Chapter 260: Plants that exude magic!!

The royal city of the Kingdom of Korovud was not the only city attacked by the Imperial fleet.

The war has already spread to the entire Kingdom of Korovud and the Kingdom of Keshapega occupied by the Kingdom of Korovud!

The gates of countless city-states were breached and countless soldiers were killed.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Korovud resisted desperately, but everything was in vain.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t stop the Imperial Army’s attack!

This also seems to confirm Lin Ziqin’s original words…

The Empire’s journey will not stop!

Cities were breached one after another.

Just two hours later, the battle was over.

At this time, the entire continent except for the Kingdom of Frémevilla had already been incorporated into the rule of the Empire!

Fast forward to the next day.

Originally, Lin Ziqin gave King Ambrose of the Kingdom of Fremevilla a two-day deadline to choose.

But who knows the next day he gave an answer.

“I am willing to choose to surrender!”

Perhaps because he saw the strength of the empire, or perhaps for some other reason, Ambrose finally chose to give in.

Lin Ziqin said, “Time will prove that your choice is correct!” ”

“I hope so.”

Ambrose sat on the throne in a decadent state.

Ambrose, the once feared lion, is now just an old man who has lost his country.

When leaving the palace, Lin Ziqin once again met Eleanor and Isadora at the door.

When she saw him, the second daughter’s attitude was extremely complicated.

“What, do you still want to say something?”

However, in the face of Lin Ziqin’s inquiry, the two shook their heads.

Isadora said: “We have recognized the reality, and now the only thing we hope for is that the people can be happy!” ”

“They will!”

“If you don’t believe it, time will tell.”

After dropping an incomparably confident assurance, Lin Ziqin boarded the Ghost Scene and left.

As the kingdom of Fremevilla chose to surrender, the planet was finally incorporated into the Empire!

Lin Ziqin only then put all his thoughts on another more important matter.

That’s magic research!

Although he had studied magic before, but he had not studied magic in depth, he still did not know, where did magic come from?

And how it is absorbed by the human body, how it is transformed into magic!

It’s all worth studying!

Magic, magic, this is a new power system completely different from science!

If it can be used properly, it can even take a path that is no less than the side of science, and what Lin Ziqin has to do is to combine science and magic.

That’s right, Lin Zaiqin would never do multiple choice questions.

Because children only make choices, he Lin Ziqin wants them all!

The Empire will also take the two-track route under his leadership!

But that’s all for later.

And now the first thing he has to do is figure out where the magic comes from, and let the other worlds of the Empire give birth to magic as well!

Only by figuring this out could he let the magic spread throughout the entire Tianyuan Empire!

After all, according to Xiao Ai, magic only exists on this planet.

If this problem is not solved, then others who want to learn magic will have to come to this planet.

And when people leave the planet, they can’t get mana replenishment.

Just like a battery, when the mana is exhausted, it will not automatically recover unless it returns to the planet to replenish in parallel.

However, the research did not go well.

After several days of research, Lin Ziqin still couldn’t find the source of the magic.

“Master, I can ask the big guy Miss Kiri if I can row the door.”

Just when Lin Ziqin was at a loss, Xiao Ai gave a suggestion.

“As one of the oldest beings on the planet, she may know something we don’t know!”

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Ziqin directly clapped his hands and applauded.

“How could I not have thought of it?”

“Little love, let Kirito come and see me immediately!”

“Obey orders!”

Soon after, the big guy Qi Li came to Lin Ziqin’s face.

Before she came, she had already heard about Lin Ziqin’s purpose in calling herself.

And she did not hide it from Lin Ziqin.

“Back to the Emperor, I really don’t want to hide it, I really may know what the root of magic is.”


Lin Ziqin was overjoyed, but quickly calmed down again.

“But why is it possible to know?”


That’s not sure!

The big guy Kiri explains: “The reason why it is possible is mainly because I have not studied it. ”

Although they are the people of Alf, they like to explore the unknown, but after all, everyone explores in a different direction.

She had been working on CCS-class cruisers and the technology of the Tianyuan Empire, and the study of force did not cover…

Lin Ziqin immediately asked, “Since you have not conducted relevant research, how do you know?” ”

“It’s because of an ancient book!”

Speaking of the big guy Qili also pulled out an old to yellowed ancient book.


Lin Ziqin’s eyes widened in doubt.

This woman was wearing so many clothes all over her body, and this book was taken out of it?

Is there any dimensional XX?

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin’s eyes shifted slightly, looking at her chest.

The big guy Qi Li also noticed Lin Ziqin’s gaze, but she didn’t know what Lin Ziqin was thinking, just tilted her head.

“Cough cough.”

Lin Ziqin retracted his thoughts and beckoned, and the ancient wisdom flew over and landed in front of him.

When he opened the ancient books, he reacted that he could not read the words of this world.

So he had to let Almighty Little Love help.

“Master, according to the book, magic may be the energy emitted by a plant!”

“Oh? Did you say what a plant it was? ”

“Yes, but unfortunately, that page is broken and the content cannot be read.”


How to break it at a critical moment!

Xiao Ai continued: “However, it is described in the book that this plant usually grows deep underground! ”

Lin Ziqin was surprised: “There are even plants growing deep underground?” ”

“Master, all I can say is that the universe is so big.”

“Yes, I am poor.”

“But now that you know that this plant grows deep underground, it’s easy to do, little love, can you find it?”

In the face of his master’s inquiry, Xiao Ai gave a very positive answer.

“As long as the plant is real, then we can easily find it in our ability!”

“Just know you’re going to say that, and then it’s up to you.”

“Obey the master!”

As it turns out, Little Love is not exaggerating.

In the end she actually found the plants recorded in the book.

The process took less than three days!

As for why Lin Ziqin was so sure that this plant was recorded in the ancient books?

Quite simply, because they had been looking for so long, they had found this plant deep underground!

On top of that, according to the test, this plant is indeed emitting a steady stream of magic knives!

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