Chapter 255 The Land of Sendo!!

Time passes imperceptibly.

Lin Ziqin, who had been waiting for several days, finally waited for King Ambrose’s reply.

After discussion, the other party agreed to take him to see the dragon corpse.


“We have a request, what about your ship… The ship can’t go with us, only your excellency can go with us! ”

Ambrose himself did not expect that the big guy would so easily agree to let the other party go to see the dragon corpse.

But after all, it is the hometown of Sendu, the paradise of the people of Yarf, and not too many people will be allowed to enter.

And Lin Ziqin thought about it and agreed.

What is the difference between him going alone and carrying a spaceship?

Couldn’t he still summon the fleet at any time?

Even if the fleet is aside, with the equipment he currently has and this powerful force is enough to suppress everyone!

In this way, Lin Ziqin boarded the carriage for the land of Sendu.

This was the first time Lin Ziqin had taken a carriage.

The experience, to be honest, was very bad!

The road is uneven, the carriage is bumpy in the process of driving, and if it is replaced by someone else, it is estimated that it will have already vomited.

And the carriage is not spacious, but the interior decoration is very luxurious.

The windows of the carriage were obscured by curtains, as if to prevent him from seeing the route.

However, this method could not prevent Lin Ziqin.

As early as he boarded the carriage, he quietly released a miniature robot to follow.

Next, the miniature robot will map out the journey of the carriage.

The rush is very boring.

Lin Ziqin had to use reading books to pass the boring time.

A few hours later.

Lin Ziqin obviously noticed that the carriage had stopped.

“Finally arrived?”

Lin Ziqin was preparing for the next time, but he was stopped by the coachman.

“Your Excellency, please wait, I will not reach my destination.”

“We stopped to wait for an adult who is only qualified to take you into that place.”

So be it, waiting for tickets?

“Then again, how far is it going?”

“At least half a day away.”

“What? Semidiurnal? ”

Lin Ziqin was speechless, he didn’t expect that there was still such a long way to go!


I knew that I would not agree to take a carriage at all.

Not to mention the slowness, sitting is not comfortable!

Just as Lin Ziqin was slandering, the door of the car phase was opened, and a man with a red turban wrapped around his head walked in.

“You’re my ticket?”

Lin Ziqin carefully looked at the man in front of him, and always felt that this person was a little familiar.

I guess this guy is also a character who appeared in the original book.


Eufa Bromdale was stunned, and then smiled helplessly: “Yes, I am your entry ticket.” ”

The carriage went on.

“By the way, my name is Oufa Bromdal, and Your Excellency Lin Ziqin can call me Oufa directly.”

Offa Bromdale introduced himself, and the two knew each other.

“Your Excellency Lin Ziqin, can I ask you a personal question?”

“You ask.”

This guy is really weird and asks personal questions as soon as he stops.

However, Lin Ziqin did not refuse.

“Your Excellency Lin Ziqin, do you know the leader of our clan, Qi Li?”


“Big Guy Kiri!”

Big guys? Kiri?

What a strange name!

Wait, isn’t that the woman?

Lin Ziqin’s mind came up with a certain figure of a thief and a woman dressed very boldly.

He was a little impressed by this strange name.

The man seems to be the leader of a race named Yavs in the original book.

So, is the familiar man in front of you the people of Alf who took the protagonist to the land of Sendu in the original book?

So, does it mean that the CCS-class cruiser is in the middle of Sen Capital by keeping up now?

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin shook his head slightly: “I don’t know your big guy.” ”

Well, he does know the big guy Qili, but the other person doesn’t know himself.

“Don’t you know?”

Eufa Bromdale looked at Lin Ziqin seriously and fell into thought.

The man’s demeanor was natural, not like he was lying.

But since this excellency did not know the big guy, why did the big guy show that expression after hearing this person’s name that day?

Thinking back to the expression on the face of the big guy, Eufa Bromdale felt very incredible.

It was a look of shock and excitement!

This was the first time in hundreds of years that the big old man had shown such an expression…

Lin Ziqin frowned slightly, “Then again, why do you think I will know your big guy?” ”

“No, just a question.”

Casually ask? Is this really the case?

Lin Ziqin would not believe such a perfunctory excuse.

However, since the other party was unwilling to answer, he did not continue to investigate.

Perhaps because there were people to accompany and communicate, this made Lin Ziqin feel that time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, another few hours passed.

The carriage had also arrived in the land of Sendu.

At this moment, Ofa Bromdal opened the curtain of the car window and showed the beauty of the land of Sendu in Lin Ziqin’s eyes.

“The place is very beautiful.”

Although I have witnessed the land of Morito in the anime, I was shocked by the beauty in front of me.

The people of Alf are like the elves of some magical world.

They live in the middle of a primeval forest.

The houses where they live are all in big trees.

Eufa Bromdale smiled and said, “Thank you for your compliment. ”

Every Arv loved their hometown very much.

It is a pleasure for every Arv to be appreciated by others in his hometown.

The carriage went on.

Their goal was the very center of the land of Sendo.

There is an ancient silver tree.

But the tree did not have lush leaves, but instead hung orange fruits that were larger than houses.

After a few more minutes of driving, the carriage finally stood under the giant tree.

I didn’t feel anything when I looked at it from a distance.

But when Lin Ziqin stepped down from the carriage, he really felt the enormity of this tree.

This tree is hundreds of meters high.

Although Lin Ziqin had long been accustomed to hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of meters of warships, it was the first time he had seen such a large tree!

It’s almost like the World Tree in some magic work!

“Let’s go Lord Lin Ziqin, the big old man is still waiting for me to paddle the door inside.”

Eufa Bromdal’s words made Lin Ziqin withdraw his gaze.

The two men crossed the bridge and entered the giant tree.

The trunk of this tree has been hollowed out, forming a huge space.

The people of Alf built a palace here and the corpses…

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