Chapter 259: The Empire’s Journey Will Not Stop!!


The calm space suddenly twists, like a rippled lake.

Hundreds of warships jumped out of the ripples, breaking the tranquility of the universe.


In a room in the land of Sendo.

Xiao Ai’s voice interrupted Lin Ziqin’s meditation.

“Master, the fleet has arrived.”

Lin Ziqin opened his eyes, revealing those dark and bright eyes.

“It’s time to bring this planet into the Empire’s territory.”

“Your Royal Highness, what are you thinking?”

The girl was looking down at the identity bracelet on her wrist in a daze.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

Eleanor looked back at the person who had come before, and there was a slight helplessness in her eyes.

“Isadora, don’t call me so angry, just call me Eleanor as before.”

“This can’t be done, you are now Your Royal Highness!”

Isadora shook her head vigorously, like a rattle.

“If I let other people see it, I will be a rude person!”

Now that Eleanor’s parents are dead, her country is naturally to be inherited from the source.

Unfortunately, the succession ceremony was held in the Kingdom of Fremevilla.

Now the Kingdom of Fremevilla has gathered a large army and is ready to declare war on the Kingdom of Korovud and help her retake the country.

Fortunately, the kingdoms of Fremevilla and Keshapega are brotherly allies.

If it were someone else, she would certainly not declare war on another powerful country for the sake of her, the princess of the fallen country!

If it did, it would certainly have had some other purpose.

“Yeah, what were you thinking about just now?” Are you still thinking about the emperor first? ”

“Well, I just had a dream and dreamed about them.”

Looking at Eleanor, who was full of sadness, Isadora was also heartbroken.

The two are young plum bamboo horses that have been playing from childhood to adulthood.

Although not related by blood, Isadora has always treated Eleanor as her own sister.

“Rest assured, we will definitely avenge the former emperors!”


The two girls hugged each other, and the picture was so warm.


However, this beautiful atmosphere was interrupted by the sudden sound of barrel monsters.

“What happened?”

Eleanor and Isadora came to the window and looked through the window at what was going on outside.

The next second, the two were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Only to see a dozen giant spaceships suddenly appear in the sky!

The ships descended at a very fast speed and finally hovered over the royal city.

“Are these all Mr. Lin Ziqin’s?”

The design style of these spaceships is similar to that of the Chikata-class battleship, and at a glance, you can tell that it must be Lin Ziqin’s!

“But what does he want to do?”

So many ships came at once, and they looked fierce.

Was he trying to start a war?

A terrible thought came to the minds of the two young girls.

Just then, the Charm flew out of these ships.

The direction they are going is the palace!

Seeing this, the two women looked at each other.

“Go, I’ll paddle the door and he’ll go and see!”


They ran all the way, but it took them a good ten minutes to get to the palace.

“King Ambrose, that’s what happened, our Tianyuan Empire intends to bring this planet under its rule.”

As soon as the two of them arrived here, they saw Lin Ziqin standing in the middle of the hall and saying these words to the king sitting on the throne.

King Ambrose clutched the armrest of the throne with both hands, a cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

“Is Your Excellency really going to do such a great job?”

Lin Ziqin shrugged his shoulders and sighed, “Although I’m sorry, the Empire’s journey will not stop.” ”

“But for the help you gave me before, I can give you a chance.”

“Take the initiative to surrender, and I will save your family in the name of the emperor and give you a territory large enough!”

Ambrose trembled, anger, unwillingness, despair and other emotions filled his heart.

“I… Needs to be considered. ”

Ambrose opened his mouth, but could not give a definite answer.

This is his kingdom, the foundation that the ancestors have built over hundreds of years!

He can’t let this country be ruined at his hands!

But for the sake of his family and his people, he was not allowed to make a choice.

“Well, I’ll give you two days, and I’ll come back in two days.”

After speaking, Lin Ziqin turned and left.

When he came to the gate of the palace, Lin Ziqin also noticed Eleanor and Isadora, two young girls.

Lin Ziqin saw a trace of anger in their eyes.

He didn’t make any comment about it, but just nodded at the two of them as a greeting.

However, when passing by the second daughter’s side, Eleanor suddenly asked a question.

“Why are you doing this? Obviously, this country has provided you with a lot of help before! ”

Lin Ziqin stopped and looked back at the young girl.

“Because the journey of the Empire will not stop because of a little kindness.”

“What’s more, the Kingdom of Fremevilla is only one of them.”

“The Kingdom of Keshapega and the Kingdom of Korovud are the targets of the Empire.”

Without saying a word, Lin Ziqin continued to move forward, and finally boarded the Phantom transport plane and left the palace under the watchful eyes of the second daughter.

“Is he trying to conquer the whole world?”

Isadora smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“We should have guessed it.”

With such great power in their hands, it is possible for others to make the same choice.


More than a dozen imperial warships also welcomed over the royal city of the Kingdom of Korovud.

Dealing with the Kingdom of Korowude, Lin Ziqin would not be so soft.

Lin Ziqin directly remotely controlled the fleet and launched an attack on the king of the Kingdom of Korowude.

A large number of unmanned combat mechs fell from the sky and smashed into all corners of the royal city!


A beam of light fell directly into the palace.

This magnificent centuries-old palace has been reduced to ruins!

But fortunately, the king of the kingdom of Korovud did not die in the explosion.

As early as the outbreak of war, he had already left the palace and joined the battle with his subordinates in his own Phantom Crystal Knight.

The kings of the three kingdoms on the continent were all born of warriors.

So it is not surprising that kings join the battle in this world.

“Send our fleet out to find a way to board enemy warships!”

The king fought and commanded.

“But Your Majesty the King, our fleet cannot get close to the enemy’s warships!”

“Enemy warships can fire lasers and shells, and our warships will be destroyed as soon as they get closer!”

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