Chapter 258 Continue to be a white!!

After many difficulties, Lin Ziqin finally figured out Cornelia and their situation.

It turned out that Cornelia had not encountered any other high-level civilization.

Maybe at this moment, they have returned to the Empire.

But fortunately, he did not run in vain this trip, at least he found this Baoyi planet!

After knowing the truth of the matter, Lin Ziqin did not continue to stay here for a long time.

He and the big man Kiri returned to the land of Sento.

By the way, the A206 was also recycled.

Although he was only a small low-level wise servant, it was also thanks to it that Lin Ziqin could know about Conelia and their situation.

In a sense, it is a big hero.

Lin Ziqin planned to upgrade it after returning to the Tianyuan and make it a high-level wise servant.

“Little love, gather the fleet.”

“Obey orders!”

After knowing that Cornelia and they may have left this world, Lin Ziqin did not intend to continue to transmit signals.

Simply summon them all together and plan ahead of time to conquer the world.

“Your Honor, what are your plans for the future?”

“If there is no plan, we can stay and live for a few days, so that we can fulfill the friendship of the landlord.”

The big guy Qili wanted to entertain Lin Ziqin well.

Of course, she also did this in order to leave a good impression in Lin Ziqin’s heart, as long as she could leave a good impression in the heart of the emperor, their people could enjoy good treatment after they joined the Tianyuan Empire!

Lin Ziqin didn’t know what big guy Qi Li was thinking in his heart, but he thought about it and agreed.

“Well, let’s stay for a few days.”

It just so happens that the fleet will take a while to come over.

It is beautifully landscaped and very suitable for living.

Coupled with the fact that the land of Sendu has more magic preserved than the Kingdom of Fremevilla, he can continue to be a white here!

Seeing that Lin Ziqin was willing to stay and live, the big guy Qili was very happy.

“I’ll let you arrange your accommodation.”

“No hurry, I want to go to your magic library first, okay.”

Lin Ziqin couldn’t wait to go to the magic here of Bai Concubine!

The big guy Qili naturally will not refuse this.

“Of course there is nothing wrong with that! I’ll let you go! ”

Then the big guy Qili called someone to come over and specifically show Lin Ziqin the way.

She herself went to the square in the land of Sendo.

When she came to the square, it was already full of people.

“How did the big guy suddenly gather us all?”

“I don’t know, what happened?”

“Hey, Eufa, do you know what the horse is talking about?”

The crowd looked at Eufa Bromdal.

Because it was he who conveyed the orders of the big man to everyone.

Offa Bromdal, however, shook his head.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know why.”

Although he didn’t know why the big guy did this, he guessed that all this was probably related to that Lin Ziqin!

He was curious, what had the big guy and His Excellency Koumuzi Qin talked about in the room before?

“Look! The big boss is coming! ”

This is, someone noticed the arrival of the big guy Kiri.

The crowd stopped communicating and looked at the Myo Man woman standing on the high platform.

“Today, I call all my people together to announce one thing!”

The ethereal voice of the big guy Qili came into everyone’s ears.

Her voice is still so good, so many people want to be immortal.

“From today onwards, the Land of Sendu will join the Tianyuan Empire!” Become a part of the Tianyuan Empire! ”

As soon as these words came out, the people in the square instantly exploded.

“Tianyuan Empire? Which country is that? ”

“When did there be one more empire on the continent?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t been out in more than a hundred years, does anyone else know?”

There was a lot of discussion.

Only Eufa Bromdale was silent.

The clever one may have thought of something.

At the same time, Lin Ziqin had also come to the library where the magic books were kept.

“Unbelievable, are these all wing law books?” It really deserves to be the oldest species! ”

The variety of books in front of him shocked Lin Ziqin.

Although I had long guessed that there were far more magic books preserved here than in the kingdom of Fremevilla.

But the truth still exceeded Lin Ziqin’s expectations.

The books here are probably more than four or five times as many as in the kingdom of Fremevilla!

“Little love, old fashion! Start white prostitution! ”

“Obey orders!”

Xiao Ai once again summoned a dense mass of miniature robots.

In the blink of an eye, the entire library was occupied by densely packed little black dots.

At a glance, it looks like a group of densely packed small flies, which makes people feel numb in their scalps.

Lin Ziqin was not idle, he found a corner to sit down and read Xiao Ai’s translated content.

Time passed little by little.

In the blink of an eye, it was night.

With a grunting sound, Lin Ziqin had to leave the library.

“Little love, go and prepare a dinner for me.”

I didn’t eat lunch at noon, and if I don’t eat dinner again, it is estimated that my stomach will be upset.

“My lord, you can be counted out.”

After walking out of the gate, the Alf, who was leading the way, hurried over.

“Have you been waiting for me here?”

“Yes, I’ve been waiting for you to come out of this door.”

“By the way, my lord, I will tell you that your accommodation has been arranged and dinner is ready.”

Is dinner even ready?

The big guy Qili is really well prepared.

“Then it will trouble you to lead the way.”

“No trouble, no trouble, please come with me.”

Lin Ziqin then said to Xiao Ai, “Xiao Ai, there is no need to prepare my food, I will go and taste the food of this world.” ”

“No problem.”

Following this Yafu people, Lin Ziqin came to his residence.

However, to his surprise, his residence turned out to be the room where the big guy Qili had lived before!

“Since I live here, where does the big guy live with her?”

The Arkham explained, “The big man has already set up the next floor to live. ”

This giant tree does not have only one room.

But here is the best and highest location room in the clan!

It is also a symbol of power.

So the big guy Qili gave up his room to Lin Ziqin to live in.

Although Lin Ziqin did not want to rob other people’s rooms to live, since everyone had already moved, he would not say more.

“Then I won’t bother the adults to rest, and someone will send the valley after dinner.”

After the people of Alfu left, Lin Ziqin lay directly on the big bed.

The bed seems to have been made of flowers of some special plant.

Softer than the sofa, he was comfortable lying on it.

There was also a faint fragrance in the air of the room.

Then this is the body fragrance on the body of the big guy Qili…

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