Chapter 261 Just that was indirect kissing, right?!!

Whew! Whew! Whew!

In a laboratory.

Lin Ziqin tapped the virtual keyboard with both hands, and his eyes were fixed on the oversized Petri dish in front of him.

In this Petri dish, there is a small pink plant.

This is exactly the magic plant that Xiao Ai found in the depths of the underground some time ago!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Zaiqin seemed to have made an important quick decision.

“The 477th Magic Tree Spawning Experiment Begins.”

Immediately, he pressed a button on the console.

And enter a string of numbers on it.

“The first time acceleration begins, acceleration time is ten months!”

As the words fell, a force of time and space was injected into the Petri dish.

Blinking your eyes, the time inside has passed October!

I saw that the plant that was only a few centimeters tall before it grew to more than ten centimeters in an instant!

“The first success, the start of the second time acceleration, acceleration time one year!”

When Lin Ziqin entered the number 1 year, the plant instantly grew a few centimeters taller!

“Second success! Start the third time acceleration…”

“Start the fourth time…”

“The fifth time…”

Experiments again and again.

Each time will increase the acceleration time.

By the time the fifteenth time started, the acceleration time had been increased to three years!

Tick tock!

It was also this time that the system sent out a report.

“Accusation, plant death, experiment failure!”

The sound of the system was like a basin of cold water splashed on Lin Ziqin’s body.

“Damn, failed again!”

Lin Ziqin’s face was decadent.

Every experiment, each one ended in failure!

“Is it so hard to catalyze it to bear fruit?”

Obviously, the nutrition is abundant, and the environment is also a dark environment that simulates the depths of the underground, but why can’t they grow fruit?


The air pressure door suddenly opened, and the big guy walked in with a small potted plant.

On the potted plant are seedlings of another magic tree.

The big guy Qili handed the potted plant to Lin Ziqin and said, “Emperor Lord, there are five hundred seedlings, and now there are twenty-three pearls left.” ”

In this experiment, Lin Ziqin only brought back five hundred seedlings from deep underground.

However, these five hundred seedlings were almost cleaned up by Lin Zi Qin Huo in just a few days.

“Forget it, the experiment will be suspended for the time being.”

Lin Ziqin’s words undoubtedly made the seedling in front of him live for a while longer.

“Your Honor, are you holding the magic fruit for Amaru?”

The big guy Qi Li had been staying by Lin Ziqin’s side for a while as a research stop.

But even so, she didn’t understand why the Emperor had to give birth to the magic tree to bear fruit.

This can’t blame her, mainly Lin Ziqin has been busy with research these days, and Jin has not woken up.

This time, she had a good chance, and she had the opportunity to ask questions.

Lin Ziqin stepped back and said, “It is recorded in that ancient book that you can get unlimited magic by eating the magic fruit, and I want to know if it is true or not.” ”

“But even if it’s fake, the magic fruit is something worth studying.”

“So no matter what, I’m going to let them bear fruit!”

The big guy Qili nodded, “That’s the way it is.” ”

It is recorded that it takes more than two hundred years for a mature magic tree to bear fruit once, and a power tree only bears fruit once in a lifetime.

And after the result, it will die quickly within a year.

At first, they only found a mature magic tree deep underground, as well as seedlings in the field.

Suffice it to show that the ripe magic tree had already borne fruit not so long ago, so it couldn’t be counted on.

Now their hopes are all pinned on these five hundred seedlings.

But it was a pity that Lin Ziqin used all kinds of means, and they could not make them bear fruit.

“Is it difficult to let them grow naturally?”

Lin Zi Qin Mo murmured with his chin.

More than four hundred experiments made him wonder if the means he was using were correct.

But it only bears fruit once in more than two hundred years, and the time is too long.

Although Lin Ziqin could afford to wait, he didn’t want to wait.

He wants to get the fruit in a short time and do research!

“The host!”

Just when Lin Ziqin was in a mess, Xiao Ai’s foot suddenly flew out.

“Host, new discovery!”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ziqin and the big guy Qili quickly looked at her.

“What new discovery?”

“Master, just half an hour ago we found a second ripe magic tree at another excavation site!”

“Moreover, seventeen fruits have been borne on this magic tree!”

At the end, Xiao Ai’s tone became more and more moving.


Lin Ziqin immediately stood up from his chair.

“Where?” Take me over! ”

“Master, don’t worry, I know you want these fruits, so I specially collected them for you, you see!”

With that, Xiao Ai tore open the space and took out seventeen fruits from inside.

The fruits are all red, like ripe apples, but they are several times larger than apples…

They are protected by a position of confinement.

In the position of confinement, time is suspended, which means that these fruits are always kept in the best condition!

“Well done!”

Lin Ziqin hugged Xiao Ai’s bulging body and kissed it very much.

“Give me one to study!” Save the rest! ”

“Obey orders!”

Lin Ziqin once again entered working mode.

The big guy Kiri also continued to act as an assistant.

Little Love did not disturb the two.

She had more important things to do.

Now that she has opened twelve excavation points, she needs to keep an eye on them.

A few days passed in a flash.

This day.

Lin Ziqin and the big guy Qili walked out of the laboratory after a long absence.

The two men walked together toward the bridge.

Along the way, Lin Ziqin was still nibbling on a magic fruit.

After a few days of research, it was found that the magic fruit can indeed obtain a steady stream of magic power.

And eating will not do any harm to the human body.

Best of all, it tastes good!

This was the second one Lin Ziqin ate.

Unfortunately, after eating the second one, there will be no superposition effect.

This is a waste of a fruit.

But Lin Ziqin didn’t care.

Because with the continuous development of excavation points, Xiao Ai found more and more magic fruits.

At present, there are nearly 100 pieces in stock alone!

Looking at the magic fruit that had been bitten by himself, Lin Ziqin took another look at the big old Qi Li who was following behind him.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

Since eating one more has no other gain effect, it is also a waste to eat two, so it is better to give the big guy Qili to eat!

Just try it, the fruit that has been bitten has not yet made people get the effect of not losing their magic!

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin handed the fruit in his hand to the big guy Qili.

“Eat it!”

The big guy Qili was slightly embarrassed, but he did not give up, directly bearing the fruit and quickly eating it into his belly.

“How does it feel?”

Lin Ziqin asked.

The big guy Qili felt the situation in his body slightly, and then said, “The magic is growing!” ”

It looks like the effect is still there!

Lin Ziqin was very satisfied with such a result.

But is that just an indirect kiss?

Looking at the pink lips of the big guy Qili, Lin Zaiqin’s old face turned red.

He didn’t care much before, but after reacting, he felt a little embarrassed…

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