

The male protagonists of other anime are all big handsome guys, but this guy is a cute blue child.

Even cuter than the heroine!

This is also why Lin Ziqin has been in this world for so long, until the corner touches the male protagonist to know that this is an anime world.

There is such a cute male protagonist, and the other characters look like passers-by.

“You’re right, I’m asking for someone.”

“Haha, that’s true!”

Elnezti’s eyes flickered, as if he had discovered some treasure.

How can you not be proud to meet your fellow countrymen in this other world?

“Fellow, how did you come to this world?”

“Is it difficult to be like me who died suddenly and then crossed?”

“No, no, no, I’m different from you, I came here by myself.”

“What? Fellow, do you still have this ability? Can that also return to Earth? ”

“Good value for money”

“Great! Fellow, can I go back to Earth with you? ”

Ernesti folded his hands and begged Lin Ziqin to take him back to Earth.

Of course, he just went back to see.

After all, in this world he has his own family, and he can’t abandon his family.

Lin Ziqin shrugged, “That may disappoint you, the earth I am talking about may not be your hometown.” ”

“Eh? What do you mean? ”

Elnesti tapped his index finger on Zhu Li’s face full of doubts with a cute and somewhat fouled look.

If it weren’t for Lin Ziqin’s normal sexual orientation, he might have been bent by him.

Lin Ziqin explained, “Do you know about parallel worlds? ”

“Of course you know, fellow you mean…”

“Yes, the world I live in may not be the same as your hometown.”

“Is that the case?”

However, to Lin Ziqin’s surprise, Ernesti was not sad, but only showed some disappointment.

However, Nora, who was next to her, stood there nervously.

Did you just hear something unbelievable?

Earth? Shattered to death? Through? Fellow?

Although these things are difficult to understand, she probably understands the meaning of them, so these two people are actually people from another world?

Ernezti is the reincarnated, and Mr. Lin Ziqin next to him is the crosser My God!

Will I be secretly executed by them when I hear these secrets?

Nora had a cold sweat on her forehead.

If Lin Ziqin knew what she was thinking at this moment, she would definitely laugh.

This woman’s brain tonic ability is indeed OK.

But Lin Ziqin was not that kind of person.

What’s more, he did not deliberately hide the identity of the people of the other world.

“Dude, when you go back, can you take me with you?” I’d love to go to your side of the earth too! ”

While it was a bit disappointing not to be able to return to his hometown, Ayyounesti was curious about another Earth.

“Oh, rest assured, after a while, you don’t need me to bring it, you can also go to my side of the world.”

Lin Ziqin smiled and said mysteriously.

Once the two worlds are connected, anyone here is eligible to travel to the Empire Overworld!

Ernesti did not understand why Lin Ziqin said this, but he did not ask in detail.

Then the two talked for a while and said goodbye to each other.

Emperor Ernesti also wanted to invite Lin Ziqin, a fellow countryman, to sit down at home, but Lin Ziqin did not refuse and did not agree.

Just simply reply with a sentence of free time to say.

For the rest of the time, Lin Ziqin continued to follow Nora on a tour of the academy.

It was almost noon before the two men finished their visit and said goodbye to each other.

After that, Lin Ziqin returned to the battleship with the knowledge that Bai Zi had come from, ready to continue learning new magic…

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