Chapter 257 The Low-level Wise Servant in the Wreckage of the Ship, Cornelia Their Whereabouts!!

Following the big guy Lao Qili all the way, Lin Ziqin came to the deepest part of the Sendu Town.

In front of you is a huge waterfall.

Only to see the big guy Qili gently wave his hand, the water of the waterfall rushing down actually separated from the middle, revealing a hole.

The big guy Qili explained, “The wreckage of that spaceship is among them, please ask the Emperor to see me.” ”

The two men followed a wooden bridge and entered the cave.

The cave was not as dark as expected.

Because the walls of the surrounding caves are filled with crystal ore that emits a blue glow, it looks beautiful.


Lin Ziqin couldn’t help but take a photo as a souvenir.

The cave was very deep, and the two of them walked for several minutes before they finally reached the scene in front of the exit that surprised Lin Ziqin.

Surrounded by towering trees like mushrooms, I saw the wreckage of a purple battleship lying quietly in it.

Around this battleship, there is also a barrier for the naked eye.

“What is this barrier?”

Lin Ziqin did not think that this was the shield of the battleship.

Not to mention that the battleship has been destroyed, and the shield root cannot take effect.

On top of that, this barrier is seven-colored.

Whose shield would make it so colorful?

The big guy Qili said, “This is the Hidden Boundary. ”

“Hiding the Boundary hides the remnants of this spaceship from detection.”

I see.

Is it any wonder that when Xiao Ai scanned this planet before, he did not find the wreckage of the spaceship, which was originally hidden by the Hidden Boundary?

The two moved on.

After crossing the enchantment, the two of them entered the cruiser’s interior through the open hatch, and it was surprising that the interior of the ship was so neat that it did not look like it had been abandoned for a thousand years.

“It seems that you come here a lot to clean up.”

Lin Ziqin thought that it must be the big guy Qi Li who often sent people to clean up, but the big guy Qi Li shook his head slightly: “In fact, we only come here once in a while, and the reason why this place is so clean is because there are robots maintaining it here.” ”

“Oh? Since there are still maintenance robots in place? ”

Lin Ziqin was a bit surprised.

However, if you look closely, the maintenance robot can indeed work for such a long time, but when Lin Ziqin went deeper, he found that the damage of this spacecraft was very serious!

In some corridors, even traces of twisting and being pulled can be seen.

It’s hard to imagine what happened to this spacecraft to become like this.

But the only thing thankful is that there are no remains here.

I don’t know if it was cleaned up by the robot, or because there were no dead people.

After a few more minutes, Lin Ziqin and Tailao Qili came to the bridge of the CCS-class cruiser.

The bridge is the most complete preservation.

The facilities here are still complete and it looks like they have not been damaged.

It’s no wonder that Daito was able to inadvertently activate the ship’s AI.

“Your Honor, do you need me to help you wake up AI?”

“No, I’ll do it myself.”

Joke, does his boat need someone else to help control it?

Only to see Lin Ziqin press his palm on the holographic table.

The next second, the holographic table lit up.

A virtual pattern appears on the holographic stage.

Perhaps because it has not worked for a long time, the circuit is unstable, and the virtual pattern on the holographic table has flashed twice.

“Low-level Wise Servant A206 has seen the Emperor!”

A strong voice sounded throughout the bridge.

“Since you are a low-level wise servant?”

Lin Ziqin frowned.

He also thought that it was the high-level wise servant who was awakened by the big guy Qili.

“What about the high-ranking servants of this ship?”

“Report to the Emperor, records show that the senior wise servant Qiu Yue had followed the departure personnel urgently before 1411!”

Within the Tianyuan Empire, the high-level wise servants have human-like emotions, just like the intelligent AI of UNSC.

(PS: In the game, UNSC’s AI is divided into ‘smart type’ and stupid type, Cotana this type of AI is ‘smart type, and ‘stupid type is ordinary AI)

Therefore, the senior wise servant was given his own name.

The low-level wise servant did not, and its door had only one number.

Qiu Yue was obviously the name of the ship’s senior servant.

“Emergency departure?”


“Tell me, what really happened on this ship 1411 years ago?”

It was an emergency evacuation!

What happened to force the people on this ship to leave?

A206 explains: “Report to Your Majesty the Emperor that on February 28, 1411 years ago, the fleet dug up the Space Ripper at the poles of the Koya home planet. ”

“On June 17 of the same year, General Cornelia ordered the first space rip experiment.”

“This ship is an experimental vessel equipped with a space ripper.”

“The experiment was very successful, but due to a coordinate error, the ship was teleported near a large neutron star.”

“The strong gravitational pull of the neutron star caused irreversible and severe damage to the hull in 7.44 seconds.”

“In an emergency, the ship made a space blind jump and finally came to the sky above this planet.”

“Most of the power has been lost due to the severe damage to the hull.”

“Before the ship crashed, the crew performed an emergency evacuation procedure.”

A206 1510 explained all the situation.

After Lin Ziqin listened, he was surprised and relieved at the same time.

It turned out that there were no other advanced alien races at all, and the reason for the ship’s crash was only because of an experiment!

This shows that Cornelia they are at least alive!

“What is the space ripper?”

Lin Ziqin then asked.

A206 replied: “According to the latest research report, the space tearing machine is another high-level civilization creation. ”

“It can tear open the space wall of the real universe and achieve the function of traveling through other worlds.”


As soon as these words came out, Lin Ziqin’s pupils shrank.

Isn’t this thing the same as the world-traversing function of the shield world?

What high-level civilization could have developed such a thing?

Is this alien civilization still there?

What is their relationship with the Khoya?

One question after another appeared in Lin Ziqin’s mind.

It took him a while to completely calm his inner emotions.

“So, Cornelia, are they trying to rely on this space rip to return to the Empire Overworld?”


“So what was the final result?”

“I’m sorry Emperor, the ship was out of the fleet after that experiment, and we can’t know the final result.”

The big guy on the side silently watched a person who had communicated with AI, and she couldn’t understand most of the content that didn’t disturb the conversation between the two, but she could also infer a rough idea from only a few words.

What surprised her the most was that the original Clan Yuan Empire was not in this world!

However, the other party can cross the world, which also proves the strength of the Tianyuan Empire!

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