Chapter 256 Master and Servant Show ‘Love’, Yarf’s Democratic Movement Joins the Empire!!

Sure enough, it’s you!

That bare woman!

Following Ofa Bromdal, Lin Ziqin came to the top of the giant tree, where the residence of the supreme leader of the people of Alf.

Here, Lin Ziqin saw the woman dressed boldly——— big guy heavy!

Well, it can’t be said that it is completely bare, at least there are a few white transparent yarn woven around the body, making some pictures loom.

Overall, it is worthy of being a big guy, really big!

Didn’t bury the big guy!

At this moment, the big guy was lying on the inside of a soft bed, his eyes closed.

Sunlight fell through the window on her crystalline skin, making the already looming picture even more astringent.

However, in the face of such a picture that made the blood of countless people swell, Lin Ziqin seemed to be ancient and waveless.

Who is he?

It is the Emperor of the Tianyuan Empire!

There are many harems in his harem, and the astringent pictures are not enough to move him.

“Big man, the man has arrived.”

Eufa Bromdale bowed slightly with his right hand on his chest and said respectfully.

“Well, I see, you go out, let me talk to this guest alone, obviously I didn’t open my mouth, but the voice of the big guy Qi Li came into the minds of the two of them.”

“Master, this is Shen Exchange.”

Xiao Ai’s voice sounded in Lin Ziqin’s mind.

“It should be some kind of spiritual magic.”

Since Bai had prostituted the magic of the entire kingdom of Fremevilla, Xiao Ai had almost become Lin Ziqin’s encyclopedia of law.

If you don’t understand, ask her if she’s right!

“Spiritual magic?” Is there any means to defend against it? ”

I feel that this spiritual magic is a bit tricky.

Although the energy shield can defend against all kinds of physical, energy and even magical attacks, it is really difficult to say whether it can resist spiritual attacks.

“Rest assured Master, I have adjusted your shield and can now defend against Mi’s spirit attack.”

The moment the big guy Qi used the spirit to communicate, Xiao Ai scanned this spiritual force in an all-round way.

And quickly made adjustments to the shield.

Now if this big guy Qili wanted to launch a spiritual attack on his master, he would definitely be blocked by the shield!

“Worthy of my little love, love you!”

Lin Ziqin was eager to summon Xiao Ai out and kiss him very much.

It helped him solve a problem so quickly, worthy of his little cotton jacket!

“Master, little love loves you too.”

Just as Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai were secretly communicating with each other, Eufa Bromdal also left.

Now only Lin Ziqin and Great Old Qili were left in the whole room.

Suddenly, the big guy Qili opened her starry eyes.

“Sure enough, it’s you.”


Lin Ziqin looked puzzled.

Does this woman know herself?

Just when Lin Ziqin wanted to inquire, he saw the big guy Qili standing up on the soft bed.

And walked with a brisk lotus step towards Lin Zi Qin.

After a few steps, she suddenly fell to her knees.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on here?”

This scene could not help but make Lin Ziqin stunned.

How did you suddenly fall to your knees?

“Qili, the supreme leader of the people of Yarf, has seen the Emperor of the Tianyuan Empire!”

The voice of the big guy Qi Li came into his ears again, but this time Lin Ziqin was shocked by her words.

“Do you really know me?”

“Yes, Emperor Tianyuan Empire Ten Lin Zi Qin Tairen!”

“How did you meet me?”

Isn’t it true that the entire people of Alf are related to Cornelia and them?

Or is it that the people of Ayoufu are the product of the Cornelia Tatsumon experiment?

An unbelievable thought came to Lin Ziqin’s mind.

However, the answer of the big guy Qi Li negated Lin Ziqin’s conjecture.

“It was the AI of that cruiser who told me.”

“That cruiser?” You mean CCS-class cruisers? ”


The big guy nodded and said what had happened in the past two hundred years: “More than two hundred years ago, I inadvertently activated the AI of that spaceship. ”

“At first, the AI kept saying things I couldn’t understand, but then I spent more than a hundred years researching and translating its language.”

“In the end, I got a lot of information from the mouth of the AI, including the information of the Tianyuan Empire and the Emperor.”

The world only knows that the dragon corpse has brought change to the world, and it is the dragon corpse that gave birth to civilization…

But the world did not know that the so-called dragon corpse was actually nothing more than a space battleship from another high-level civilization!

When she first learned the truth, she was also shocked by this truth.

“You get up first.”

Lin Ziqin helped the big guy Qi Li up and said, “Since you know our identity, then I need to go to the wreckage of the spaceship. ”

The big guy Qili said respectfully, “I would like to personally take Lord Emperor into the wreckage of the spaceship!” ”

“But before that, I have a small request that I hope the Emperor will agree.”

“Oh? Let’s talk about what the requirements are. ”

Lin Ziqin was in a good mood now, and he didn’t mind listening to her request.

“I hope that the people of Yarfu can join the Tianyuan Empire!”

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Zaiqin was a little surprised.

I thought it was something else, but I didn’t expect to just want to join the Empire.

“I’m ready!”

He had intended to subdue the races of this planet.

The people of Yarfu were willing to take the initiative to join the Empire, which naturally could not be better.

After receiving Lin Ziqin’s approval, there was some joy in the starry eyes of the big guy Qili.

“Then please Lord Emperor come with me, and I will take you to the Electricity of the Wreckage of the Ship.”

The two left the room together.

As they stepped out of the giant tree, they saw an acquaintance.

“Big guy old man?”

Looking at the big guy Qili standing next to Lin Ziqin, Offa Bromdal was completely frozen in place.

Oh my God, the big guy actually came out of the giant tree!

He remembered the last time the big old man came out of here, it didn’t seem to be more than seventy years ago!

At that time, he was just a little fart.

The big man Kiri said to Offa Bromdal, “Apostle, pass on my order to let all the tribesmen gather in the square, and then I will announce the important things.” ”

The apostle was naturally the name given to Offa Bromdal.

Most of the people of Alfs live in this land of Sendu and do not go out.

But there are also people like Ofa Bromdar who will go out and help humanity.

And such people are called apostles!

Eufa Bromdale nodded respectfully, “Obey the order!” ”

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