Chapter 262 Go Home!!

Of course, a few days of research naturally can’t just find this benefit.

Lin Ziqin also found that the magic fruit had another benefit in addition to the infinite magic power that people would obtain.

For some, this benefit is even stronger than giving people infinite magic!

That is, increase lifespan!

And conservatively estimated to be more than a thousand years!

Unfortunately, this is more chicken for Lin Ziqin.

After all, he does not lack life.

A thousand years, compared with his endless lifespan, is simply not as good as a dime.

“I’m curious, how is the person who wrote that ancient book now?”

The person who wrote the ancient book must have eaten the magic fruit to know that the fruit can make people gain infinite magic.

Since he had eaten the magic fruit, it meant that this person had also gained a lifespan of thousands of years.

After obtaining such a long lifespan, where did this person go after that?

Are you still alive now?

If he is still alive, I am afraid that the amount of knowledge in this person’s mind is far more than his!

If there is a chance, Lin Ziqin is very willing to talk to him.

Tempus fugit.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months passed.

Today, the cold time of the world-crossing function is finally over.

Lin Ziqin prepares to return to the Empire Overworld.

Originally, he had planned to let the big guy Qili manage the world on his behalf during the time he was away.

After all, the time flow rate between the Imperial Overworld and this world is very different.

Go back for a day, I don’t know how many years will pass.

However, the big guy Qili has his own ideas.

“Lord Emperor, can I follow you to the Imperial Overworld Horse?”

At this time, the big guy Qili is dressed in a clear way from when he first saw her a few months ago.

The transparent gauze that was too revealing and reminiscent of Fang Fangyu was gone.

Replaced by an off-the-shoulder white one-piece dress.

After all, if she wore this every day and dangled in front of Lin Ziqin, even if her willpower was strong, she would probably not be able to bear it!

But despite this, her devilish posture could not be completely concealed.

Lin Ziqin Mo rubbed his chin and said, “It seems that I can only find someone else to manage the world for me.” ”

Since the big guy Qili wants to go to the Empire Overworld with her, let her follow.

And he is still a little unconfident in the management ability of the big guy Qili.

After all, when this woman was in the land of Sendu, she lay in the big bed almost every day and didn’t care about anything.

The fact that Sendo’s hometown could have such a scene now had little to do with her.

“Who are you looking for?”

Lin Ziqin began to feel difficult.

In this world, he did not have many acquaintances.

The big guy Qili counted one, and the rest were Isadora and Eleanor’s two daughters, but these two little girls were still too small, and she was not very suitable for helping him manage.

“Master, I have a candidate.”

At this time, Xiao Ai suddenly opened her mouth.

“Oh? Who is it? ”

Lin Ziqin looked at Xiao Ai with interest.

Even she has some problems that bother her, but she has a solution?

It’s really surprising.

“Master, do you remember Autumn Water?”

“You mean the former low-level wise servant?” Absolutely. ”

Qiu Shui, formerly known as A206.

It was Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai who recovered the low-level wise servants from the wreckage of the CCS-class cruiser that day.

It’s just that that’s her previous identity.

Now she has been promoted to a high-level wise servant and has her own name, called Qiushui.

Or Lin Ziqin personally named it.

So it became her too!

“Don’t you want her to manage the world for me?”

“Yes, master, she’s the best choice at the moment, isn’t she?”

Lin Ziqin pinched his chin and pondered carefully for a moment, and finally nodded.

“Well, there’s no other choice but to try her.”

In fact, Lin Ziqin still had some concerns in his heart.

After all, Qiu Shuicai had recently been upgraded to a high-level wise servant.

There are still many aspects of her that need to be tested.

At the beginning of the birth of every high-level wise servant, he was not omnipotent.

They will acquire all the knowledge in an instant.

But just like humans, they know a lot, but that doesn’t mean they will have a lot.

At present, Qiushui has never had any experience in management.

This is where Lin Ziqin’s concerns lie.

But for now, it seems that he really has no other better choice.

Lin Ziqin then found Qiu Yue and entrusted her with the heavy responsibility.

Akizuki did not refuse, and said that she would definitely manage the world well.

After that, Lin Ziqin used high-grade materials to build a physical body for her to facilitate her movement.

After doing all this, Lin Ziqin embarked on a journey home with Xiao Ai and the big guy Qili.

When leaving, Lin Ziqin also left half of his fleet for Qiu Yue.

It is convenient for her to manage the world.

The solar system, the Earth in high orbit.

More than a hundred warships floated quietly here.

Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar earth beneath her feet, Cornelia sighed.

“Your Excellency, it seems that this is still not the Overworld of our empire, and the adjutant also sighed softly.”

Although there is a Milky Way, there is a solar system, there is an Earth.

But unfortunately, there is no clan Yuanshiguo.

Even the earth under his feet has not yet given birth to human civilization!

The Earth is still in the age of the dinosaurs.

But the only thing to be thankful for is that he should be closer to the Imperial Overworld!

This is the 13th time they have crossed.

The first 12 times, they had all gone to 960 and other unknown worlds in those worlds, and there was no Milky Way.

And this 13th crossing, they came to a world with an earth, which is also a good sign.

At the very least, it gave them hope to go home.

“Send some people down to catch some dinosaurs and continue to cross.”

With that, Cornelia turned and left the bridge.

Every time she crossed over and met something worth collecting, she would collect it and there was no doubt that these prehistoric dinosaurs were indeed worth collecting.

If they can bring back the Empire, maybe through the Empire’s high-tech cultivation methods, they can make the dinosaurs appear on their earth again!

Even if you can’t, there’s no pressure to have a few real-life versions of Jurassic Park!

A few hours later, the fleet crossed again.

“Hope to return to the Empire this time!”

Before the crossing, everyone silently prayed in their hearts to be able to go home.

Tianyuan Empire Overworld.

Near the Earth’s orbit.

The Tianyuan suddenly jumped out of the slippery space.

“Is this the Imperial Overworld?”

The big guy Qili stood in front of the porthole of the bridge and admired the bustling scene outside.

Spaceships everywhere, huge man-made space stations, huge shields that will envelop the entire earth!

All kinds of things here have a huge impact on her worldview!

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